«Logeion: A Journal of Ancient Theatre» publishes original scholarly articles in modern Greek, English, French, German, and Italian on every aspect of ancient Greek and Roman theatre and drama, including its reception in modern theatre, literature, cinema and the other art forms and media, as well as its relation to the theatre of other periods and geographical regions. All types of methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives are welcome. Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary approaches.
The Journal will be printed at the end of each calendar year by Crete University Press as a consecutively paginated issue. Prior to the publication of each year’s printed issue, the Journal will be published as a freely accessible (Open Access), provisionally paginated PDF document in order both to ensure that articles are published relatively quickly, and to allow authors to benefit from readers’ responses before the final printing. For the printed issue authors will be able to make minor revisions to the main text of the electronic version or append addenda to their articles.
To learn more, go to http://www.logeion.upatras.gr/.