INTERVIEW WITH J. Z. SMITH (Supriya Sinhababu, Chicago Maroon)
(Via Nicola Denzey Lewis on FB. And yes, I know, Facebook is on a roll this weekend.)
A word of advice for anyone hoping to contact Jonathan Zittell Smith before he returns to campus next fall: Use the mail slot. The religious studies professor— better known as J.Z.—doesn't pick up the phone and has never "seen the Internet." In a two-hour interview, Smith weighed in on chain smoking, dead religions, and the Babylonian Talmud.The interview is a few years old, but this is the first time I've seen it. I caught a glimpse of Jonathan Z. Smith at the San Francisco SBL/AAR meetings last month, so he's still active in the field.
(Via Nicola Denzey Lewis on FB. And yes, I know, Facebook is on a roll this weekend.)