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Today I’ll attend a seminar on current research and projects concerning the Middle ages in Sweden åt Östergötland County museum, Linköping, Sweden. The seminars are being held by contract-archaeologist as well as resrearchers.
Among the seminars are:
Krokeks Cloister – the franciscan forest convent by Marie Ohlsen, Östergötland museum.
Devestation or restructring – the Linköping are during the Iron Age and Middle Ages by Karin Lindeblad & Maria Petersson, the National heritage board UV öst (east)
Ecological & social connections associated with the black death by Per Lagerås, the National heritage board UV syd (south)
Slaves, tradesfolk and common people – strangers during the middle ages and how we find them by Mats Roslund, archaeologist, Lund University.
To work with a gender perspective on historic landscapes by Elisabeth Gräslund berg, geographer, Stockholm University.
Hemvidakulla – a deserted farmstead in Ydre by Hans Andersson, professor emeritus historical archaeology, Lund University
Musical meetings – music during the Middle Ages by Lars Jonsson, music producer and artistic director, NoMeMus.
Etc etc.
This post will be updated during the day.
Magnus Reuterdahl