From the ashes: A million year old fire
Fire. Image: Lars Tinner (Flickr, used under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)Deep within the Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa an international team led by the University of Toronto and Hebrew University has...
View ArticleThis Day in Ancient History: pridie nonas apriles
pridie nonas apriles 357 B.C. — Aristotle observes the transit of the moon past Mars (source?) ludi Megalesia (day 1 … associated with the next item, obviously) 204 B.C. — the image and cult of the...
View ArticleLayer of historical monuments in France
A subset of the French database of historical monuments, Base Mérimée, has been integrated into RFO. It contains important monuments in archaeology, history and architecture constructed before the...
View ArticleStudents Blog
A public blog has been an integral part of how I teach my history of architecture at Lancaster. Rather than submitting material on paper, students post a weekly progress report on their research. I...
View ArticlePlanning my First Trip Out West
This weekend I’m going to make my first foray into the wilds of western North Dakota. Regular readers of my blog know that this trip is tied to my newest small research project which looks at...
View ArticleWoolly mammoth may have been killed by humans
BBC Nature - Woolly mammoth may have been killed by humans
View ArticleAncient Christian Artifacts in Rome: Origins of Scholarly Work
(Larry Hurtado) By happy accident (often a feature of scholarly research!) yesterday, I ran across an article I would likely never have learned about otherwise: Ann Marie Yasin, “Displaying the Sacred...
View ArticleBirthday Party Speech
For forty years I've been one of the most fortunate people I've ever heard of. Starting from the global perspective, there is of course hardly a single country on Earth where people live under such...
View ArticleClash of the Spartans/Homerathon
Brief notice of some interesting stuff going on at UNC Greensboro: When in Foust Park, do as the Romans do. And the Greeks, as well. Classics Day: Clash of the Spartans will be Saturday, April 14,...
View ArticlePrehistoric skeletal remains found in Taiwan
Archaeologists in Taiwan are hoping to get independent reviews of skeletal remains found in Liang Island, about 200 miles west of Taiwan, which is thought to date to 7,900 years ago. Skeletal remains...
View ArticleTalpiot Tomb, Jesus Mythicism, and Related Round-Up
Mark Goodacre had a busier blogging day than we’ve seen from him in a long time, discussing both the evidence that ossuaries in Talpiot tomb B (the “patio tomb”) had been moved around, and seeming...
View ArticleNicholas of Myra Mythicism?
Jesus mythicism is akin to someone saying that because there is no Santa Claus, it makes the most sense to say that there wasn’t a historical bishop Nicholas of Myra.It seems as though some are afraid...
View ArticleIran Human Rights Documentation Center - Publications
Publications of Iran Human Rights Documentation Center."The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center is an independent non-profit organization that was founded in 2004 by human rights scholars and...
View ArticleSave a British Film Icon!
From: "MaggieWalsh - on behalf of Save Twickenham Film Studios"Twickenham Film Studios is a small, all-round film studio located in the outskirts of London. It has been a working Studio for 99 years,...
View ArticleNews: Our City, Our Story: Pioneer of the Past
Our City, Our Story: Pioneer of the PastThe story of a forgotten Rockford son, a collossal figure in his time. Still casting a shadow of his impact from the Oriental Institute to all textbooks of...
View ArticleBlogosphere ~ The Herculaneum Conservation Project on YouTube
Blogging Pompeii: The Herculaneum Conservation Project on YouTube.
View ArticleBlogosphere ~ News article: Pompei, scavi senza pace: sequestrata area a...
Blogging Pompeii: News article: Pompei, scavi senza pace: sequestrata area a rischio amianto.
View ArticleBlogosphere ~ Who needs an osteologist?
Bone Girl: Who needs an osteologist?. [wow ... even I can do better than that]
View ArticleBlogosphere ~ The Beginning of Philosophy
Laudator Temporis Acti: The Beginning of Philosophy.
View ArticleBlogosphere ~ A Deleted Scene–And Why My Editor Killed One of My “Darlings”
History With A Twist: A Deleted Scene–And Why My Editor Killed One of My “Darlings”.
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