- 2012.01.14: Mario Geymonat, The Great Archimedes.
- 2012.01.13: Valeria Maria Patimo, La Pro Cluentio di Cicerone: introduzione e commento dei §§ 1 – 81. Studia classica et mediaevalia, Bd 1.
- 2012.01.12: Peter Jones, Aeneid I and II. Cambridge Intermediate Latin Readers.
- 2012.01.11: James I. Porter, The Origins of Aesthetic Thought in Ancient Greece: Matter, Sensation, and Experience.
- 2012.01.10: Michael Lambert, The Classics and South African Identities. Classical Diaspora.
- 2012.01.09: John R. Senseney, The Art of Building in the Classical World: Vision, Craftsmanship, and Linear Perspective in Greek and Roman Architecture.
- 2012.01.08: Marie-France Guipponi-Gineste, Claudien: poète du monde à la cour d’Occident.
- 2012.01.07: David Karmon, The Ruin of the Eternal City: Antiquity and Preservation in Renaissance Rome.