1912-2012 Εκατό χρόνια έρευνας στην προϊστορική Μακεδονία
Οι θωρακοφόροι ανδριάντες του Αδριανού:Τεκμήρια “φιλελληνικής πολιτικής” ή “πολιτικού ρεαλισμού”;
„ 100 Years of Hellenic – Austrian Palaeontological Co-operation”
Το επιχειρηματικό Μουσείο: Στρατηγικές και μοντέλα
Εορτασμός εκατονταετίας από την ίδρυση της ΙΣΤ΄ ΕΠΚΑ
2012.11.01: Books Received October 2012
2012.11.02: Divine Interiors: Mural Paintings in Greek and Roman Sanctuaries. Amsterdam Archaeological Studies, 16
2012.11.03: Plato and Myth: Studies on the Use and Status of Platonic Myths. Mnemosyne. Supplements, 337
2012.11.04: L'homosexualité féminine dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine. Collection d'Etudes Anciennes, 135. Série grecque
Gospel of Saint Matthew [Object of the Day #99]
This papyrus fragment was discovered by Grenfell and Hunt (of the Egyptian Exploration Society) at the site of Oxyrhynchus in 1897 at the beginning of several seasons of excavations that took place at the site from 1896-1907.
The name Oxyrhynchus (meaning “bent-nose”) comes from a type of fish that was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. The town of Oxyrhynchus is 300 km south of Alexandria, or 160 km south-west of Cairo.
Oxyrhynchus became an important center during the Greco-Roman Period. In later antiquity it was famous for its many churches and monasteries. Today the village of el-Behnesa occupies part of the ancient site.
Working largely in ancient trash dumps, Grenfell and Hunt discovered a treasure-trove of written material – over 40,000 fragments written in Greek, Latin, Demotic, Coptic, Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic. This material dates mostly to the period of 250 BC to AD 700.
A number of important documentary and classical literary texts were found here. These early excavations also discovered a wide range of early Christian literature. The excavators chose to work at the site because of its reputation as an important Christian site, with a number of churches and thousands of monks in the fourth and fifth centuries.
The first season of work at the site unearthed this fragment, the beginning of the gospel of St. Matthew, which at the time of its discovery was the oldest text of the New Testament ever discovered, dating to the third century AD. For those who study New Testament Greek, E2746 is known as P1.
This fragment is not the only New Testament text found at the site. Excavators there subsequently uncovered another 27 New Testament papyri fragments.
The Penn fragment contains Matthew 1:1-9, 12 and 13, 14-20, which give the genealogy of Jesus. It is written on both sides of the papyrus. The pages are numbered at the top with a Greek letter α (page 1) and β (page 2) indicating that the papyrus’ original format was that of a codex (or book), rather than a scroll. The text is written in Greek uncial writing, with all of the letters in capitals, with no spaces in between words. The name of Jesus Christ is abbreviated IY XY with a superscript line above the letters.
The Sackler Library at Oxford houses most of the Oxyrhynchus papyri. The Penn Museum received this fragment as well as over 50 other Oxyrhynchus papyri from these excavations.
Penn Museum Object #E2746
See this and other objects like it on Penn Museum’s Online Collection Database
Blogosphere ~ On This Day In 1903 Mommsen Died
Blogosphere ~ Thursday Resource: TheLatinLibrary.com
Canepress.org – Books & Publications for Latin and Greek Teachers: Thursday Resource: TheLatinLibrary.com.

Blogosphere ~ Roman Murder Mystery!
Blogosphere ~ Hipponax’ feud with Bupalus: Fact or Poetic Fiction?
Blogosphere ~ ‘I drank what?’
Blogosphere ~ Turkish Seller Offers Erdfrisch papyri on EBay
This Day in Ancient History: ante diem iv nonas novembres
- 1656 B.C. — traditional date for the start of the Great Flood (according to one calculation)
- 285 B.C. — Ptolemy II Philadelphus ascends the throne of Egypt as co-ruler with Ptolemy I(by one reckoning)
- 188 A.D. — martyrdom of Eustachius/Placidus (in a bronze bull!)
- 303 A.D. — martyrdom of Justus of Trieste
- 304 A.D. — martyrdom of Victorinus of Pettau
- 315 A.D. — martyrdom of Carterius and his companions (soldiers under Licinius)

Δημόσια Συνεδρία για την έκδοση του 150ου τόμου της Αρχαιολογικής Εφημερίδος
Classical Words of the Day
canonize (Dictionary.com)
sequacious (Merriam=Webster)
noun 1: patria , patriae, f => country, homeland bit.ly/IKAclf #Latin #Vocab #LatinVocab—
(@LatinVocab) November 02, 2012
monere: to advise, to warn: verb. Example sentence:Debetis me monere si erro.Translation:You should warn me if I… bit.ly/Ya3wqG—
Latin Language (@latinlanguage) November 02, 2012