[First posted in AWOL 13 November 2009. Updated 11 January 2012]
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
ISSN (print) 0965-9315
ISSN (online) 2041-9015
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Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
ISSN (print) 0965-9315
ISSN (online) 2041-9015
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (PIA) is a peer reviewed, open access journal that publishes research on all aspects of archaeology, museum studies, cultural heritage and conservation. Run by graduate students at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, the aim of PIA is to provide authors with experience in publishing articles early in their careers. We therefore place extra emphasis on the provision of peer review feedback and editorial assistance.
The PIA Forum and Interview sections also provide valuable insights from established scholars.
Vol 21 (2011)
(In production - new articles will appear as soon as they have passed peer review)
Pearson, Schadla-Hall & Moshenska Resolving the Human Remains Crisis in British Archaeology
Bintley The Byzantine Silver Bowls in the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial and Tree-Worship in Anglo...
Vol 20 (2010)
Gill The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Treasure Act
Interview Dominic Tweddle, Director General of the National Museum of the Royal Navy
Hubschmann Who Inhabited Dakhleh Oasis? Searching for an Oasis Identity in Pharaonic Egypt
Perego Magic and Ritual in Iron Age Veneto, Italy
Gustafsson Beware the Invisible
Christidou Re-Introducing Visitors: ... Identity-Related Visit Motivations
Duke et al. The Excavation of Iron Age Working Floors and Small-Scale Industry at Ban Non Wat
Wright Tasting Misery Among Snakes: The Situation of Smiths in Anglo-Saxon Settlements
Kaye et al. Beyond Time Team: Archaeological Investigations at Coconut Walk, Nevis, West Indies
Pohl Quernstones and Tuff as indicators for Medieval European trade patterns
Mazzone The Fishtail Knife Amulet UC14892/2 in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
Vol 19 (2009)
Curtis Relations Between Archaeologists and the Military in the Case of Iraq
Interview Professor Stephen Shennan, Director, UCL Institute of Archaeology
Moshenska Second World War Archaeology in Schools
Fouseki & Sandes Private Preservation vs. Public Preservation in London and Athens
Thomas Approaching Specialisation: Craft Production in Late Neolithic/Copper Age Iberia
Vol 18 (2007)
Caesar Store Tours: Accessing Museums’ Stored Collections
Carnall Zoo Store 1 at the Natural History Museum, London: Meeting National Standards?
Gardner The Uses of Stored Collections in some London Museums
Lejeune The Effects of Online Catalogues in London and other Museums
Edwards The Future for Curators
Keene Collections in the English National Museums: The Numbers
Vol 18 (2007)
Tubb Irreconcilable Differences? Problems with Unprovenanced Antiquities
Interview: Mike Pitts, Editor of British Archaeology
De Nardi Landscapes of the Prehistoric Veneto, Italy
Myers Portable Material Culture and Death Factory Auschwitz
Perego Women’s Voices in a Male World: the Ancient Maya
Reubens Bifacial Elements in Continental Northwestern Europe
Underhill Subjectivity Inherent In By-Eye Symmetry Judgements
Vanna Sex and Gender Related Health Status Differences
Xu Community Participation in Ethnic Minority Cultural Heritage Management in China
Vol 17 (2006)
Aitchison What is the Value of an Archaeology Degree?
Interview Sally MacDonald, Director, UCL Museums and Collections
Stevens et al Danish PhD School in Archaeology: Making Connections
Alivizatou Museums and Intangible Heritage: The Dynamics of an 'Unconventional' Relationship
Moshenska Scales of Memory in the Archaeology of the Second World War
Vol 16 (2005)
Finlayson Present and Future of the British Schools, Institutes and Societies Abroad
Interviews Peter Ucko, UCL and Qin Ling, University of Beijing
Dhanjal Touching the Past?
Edinborough Weapons of Maths Instruction: A Thousand Years of Technological Stasis in Arrowheads
Long The Constitution and Mechanics of the ‘scales’ of Heritage: Sociopolitical Dimensions
Vacharopoulou Conservation and Management of Archaeological Monuments and Sites in Greece and Turkey
Vol 15 (2004)
Hassall Whither Roman Archaeology? Or Wither Roman Archaeology! A London Perspective
Interview Mike Heyworth, Director, Council for British Archaeology
Herrero About the Distribution of Metal Objects in Prepalatial Crete
MacSweeney Social Complexity and Population: A Study in the Early Bronze Age Aegean
Matsuda The Concept of ‘the Public’ and the Aims of Public Archaeology
Vol 14 (2003)
Matthews Year Zero for the Archaeology of Iraq
Interview Don Brothwell, Emeritus Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of York
Burns Visible Proofs of Valour: The Trophy in South Italic Iconography of the 4th Century BC
Kilminster Visitor Perceptions of Ancient Egyptian Human Remains in Three UK Museums
Love Questioning the Location of the Old Kingdom Capital of Memphis, Egypt
Tassie Identifying the Practice of Tattooing in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Veldhuijzen ‘Slag_Fun’ – A New Tool for Archaeometallurgy
Vol 13 (2002)
Tite Archaeological Collections: Invasive Sampling versus Object Integrity
Interview Ruth Whitehouse, Institute of Archaeology
McCarthy ‘Once Upon a Megalithic Time…’: Archaeology in Irish Tourism Literature
Adadia Towards a Definition of Time in Archaeology: French Prehistoric Archaeology
Peters Conservation as a ‘Later Addition’
Townend Interpreting People Interpreting Things: A Heideggerian Approach
Vol 12 (2001)
Ucko Indigenous Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology
Interview Professor Colin Renfrew, Director, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Anderson Plant Names, Politics and Identity: ‘a rose would smell as sweet by any other name...’
