Just a quick note: Bill has made available several articles in the Antiquaries’ Shoebox, his collection of older articles from scholarly journals.
- W.H. Schoff, Some Aspects of the Overland Oriental Trade at the Christian Era (1915)
- W.H. Schoff, The Eastern Iron Trade of the Roman Empire (1915)
- W.H. Schoff, Navigation to the Far East under the Roman Empire (1917)
- G.F. Hourani, Did Roman Commercial Competition Ruin South Arabia? (1952)
- F.J. Haverfield, Ancient Rome and Ireland (1913)
- D. Daly, The Legend of St. Brendan (1904; I loved this one)
And, not about trade or travel:
- D. Pingree, Astronomy and Astrology in India and Iran (1963)
Finally, some fragments from Sallust’s Histories:
- Speech of the Consul Lepidus to the Roman People (Latin and English)
- The Speech of Philippus in the Senate (Latin and English)