"ARDI" (Ardipithecus ramidus) -- 4.4 MYA OLD SPECIES -- ON HUMAN LINE
One of the most hotly debated issues in current human origins research focuses on how the 4.4 million-year-old African species Ardipithecus ramidus is related to the human lineage. "Ardi" was an...
View ArticleUpdates at the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library
Israel Antiquities Authority Updates Dead Sea Scroll LibraryThe Leon Levy Dead Sea Scroll Digital Library receives an upgrade, including new content and high-quality photos.By Tova Dvorin First...
View ArticleOrganising a PAS in the US [not so] "Simple"
According to a metal detectorist "Big Tony from Bayonne" (February 4, 2014 at 2:04 pm), organising a PAS-like system for isolated finds would be a doddle:Our lands are a far cry from several hundred...
View Article“The Birthplace of Miami”
MIAMI, FLORIDA—Over the past six months, archaeologist Bob Carr and his team have uncovered a 2,000-year-old Tequesta village site consisting of eight large circles of postholes carved into the...
View ArticleLiveblogging the #HamOnNye Debate
I will be trying to liveblog the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham this evening, assuming that everything goes smoothly. I can well imagine that, if the government underestimated the ability of the...
View ArticleA New Sapphic Poem ~ Wading into the Morass
In case you haven’t heard, Dirk Obbink has recently announced the discovery/publication of two ‘new’ poems by Sappho and they’re causing quite the flurry of activity on blogospheres (as you may have...
View ArticleNormal People and Intelligent Discussion
Look at any metal detecting forum or blog. Then look at an online discussion of a subject by normal people and the differences become obvious. Take for example the two ongoing discussions at the...
View ArticleFlorida Archaeologist on the Portable Antiquities Scheme
Lisa MacIntyre commented in a thread on a metal detecting blog near you on Britain's Portable Antiquities Scheme. She thinks "the PAS thingy" is a "fantastic idea" for introduction into US...
View ArticleEBay provides Egypt with "Documents"
In the wake of the story that eBay was suspending sales of ancient Egyptian antiquities, we find Dina Abdel-Alim ('EBay removes sale of 125 ancient Egyptian antiquities from website', Cairo Post Feb....
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by enricoeprodi
I quote from the AIP guidelines (link in Prof. Walsh’s post above):§3: “That all members observe scrupulously not only the laws applicable to them in their home countries, including those implementing...
View ArticleThe Consummation of Empire
The Consummation of Empire, Thomas Cole, Oil on canvas, 1836Filed under: Ancient Rome, Art Tagged: Paintings, The Consummation of Empire, Thomas Cole
View Article#HamOnNye Games
Joel Watts shared this bingo game to play during tonight’s debate:You would obviously need to print versions with the squares in different places, otherwise all players will win at the same time.Joel...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Justin Walsh (@jstpwalsh)
Forgive my cynicism (unfortunately derived from observation of the illicit antiquities market), but there are certainly ways in which papyrologists could work with looted scrolls and still feel...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Alexander Nikolaev
I’d like to reply to some of Professor Walsh’s statements addressing the argument I made in my previous posting.“Power of a powerful scholar’s name alone to legitimate an antiquity” – this is not true...
View ArticleLatin Proverbs and Fables Round-Up: February 5
Here is a round-up of today's proverbs and fables - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might...
View ArticleThe Emperor Became Augustus
On this Day in Ancient History - February 5 Augustus. St Petersburg - Hermitage. CC Flickr User thisisbossi. In 2 B.C., the first ...Read Full Post
View ArticleHow Much does the Treasure Act cost Britain Annually?
On a metal detecting blog near you, metal detectorist Bill from Lachine (Montreal Canada) ponders the deeper meaning of the UK's Portable Antiquities Scheme and wonders about its costs. He struggles to...
View Articlesoihavetoenteraurleh: Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. Drawn on my...
soihavetoenteraurleh:Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. Drawn on my 3DS using Colors! 3D.
View ArticleDetectorists Dissect Archaeology
Stephen William SylviaIn the light of the frequent designation of artefact hunters as "wannabe archaeologists" (sic) it is quite instructive to see how some metal detectorists see archaeologists. For...
View Article2014.02.02: Ancient Mediterranean Philosophy: An Introduction. Bloomsbury...
Review of Stephen R. L. Clark, Ancient Mediterranean Philosophy: An Introduction. Bloomsbury history of philosophy. London; New York: 2013. Pp. xi, 245. $27.95 (pb). ISBN 9781441123596.
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