Illicit Cultural Property | Vernon Silver reports on the Gaza Apollo
@Illicit Cultural PropertyVernon Silver reports on the Gaza Apollo
View Articlefinal chat on 'empire' by steven saylor, wednesday, february 5
This will our third and final chat, on February 5, about Empire (Rome Series #2) by Steven Saylor(link includes eBook):from Lucius: The Seeker, A.D. 93 through Marcus: The Sculptor (A.D. 113-141)....
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by calyptorhynchus
Not a query about the Greek, but about the English!In the second poem ‘whomever’. There is no such word as whomever, it is a hypercorrection. In English the word is ‘whoever’ whether subject or object.
View ArticleFunding opportunity: ENITAS scholarships
The ENITAS scholarships offered by Chulalongkorn University offers up to THB100,000 for research taken in Thailand or ASEAN for in the arts or humanities. The deadline for application has been extended...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by jackvaughan
One thing on which I think all posters would agree. It would be good to see a clear digital image of the papyrus. Will we have to await the publication of the ZPE article(s). Note, there was a...
View ArticleEgyptian coffin, likely from Thebes, mid-21st Dynasty (about...
Egyptian coffin, likely from Thebes, mid-21st Dynasty (about 1000 - 968 BCE).This sarcophagus, or coffin, including a base, lid, and mummy board, dates to the middle of the Twenty-first Dynasty (c....
View ArticleNew London Sappho
pre-print (no longer available)Archaeologists wonder whether an unprovenanced papyrus should be published:Classical Archaeology NewsLooting MattersFor reference, this is the ASP's statement on such...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Justin Walsh (@jstpwalsh)
Distinguished or not, the questions that are being asked are really pretty simple, and they actually go to the heart of the discovery’s significance. I’ve written directly to Dr Obbink twice in the...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by jackvaughan
Dear Dr. Walsh,Thank you for the additional information. Both your note and the three links I opened drilling down a bit added to my information and helped explain your discomfort. I had wrongly taken...
View ArticleAIA Goes Back on its Principles?
A publication of the Archaeological Institute of AmericaThe Archaeological Institute of America seems to be abandoning its principles. Douglas Boin queries the article 'Two Poems Discovered on Ancient...
View ArticleHendrick Goltzius et les Métamorphoses d’Ovide
À propos d’un ouvrage de la réserve patrimoniale de Lille 3.La sortie du film « Goltzius et la Compagnie du Pélican » de Peter Greenaway nous rappelle fort à propos que l’œuvre gravé d’Hendrick...
View ArticleFreshly-Surfaced Sappho Papyrus: Where did it come from?
Where did the anonymous London collector obtain the ripped up papyri fondled by Oxford academic Dirk Obbink on which he found the new poem by Sappho ('No-Questions-Asking UK Academic Reads a...
View ArticleCastel Rigone, Week 22: Royalty
Reblogged from Shades of Umbria:[youtube=]The sun was shining in Perugia on Saturday afternoon, but above Lake Trasimeno clouds and mist...
View ArticleROMARCH: Liverpool Research Day: Pompeii
MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY RESEARCH DAYPompeiiSaturday 15th February 2014The Gallery, Foresight Centre, University of LiverpoolPompeii is the most iconic city of the ancient world and has come to stand...
View ArticleOxford Postdoc in Cult of Saints: Syriac
SYRIAC HAGIOGRAPHY IS SO 2014: Research Associate, Cult of Saints project: SyriacSalary: £29,837 - £31,664 p.a.Fixed-term for four and a half yearsOxford vacancy reference: 111754We are seeking to...
View ArticleAbout East and West
On Tuesday, February 11, 2014, Evangelos Livieratos, Professor of Higher Geodesy and Cartography, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, will give a lecture.The post About East and West appeared first...
View ArticleLe Donne on the Noah Movie
ANTHONY LE DONNE: Noah... like a Dumpster Fire waiting to Happen. There is plenty of scope for a disastrously bad movie here, but we'll see ...Earlier posts on Darren Aronofsky's upcoming Noah movie...
View ArticleBen-Dov and Sanders (eds.), Ancient Jewish Sciences
ONLINE PREVIEW: Ancient Jewish Sciences and the History of Knowledge in Second Temple Literature. Editors: Jonathan Ben-Dov and Seth L. Sanders. TOC:Acknowledgments1. IntroductionJonathan Ben-Dov and...
View Articleancientart: Genie with a poppy flower. Relief from the Palace...
ancientart:Genie with a poppy flower. Relief from the Palace of king Sargon II at Dur Sharrukin in Assyria (now Khorsabad in Iraq), 716–713 BC.Courtesy & currently located at the Louvre, France....
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