Gardner The Times of Archaeology and Archaeologies of Time
Grima Iconography of Insularity: Cosmological Interpretation of Late Neolithic Temples of Malta
Katsari et al Reassessing the Function of Grooves in Mycenaean Tombs
Labadi Industrial Archaeology as Historical Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology
Lindenlauf Thrown Away Like Rubbish - Disposal of the Dead in Ancient Greece
Vol 11 (2000)
Mower Trench Warfare? Archaeologists battle it out
Interview Dr Robert Anderson, Director, British Museum
Handley Not Just Add-Gender-&-Stir; Feminist Archaeology
Brookes The Kent Anglo-Saxon Emporia Project
Harrington Fieldwork Report for the ASKED Project
Gilmore Slave Site Archaeology on St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles
Kleinitz Tracing a West African Past: Rock Art in Sub-Saharan Mali
Vol 10 (1999)
Hamilton Lost in Translation? On Excavation Reports
Interview David Miles, Chief Archaeologist, English Heritage
Mendizábal Current Archaeological Research in Panamá Viejo, Panamá
Mower Deliberate ante-mortem dental modification and its implications
Kaye Photodegradation and photostabilization of historic silks in the museum environment
Hawkes Beyond Romanization: A framework for the study of faunal remains from Roman sites
Vol 9 (1998)
Interview Neil Ascherson, Institute of Archaeology
Fincham Military Communications in the East Anglian Fenland during the Roman period
Häussler Resta, viator, et lege: thoughts on the epigraphic habit
Meredith La Mina El Cerro de San Cristobal: a Bronze Age tin mine
Vol 8 (1997)
Shennan Darwinian Archaeology
Cook et al Report on Excavations at Sedgeford, Norfolk
Allard Growth and Stability Among Complex Societies in Prehistoric Lingnan, Southest China
Bredwa-Mensah et al Archaeological Investigations of Danish Plantation Settlements, Ghana
Vol 7 (1996)
Forum 'Prehistory as Propaganda'
Interview Professor Peter Ucko, the next Director of the Institute
Reynolds Anglo-Saxon human sacrifice at Cuddesdon and Sutton Hoo?
Rogers & Widowson Midden Excavation in Theory and Practice: a Han midden site in Hong Kong
Bredwa-Mensah The production and use patterns of Ga pottery in the lower Densu Valley, Ghana
Tassie Hair-offerings: an enigmatic Egyptian custom
Spigelman The archaeologist and ancient bio-molecules: Field sampling strategies to enhance recovery
Vol 6 (1995)
MacDonald et al Prehistory as Propaganda
Interview Dr. Ian Hodder, University of Cambridge
Reynolds Avebury, Yatesbury and the archaeology of communications
Conlon Incorporation, integration and irrigation at the ancient Maya site of Baking Pot, Belize
Williams The spatial organization of pottery production in Huancito, Michoacan, Mexico
Fonseca Spanish Samian ware: fundamentals and references
Vol 5 (1994)
Interview Professor John Evans
Interview David Harris and Christopher Tilley on Science & Archaeology
Goins The Acid/Base Surface Characterization of Sandstone, Limestone and Marble
Berry The Encapsulation of Salts by Consolidants Used in Stone Conservation
Chandler New Applications of Archaeological Microscopy in the Field
Srinivasan Wootz Crucible Steel: A Newly Discovered Production Site in South India
Reynolds Settlement Morphology and Locational Change in Nth Wiltshire
Meheux The Pattern of Villas in the Severn Valley: Illusion and Change
Collins The Sumerian Goddess Inanna (3400-2200 BC)
Vol 4 (1993)
Ovelaran Palaeoenvironmental investigations in Iffe-Ijumu, southwestern Nigeria
Wilkinson Past erosional and sedimentological process at Sparta
Guest The use and abuse of numismatic evidence in southeastern Europe
Kassianidou The production of silver in Monte Romero, a 7th century B.C. workshop
Oosterbeek Senhora das Lapas: excavation of prehistoric cave burials in central Portugal
Iguaz Aztec mortuary practices in the light of ethnohistorical and archaeological sources
Conlon Elites, eccentrics, and empowerments in the Maya area
Vol 3 (1992)
Wenban-Smith Early Palaeolithic Cultural Facies and the Levalloisian at Baker's Hole
Moloney Lithic Production and Raw Material Exploitation at the M. Pleistocene Site of El Sartalejo
Rice The Boars from Altamira: Solving an Identity Crisis
Currie El Oro, Ecuador: A Case for Ecological Catastrophe?
Williams Pots, Pans, and People: Ceramic Ecology in West Mexico
Ponting The Fenny Stratford Hoard
Scull Exploratory Excavation at Braye-en-Laonnois, Renge River, 1991
Vol 2 (1991)
Arnold Experimental Archaeology and the Denticulate Mousterian
Kruszynski Horse-harness of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Poland
Nijboer Funerary Symbols on the Temple Decorations from the Talamonaccio
Jones Metates and Hallucinogens in Costa Rica
Hahn The Tusk-Shaped Stone Figurines From Coastal Ecuador
Novella Shell Trumpets from Western Mexico
Basa Iron Age in Southeast Asia
An Fish Remains from Konam-Ri Shell Midden Sites, Ammyun Island, Korea
Vol 1 (1990)
Awe et al Early Middle Formative Occupation in the Central Maya Lowlands, Belize
Williams Huichol Ethnography and Archaeological Interpretation
Bequedano et al Similarities Between Sculptures Using Jaccard's Coefficient in the Study of Aztec Tlaltecuhtli
Hunt Inca Volcanic Stone Provenance in the Cuzco Province, Peru
Stewart Burnt Stone at West Heath, Hampstead
Fellner The Problems and Prospects of Cultural Evolution
Skeates What Can the Annaliste Approach Offer the Archaeologist?
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies