Turkey to act on Bubon bronzes
It is now clear that Turkey is seeking to reclaim the major series of imperial Roman bronzes that were removed from the Sebasteion at Bubon in southern Turkey. The statue bases were left in situ and...
View ArticleBig News On The Small Mammoth
A couple of years ago I wrote about a very small mammoth found by tusk hunters in Siberia. As I said at the time, Loran Fisher’s son, Daniel Fisher, is part of the research team that is studying the...
View ArticleOveraggressive US Prosecutors Basing Sotheby's Seizure on Repealed Foreign Law?
It appears that the US Government is hinging its seizure of a valuable statue from Sotheby’s based upon French colonial era laws that were repealed when the Khmer Rouge took power. See...
View ArticleLes sous-sols de l'Antiquaille
Titre: Les sous-sols de l'AntiquailleLieu: Musée gallo-romain de Fourvière / LyonCatégorie: DiversDate: 16.03.2012 - 30.11.2012Heure: Description: Le musée gallo-romain met à l’honneur l’actualité...
View ArticleNew website: Arkysite
Arkysite (David Lightbody)Obviously David Lightbody's CRE paper has now been presented. You will find an update on his site, at the above address, about the Old Kingdom text that he mentions in his...
View ArticleSalt Damage on the Wall Reliefs of Dendera Temple, Egypt
Conservation Magazine With detailed photos.By Hesham Abbas KamallyThe present study aims to identify and to characterize the main deterioration mechanisms that affect the wall reliefs of Dendera...
View ArticleBook Review: Documentary Arabic Private and Business Letters on Papyrus
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Reviewed by Emily Cottrell)Eva Mira Grob, Documentary Arabic Private and Business Letters on Papyrus: Form and Function, Content and Context. Archiv für Papyrusforschung...
View ArticleEgiptólogos catalanes encuentran 1.200 peces de la época faraónica
La Vanguardia (Silvia Colome)Thanks to Amigos de la Egiptologia for this link.With some great photos.Rough and ready translation: This year's season of the Catalan mission at Oxyrhynchus has ended with...
View ArticleManchester Museum's Posterous Podcast.Using papyri to reconstruct the lives of ancient Egyptian women via @chelseadickenson on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free.Egyptology News...
View ArticleNew Book: Tausret
Oxford University Press Tausret. Forgotten Queen and Pharaoh of EgyptEdited by Richard H. WilkinsonDescriptionOne of only a few women who ruled ancient Egypt as a king during its thousands of years of...
View ArticleMillionth visitor for travelling exhibition of Egyptian relics
The Bolton News A touring exhibition of Bolton Museum’s Egyptology collection has attracted its one millionth visitor in the Far East.The exhibition — Quest For Immortality: The Bolton Museum...
View ArticleYou as an object
Vimeo (Ana Maria Moutinho )VideoWe describe an interactive installation implemented in a museum context. The prototype is based on skeleton tracking, through Kinect camera, the application was...
View ArticleMore re foiling of smugglers
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref)The saga of the 80 objects began in April 2010 when the customs unit at Brussels airport caught an Egyptian woman red-handed as she tried to smuggle 80 small genuine...
View ArticleBook Review: Women in Ancient Egypt
Daily Mail (Review by John Harding)Women in Ancient Egypt by Barbara WattersonA woman in Ancient Egypt spent a lot of time with a broom in her hand because it’s a country with a lot of sand. Constant...
View ArticleBook Review: Legitimate Robberies
Al Ahram Weekly Legitimate Robberies by Ashraf El-Ashmawi. Egyptian Lebanese Publishing House.A new book examines the longstanding and often authorised theft of Egypt's heritageJudge at the appeal...
View ArticleMagic Numbers
UCL Museums and Collections Blog (Rachel Sparks)Well it's not news, but it did provoke a wry smile. So nicely written. There is a legend that when every object in a collection has been given a unique...
View ArticleNew version of the hieroglyph dictionary by Mark Vygus
Pyramid Texts Online Thanks to Mark Vygus for letting me know that the newest version of his hieroglyph dictionary is now available on the above page, with another 120 pages since the last update...
View ArticleAntiquities Ministry demands halt of building construction in Alexandria
Ahram Online The Ministry of State for Antiquities (MSA) has called on Alexandria governorate and all relevant authorities to stop immediately digging works in the vicinity of the Greco-Roman Museum. A...
View ArticleNefertiti again, 100 years on
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref)It seems that there is no foreseeable resolution to the long conflict between Germany and Egypt over ownership of the 3,400-year-old bust of Queen Nefertiti, wife of the...
View ArticleMartial, Epigrams 7.77
exigis ut nostros donem tibi, Tucca, libellos. non faciam: nam vis vendere, non legere. You demand that I give you my little books, Tucca. I shan’t, as you want to sell them, not read them. As often...
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