I have my list of great archaeology blogs to follow that I am constantly adding to. Here a few others I have recently added and would recommend to follow:
Archaeology and Tech blogs-
archaeograph- http://www.archaeograph.com/
“Archaeograph = an Archaeological Photograph.” That sums up this blog perfectly. If you have every done any sort of archaeological work or are planning to, most likely you will have to take photos and this website is invaluable. It is not just limited to photos either, Noel has several great posts on apps for archaeologists Apps for Archaeologists #1 – Fieldwork tools and Apps for Archaeologists #2 – Research tools
Regional and Local Area Archaeology Blogs-
Archaeology and History of Medieval Sherwood Forest- http://sherwoodforesthistory.blogspot.co.uk/
“A website dedicated to the archaeology and history of Medieval Sherwood Forest; its landscape and people, the dreaded forest law and outlaws and villains.” You would be amazed at how much there is to Sherwood Forest outside the story of Robinhood. I will be completely honest, when I first subscribed to this blog I was so-so in my feelings about Sherwood Forest. Now, I am hooked and can not wait for each one of Andy’s new posts to come out.
Experimental Archaeology-
Experimental Archaeology- http://experimentalarchaeology.wordpress.com/
“This site is dedicated to experimental archaeology and is meant as a resource to all who study it. The site, although new, will hopefully bring together diverse resources of all forms (papers, audio, visual, results etc) on the subject for easy and free access for researchers around the world. I hope that it will be of use to whomever visits this site.”
ElfShot: Sticks and Stones- http://elfshotgallery.blogspot.co.uk/
“Long ago, when people found stone arrowheads in their fields they believed that the tiny arrows were darts used by elves or fairies to cause mischief. They called them Elfshot. Understanding the archaeological record is like trying to put together a puzzle with most of the pieces missing. At Elfshot, we try to fill in some of those missing pieces. Tim Rast is a Canadian archaeologist and a flintknapper who specializes in artifact reproductions and knapped jewelry based on artifacts found across the Arctic and Subarctic, with an emphasis on Newfoundland and Labrador.”
One of my new favorite blogs to follow. I highly recommend following this website.
Archaeology Photo Blogs-
Visualizing_Neolithic- http://visualizing-neolithic.blogspot.co.uk/
visualizing_neolithic is a photography project upon the material culture of the lakeside neolithic settlement Dispilio in greece [http://web.auth.gr/dispilio] This blog has been going for several years and it is very different type of blog to follow but very interesting.
A full list of these blogs and more can be found here