Rabbits Unearth Artifacts at Land’s End
LAND’S END, ENGLAND—Burrowing rabbits have reportedly led archaeologists to 8,000-year-old Neolithic tools, a Bronze Age burial mound, and an Iron Age hill fort near the tip of Cornwall known as Land’s...
View ArticleArrival of domesticated camels in the southern Levant
Radiocarbon dating pinpoints when domesticated camels arrived in the southern Levant, pushing it forward from the 12th to the 9th century BCE
View ArticleArchebo zoekt junior archeoloog
Archebo bvba is op zoek naar een junior archeoloog (m/v). Er is geen ervaring vereist. De archeoloog zal worden ingezet op enkele projecten in Limburg en Vlaams-Brabant. Het is dan ook noodzakelijk...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by carolinetschroeder
I would be interested in knowing more about the provenance, also.
View ArticleOpen Access Archaeology Digest #322
Lots of great Open Access (free to read) Archaeology articles:A Neolithic chambered long cairn at Edinchip, Perthshirehttp://bit.ly/14uS6NPAdditional Notes on Leaden Fontshttp://bit.ly/ZhSSSpExcavation...
View ArticlePrejudiced Philistines Representing Antiquities Trade Jest at Loss of Life
You really have to be a sad individual to joke like Bailey and Ehrenberg's Peter Tompa about the loss of life in a terrorist attack. Using the labels: "Egypt, Egyptian MOU, Egyptian Museum,...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Justin Walsh (@jstpwalsh)
I would like to publicly second Prof. Tronchin’s questions. If the fragment is authentically ancient (which is yet to be proven), it has a provenance in some licit or illicit excavation. Dr. Obbink has...
View ArticleStep Pyramid Uncovered in Southern Egypt
TORONTO, ONTARIO—A step pyramid dated to 4,600 years ago has been uncovered in southern Egypt, at the ancient settlement of Edfu, by a team led by Gregory Marouard of the University of Chicago’s...
View ArticleThe Mold Gold Cape 1900-1600 BC Early Bronze Age Found in a...
The Mold Gold Cape1900-1600 BCEarly Bronze AgeFound in a Burial mound at Bryn yr Ellyllon, Mold, Wales (Faerie’s or Goblin’s hill)The cape would have been unsuitable for everyday wear because it would...
View ArticleWest Eurasian ancestry in eastern and southern Africa (Pickrell et al. 2014)
I had mentioned this when it was in preprint form and now it has appeared in PNAS. The great advantage of preprints (and why I'm all for them) is that they allow us to look at research much earlier...
View ArticleFor Aaron Swartz
I didn’t know Aaron Swartz. And yet his tragic end touched me a lot. I saw some friends and colleagues react strongly in the weeks following his death, as strong as you can be in front of a tragedy at...
View ArticleRemains of England’s Ancient Iron Industry Discovered
EAST SUSSEX, ENGLAND—Archaeologists working ahead of road construction in southeastern England have found evidence of the region’s high-quality iron industry. “There are only a small number of really...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e...
Principia:Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras da UERJISSN: 1415-6881O seu nome, em latim, significa "princípios", os princípios da Cultura Ocidental, cujas...
View ArticleThe Sappho Papyrus
It would be interesting to know the full and authenticated collecting history of the new Sappho Papyrus fragment that is due to be published in ZPE by Professor Dirk Obbink from Oxford (see press...
View ArticleFollowing Hadrian | The Villa Borg – images of a reconstructed Roman Villa in...
@FOLLOWING HADRIANThe Villa Borg – images of a reconstructed Roman Villa in Saarland (Germany)http://ift.tt/1bWfp7T
View ArticleAncient World Mapping Center: New Public Map Tiles and Antiquity À-la-carte...
@Ancient World Mapping CenterNew Public Map Tiles and Antiquity À-la-carte 3.0 Betahttp://ift.tt/1fpGLWu
View ArticleNew fragments of poems by Sappho, questions of provenance
Those of you who follow news in classical studies are already well aware of this story: two previously unknown fragments of poems by Sappho have been recently discovered and are being published in a...
View ArticleLinear B, Knossos & Mycenae | Examples of Linear B – Greek – English...
@Linear B, Knossos & MycenaeExamples of Linear B – Greek – English Vocabulary at Levels & 2 (Elementary)http://ift.tt/1cOSzTX
View ArticleLooting Matters | The Sappho Papyrus
Looting MattersThe Sappho Papyrushttp://ift.tt/1gHChQq
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