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The Paros Project 2012
Call for Students and Volunteers for research and study on the island of Paros, GreeceJune 18-29, 2012
The Paros and Cyclades Institute of Archaeology offers students and other volunteers a class-and-field summer program in the Art and Civilization of Ancient Paros for two weeks in summer 2012. Volunteers must be 18 or older.
The island of Paros lies at the center of the Cyclades in the Aegean sea. The Paros Project is managed by The Paros and Cyclades Institute of Archaeology, a non-profit scientific institution registered under Greek law (Prof. Dora Katsonopoulou, President;, see Paros project).
The Paros Project will accept students and volunteers for a period of two weeks between June 18-29, 2012. The main focus of studies will be archaeological including courses on (a) the Archaeology of Paros from Prehistoric times to the Hellenistic Period (b) the ancient Art of Paros focusing on famous Parian sculptors of the Archaic through Hellenistic periods and Sculpture Workshops (c) the Civilization of the Archaic period and one of the most famous poets of ancient times, Archilochos of Paros. The program combines class teaching with visits to all important archaeological sites on the island including the famous ancient marble quarries and the Archaeological Museum in Paroikia, the modern capital of Paros.
The Paros Project will issue certificates of participation for students and volunteers on request.COURSES OFFERED
Archaeology of Paros: From Prehistoric Times to the Hellenistic Age.
The course offers a survey of the archaeology of Paros from prehistoric times to the end of the Hellenistic period. With the help of primary sources (sites and monuments), students will be introduced to the ancient civilization of the Aegean and particularly the civilization of the most important of the Cycladic islands, the marble island of Paros. Teaching will be coordinated with visits to the ancient marble quarries, the ancient sites of Paros’ capital and environs, and the Mycenaean acropolis near Naoussa bay on the northeastern part of the island.
Instructor: Prof. Dora Katsonopoulou, The Paros and Cyclades Institute of ArchaeologySculptors and Sculpture Workshops of Paros.
As well as producing the highest quality statuary marble in the Aegean, Paros was a leading producer and exporter of marble sculpture for much of the first millennium BC. This class will focus upon the spectacular collection of Parian sculpture in the Paroikia Museum, concentrating on its three most creative periods: the Archaic (ca. 600-500 BC), the Early and High Classical (ca. 480-400 BC), and the Late Classical and Early Hellenistic (ca. 350-200 BC). In addition to discussing the function, subject matter, style, and date of the sculptures, we shall pay particular attention to what the ancient Greeks called technê or facture: the intersection of material, technique, style, and skill-at-hand.
Instructor: Prof. Andrew Stewart, University of BerkeleyAn introduction to the viper poet and hero of Paros, Archilochos.
An overview of the Archaic period in the Greek world, when Archilochos, the master of ‘blame poetry’ lived. The course will discuss representative specimens of his work, including the ‘Cologne Epode’ (the publication of which in 1974 scandalized many scholars) and the newly published ‘Telephos Elegy’ (2005), a mythological poem that bears telling comparison and contrast to epic narrative. One of the abiding concerns throughout the course will be the connections between traditional genre and personal experience. Students will be encouraged to consider the insistent ‘I’ in Archilochos’ poems, the powerful first person rooted in a local community and often at odds with it. A reading of the poems themselves, with close attention to the original, will be also be conducted in class.
Instructor: Prof. Ioannis (J.C.B.) Petropoulos, Democritean University of Thrace & Center for Hellenic Studies-Greece, Harvard UniversityCOSTS. Each participant will contribute ¤650 per week for standard double occupancy or ¤800 per week for single occupancy. This donation to The Paros Project is tax-deductible and covers hotel room, two meals a day for a seven-day week, instruction costs plus miscellaneous Paros Project expenses. Payment will be accepted in advance or on arrival in Greece. Should the study season be canceled, the Project will refund the full contribution.
Prof. Dora Katsonopoulou, Project Director
Athens:++30-210-3845658 (Tel. & Fax)
Mobile phone: 6937026588PAROS PROJECT EMAIL: paros.iapk AT