The Bristol Institute of Greece, Rome, and the Classical Tradition, thanks to a generous donation by the Institute for Aegean Prehistory, will host a Visiting Professorship in Aegean Prehistory during the Academic Year 2012/13. The Visiting Professorship is open to both overseas and UK/EU established scholars (i.e. scholars who have reached a position at least equivalent to Associate Professor, or have produced publications that have made a significant contribution to the field). The Visiting Professorship is tenable for a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 10 weeks (during term time), and carries an emolument of £5,500.
For further particulars and application form please contact:
The Administrator,
Institute of Greece, Rome, and the Classical Tradition, c/o BIRTHA, University of Bristol, 7 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TB, UK. TELEPHONE: (+44) (0)117 331 7879
Closing date for applications: 14 February 2012