A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity
It was during the sixteenth century in Renaissance Europe that, as a result of the efforts of the Catholic and Protestant scholars of the New Testament, Syriac studies became a part of European intellectual life. [1] Since then, the number of scholarly publications on various matters related to the history, culture and religious life of Syriac-speaking Christians has only increased. As these publications are in a variety of languages, and many of them scattered through journals and periodicals belonging to various academic fields, it is often difficult to obtain precise information on what has already been published on one or another aspect of Syriac Christianity. Our project aims to fill the evident gap in the bibliographical resources and provide a convenient and easily accessible tool for the worldwide scholarly community. The ultimate goal of this project is to create and launch an on-line database on Syriac Christianity that will be updated on a regular basis and available free of charge to the international scholarly community...
It was due to the inspiration provided by these innovative developments as well as by the Hebrew University's RAMBI database of articles in Jewish studies that the thought of a Syriac bibliographical project first occurred to me five years ago. I am particularly glad that the Center for the Study of Christianity of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, my alma mater, has recognized the importance of this project and decided to support it...
At present, the database includes more than 14.000 bibliographic entries. Some of these entries have been retrieved from already existing on-line bibliographic databases on biblical and patristic studies, such as the Index Theologicus of Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, the Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics of Université Laval and some others...