Saturday 15th February 2014
The Gallery, Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool
Pompeii is the most iconic city of the ancient world and has come to stand as a symbol for the ancient world in the popular imagination and contemporary media. However, there is still much that we do not fully understand about this most famous of archaeological sites and exciting new research directions are taking seek to contextualise our understanding of Pompeii as a living community within its contemporary Roman context as well as an enduring emblem of the achievement of Roman culture and the destructive power of nature.
Aimed at researchers, learners and the general public, this day consists of lively illustrated lectures on all aspects by leading international researchers on their latest research into ancient Pompeii and modern perceptions of the city and its cultural legacy. Papers cover aspects of history, archaeology, geology and the reception of Pompeii by contemporary societies. There will also be a hands-on demonstration of Roman artefacts during the break.
To book a place online go to:
<see below for the full programme>
10.30 Registration and Morning Coffee
11.00 Alan M. Greaves (University of Liverpool)
Introduction and Welcome
11.10 Keynote Speaker: Pedar Foss (DePauw University, Indiana)
The original viewing; Pliny and the eruption of Vesuvius
11.50 Heather Sangster (Edge Hill University)
Pompeii to Present: Human responses to eruptions of Vesuvius (Italy) from the classical period to 1944 and their implications for present-day disaster planning
12.20 Rick Jones (Leeds University)
Urbanisation and city development of Pompeii
12.50 Discussion
13.00 Lunch and Display
- During the lunch break there will be a handling session with Roman materials from the collections of The University of Liverpool’s Garstang Museum of Archaeology
14.00 Claire Holleran (Exeter University)
The commercial life of Pompeii
14.30 Fred Jones (University of Liverpool)
Gardens in Pompeii
15.00 Fiona Hobden (University of Liverpool)
Pompeii on the screen
15.30 Closing Address: Pedar Foss (DePauw University, Indiana)
The Ghosts of Pompeii: What are we looking for?
16.00 Alan M. Greaves (University of Liverpool)
Closing remarks and thanks
To book a place online go to:
About Us:
The University of Liverpool’s Mediterranean Archaeology Research Group is a large group of academics and research students who approach the study of the ancient Mediterranean and adjoining regions of the Near East and Europe. Our research methods include excavation, survey, scientific analysis and documentary research. We actively seek to engage a wide audience in discussion and exploration of our research via day schools, research seminars and exhibitions.