Paolo Monella sets forth his position on his blog Post-doc bourse
Why are there no digital scholarly editions of "classical" texts?
Why are there no digital scholarly editions of "classical" texts?
- Starting point: we have a problem. Yes, we do
- Where I argue that there are no digital scholarly edition of a classical text with a multi-testimonial tradition (and I explain what I mean by that).
- Point 1: We don't have classical digital scholarly editions because classicists just don't feel they need them
- The title says it all.
- Point 2: They don't feel so because of the "canonisation" of the classical corpus
- Where I argue that classical texts are quite well preserved after all (due to "canonisation", in a double-entendre sense that I explain), and that classicists don't feel they need digital scholarly editions because they consider textual variance not too meaningful and they are more focussed on the "Text" than on "documents".
- Point 3. The missing link: is there also a modelling flaw?
- Where I notice that we have digital editions of "Texts" and digital editions of "documents", but no editions that link them (digital scholarly editions), and suspect that may be a flaw in our modelling of textual primary sources.