2012.04.18: Reading Ancient Slavery
Review of Richard Alston, Edith Hall, Laura Proffitt, Reading Ancient Slavery. London; New York: 2011. Pp. x, 235. $40.00 (pb). ISBN 9780715638682.
View Article2012.04.17: The Bronze Age Begins: the Ceramics Revolution of Early Minoan I...
Review of Philip P. Betancourt, The Bronze Age Begins: the Ceramics Revolution of Early Minoan I and the New Forms of Wealth that Transformed Prehistoric Society. Philadelphia: 2008. Pp. xx + 136....
View Article2012.04.19: Giovanni Tzetzes, La poesia tragica. Edizione critica, traduzione...
Review of Giovanna Pace, Giovanni Tzetzes, La poesia tragica. Edizione critica, traduzione e commento (2nd edition; first published 2007). Speculum, 27. Napoli: 2011. Pp. 178. €30.00 (pb). ISBN...
View ArticleJesus Discovery documentary and updates
The Jesus Discovery documentary on those Talpiot (Talpiyot) Tombs etc. is airing in North America this evening. Here are a couple of recent blog posts to get you ready:James McGrath, Exploring Our...
View ArticleMore on the SWBTS DSS fragments
A LEVITICUS FRAGMENT from the collection belonging to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminar gets some coverage by a local news station:Dead Sea Scrolls At Fort Worth Baptist SeminaryApril 11, 2012...
View ArticleSLAM's Collecting History of the Ka Nefer Nefer Mask (IV): The Little House...
.Continuing my exploration of the version of the collecting history of the Ka Nefer Nefer cartonage mask now in St Louis Art Museum we now come to the most mysterious of the steps by which it travelled...
View ArticleΟι γενίτσαροι και η μουσουλμανική κοινότητα της Κρήτης
April 19, 2012 - 2:01 AM - Γιάννης Σπυρόπουλος, υποψήφιος διδάκτορας του Τμήματος Ιστορίας & Αρχαιολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης
View ArticleScabby Hands at St Louis
. I have previously drawn attention to the scraped-off area of paint on the St Louis mummy mask hand. Here is what it looked like before this operation (photo from Goneim's 1956 book, The Buried...
View ArticlePalaeopathology and Urban Decline at Imperial Gabii (Italy)
As I noted yesterday, I'm at the AAPA conference in Portland. Here's the poster I'm presenting today, which details the recent work I've been doing at Gabii. (For those of you at the conference, I'm...
View ArticleBodleian and Vatican libraries to digitise ancient texts
Image via Flickr user adrienpoly The Bodleian Libraries and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana have received a £2 million grant from the Polonsky Foundation to launch a collaborative digitisation...
View ArticleRadio interviews with Andrew Wallace-Hadrill on Herculaneum
Two radio interviews with Andrew Wallace-Hadrill on Herculaneum, the Herculaneum Conservation Project and the challenges of conserving the Vesuvian sites. Both are available online as podcasts....
View ArticleWill Durant and Geological Consent
In 1998, I was in my first - no, it was my second year of working on this site for what was then known as the Mining Company, and I was madly collecting quotations that had been made by archaeologists,...
View ArticleDionysius Cato, Distichs 4.49
Cato wrote a collection of distichs purveying assorted bits of wisdom. The final poem of the set explains why he chose this form: miraris versus nudis me scribere verbis? hoc brevitas fecit, sensu uno...
View ArticleThis Day in Ancient History: pridie idus apriles
pridie idus apriles ludi Cereri (day 1) — games in honour of the grain goddes Ceres, instituted by/before 202 B.C. 65 A.D. — death of Seneca 250 A.D. — martyrdom of Vissa (or Vissia) at Fermo 300 A.D....
View ArticleClassics Confidential: Mary Beard on ‘Meet the Romans’
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s little piece from the BBC, the Classics Confidential folks were talking to Mary Beard about her upcoming three-part series. Sounds like it’s going to be a good one...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Verdolay
Verdolay : Museo Arqueológico de MurciaISSN: 1130-9776Verdolay 2009, nº 12, Revista del Museo Arqueológico, Segunda época 2009 Revista del Museo Arqueológico de Murcia. Segunda Época, Número 11 2008...
View ArticlePress release: “SALVALARTE”:
From the SANP Press Office, news of some special visits to the women's section of the Stabian Baths during the Week of Culture: Siti archeologici vesuviani “SALVALARTE”:XIV Settimana della Cultura...
View ArticleOpen Access Publications of the Museo Arqueológico de Murcia
Museo Arqueológico de Murcia: Open Access PublicationsFORA HISPANIAE Paisaje urbano, arquitectura, programas decorativos y culto imperial en los foros de las ciudades hispanorromanas 2009 La pintura...
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