Axis Mundi ![]()
Axis Mundi is an online journal edited and maintained by Religious Studies students at the University of Alberta. Axis Mundi accepts contributions from students in any year of studies - undergraduate and graduate - in Universities and Colleges across Canada. We encourage submissions pertaining to any aspect of the academic study of religion.
Axis Mundi is sponsored by the University of Alberta Religious Studies Department.
More recent articles are in PDF format, to view them you require Adobe Acrobat.2010/2011 Articles
- Recovering the Progressive Spirit of Islam: Ijtihad and Its Transformative Possibilities in Islamic Feminism
Early Christian Communities and Hagiography
- "Food for the Wild Beasts," or The Very Special Dead: A Conference Panel on Martyrdom in Early Christian Communities
- The Power and Authority of Perpetua the Proto-Martyr
- Bodies of Suffering: Discourse and Power in the Martyrs of Hagiography
- Jesters, Jongleurs, Clowns and Other Unsavoury Types:A Review of Benedicta Ward's Harlots of the Desert: A Study of Repentance in Early Monastic Sources. Cistercian Studies Series 106. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1987
2009/2010 Articles
2008/2009 Articles
- New Models in Judaean-Christian Relations
- Paul (in Romans) and Plutarch (in On Superstition): An Exercise in the Practice of Comparison
- Durkheim and the Social Functions of Sacred Music
2007/2008 Articles
- Sister Insider/Outsider: On the Use Of Feminist Theology in Religious Studies
- Pentecostalism in the Modern World
- Darshan as Mode and Critique of Perception: Hinduism's Liberatory Model of Visuality
2006/2007 Articles
- Augustine's Interpretation of Matthew 5:17 and Its Historical Context
- Religion as a Means of Maintaining Legitimacy in the Canadian State
- Enacting Orthodoxy in Walter Martin's The Kingdom of the Cults
2005/2006 Articles
- Coping with Trauma through Spiritual Remembrance: A Case Study of Canadian Veterans of the Vietnam War
- Jewish Constructivism: Making Room for Hybridity
- Ascending towards Death and the Real Unknown: A Consideration of the Notion of Fana (in the Mathnawi of Jalal al-Din Rumi) and the Apophatic Theology of Dionysius the Areopagite
- No Menstruating Mystics: The Intensification of Niddah Laws after the Destruction of the Second Temple and their Application in the Hekhalot Literature
- Effing the Ineffable: Demystifying the Muhammad Cartoon Controversy
- Legend, Veneration, and Nationalism: The History of Devotion and Pilgrimage to the Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa
- Lost in Translation: An Analysis of the Original Meanings of Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit in the Hebrew Bible
A Myth of Innocence: A Review Symposium
- Reviewing Mack's ReVisioning: A "Review Symposium" on Burton L. Mack's A Myth of Innocence
- ReMarking the Place of Mark in Christian Origins: A review of: Mack, Burton L. A Myth of Innocence: Mark and Christian Origins. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988
- Gospel Formation and the Catalytic Corrective A Review of: Mack, Burton L. A Myth of Innocence: Mark and Christian Origins. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988
- Burton Mack's Myth of Innocence as Can(n)on Criticism: A Review of: Mack, Burton L. A Myth of Innocence: Mark and Christian Origins. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988
2004/2005 Articles
- Divine Providence and Retribution in Ancient Historiography: A Comparative Analysis of the Book of Chronicles and Herodotus' Histories
- Hinduisms, Christian Missions, and the Tinnevelly Shanars: A Study of Colonial Missions in 19th Century India
- Matthew's Nativity Narrative from a Mythic Perspective
- A Mutual Advantage: Interreligious Dialogue and the Discipline of Religious Studies
2003/2004 Articles
- One Hundred Years of Papal Thought on Nature
- Enlightenment and Altered States of Consciousness: The Limits of Tibetan Shamanic Buddhism
- The Founding Fathers Of Wicca
2002/2003 Articles
- Meat, Garlic and Onions: An Analysis of Eating Restrictions in Buddhist Culture
- A Comparison of the Baptism of Jesus Narratives in the Synoptic Gospels: Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22
- Intertextual Remnants in the Study of Midrash
- Myth Making in the Bible and the Ancient Near East: The Yahwist Primeval Creation Myth
2001/2002 Articles
- The Wisdom of Judith: A Contrast between Judith 8:12-17 and 8:29-31
- To Be Transformed by a Vision of Uncreated Light: A Survey on the Influence of the Existential Spirituality of Hesychasm on Eastern Orthodox History (Part 1)
- On St. Anselm's Proslogion: Fides Quaerens Lucem Inaccessibilis
- Representations of Kali in Patriarchal Society
- The Buddhism of Star Wars
2000/2001 Articles
- Bodily Performance, Ideological State Apparatuses and the Illusion of Belief
- The Status of Women in Theravada Buddhism
- Entrances and Barriers: Doors, the Iconostasis & Sacred Space from an Eastern Christian Perspective
- The Creation of a Temptress: Lilith and the Changing Nature of Eve
- When I Point to the Moon, Don't Stare at My Finger
- The Possibility of Emerging Parallels Between the Paradigms of Quantum Theory and Biblical Creationism
- Syncretism In Burma and Thailand
- Chinese Buddhism: A Syncretic Blend of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism
- Monism and the Sufi Tradition
- The Rise of Anti-Semitism
- The Moral Indefensibility of Some Western Political Perspectives in Relation to Confucian Philosophy
1999/2000 Articles