Exciting developments at Flag Fen
As a rule, this site is about my own research into the archaeology of the built environment, but I was asked if I could do my bit to aid a new project at Flag Fen; since this is one of the most...
View ArticleL'étude des cultes funéraires dans l'Italie antique
Titre: L'étude des cultes funéraires dans l'Italie antiqueLieu: Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme / StrasbourgCatégorie: Séminaires, conférencesDate: 04.04.2012Heure: 09.00 h - 17.00...
View ArticleLe site de la Magliana dans la banlieue romaine
Titre: Le site de la Magliana dans la banlieue romaineLieu: Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme / StrasbourgCatégorie: Séminaires, conférencesDate: 05.04.2012Heure: 09.00 h - 11.00...
View ArticleDoctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen
“Delta and the Bannermen” is another Doctor Who episode from the Sylvester McCoy era that seems to be unsure what sort of story it wants to tell. Doctor Who has always combined the serious and...
View ArticleBonus Edition of Egyptological on 3rd April
We were planning an edition of Egyptological at the end of April but we are pleased that Dr Joyce Tyldesley has given one of our writers an interview about the new Manchester online diploma. Since...
View ArticleOpen Access from Internet Archaeology- The S. Omobono Sanctuary in Rome:...
This article presents the preliminary results of a new research and fieldwork project on the site of S. Omobono in the area of the river harbour of Rome. At S. Omobono, a series of excavation...
The Getty and the New York Met are among the U.S. institutions the Turkish government has contacted over artifacts it believes were smuggled out of the country. The government of Turkey is asking...
View ArticleVeneralia
The month of April honored the foam-born goddess Venus, just as March honored the war god Mars, even if the etymology is less clear in April's case. Read Full PostVeneralia originally appeared on...
View ArticleNotes on this Blog – The Manifesto
What a ride. It’s been over three years since this blog began so Idecided to pause the history stuff for just one post and talk about myexperience. I started the blog because I wanted to create an...
View ArticleSame Data, Different Interpretations?
It is a common claim of young-earth creationists that they are looking at the same data as mainstream scientists, and merely interpreting it differently. But in actual fact, reality, with its hard...
View ArticleBiblical Studies Carnival for March 2012
Jim West has posted the latest Biblical Studies Carnival, with a round up of lots of interesting things that have been blogged about Biblical studies over the past month. Click through and check it out!
View ArticlePalm Sunday, April 1, circa AD 33
It was a clear indication of Jesus’ genuine humanity that he didn’t always know when he was taking a joke too far…
View ArticleProclaim liberty for cultural property!
© David Gill In a surprise move, the Walford Campanological Society based in London's East End have requested the return of the so-called "Liberty Bell" currently displayed in Philadelphia. Recent...
View ArticleRoman Bioarchaeology Carnival XV
All your Roman(ish)-skeleton-goings-on from the month of March. I might have to start posting every other week again now that the weather is nice and excavations have picked back up... Excavations and...
View ArticleHours of the Gennadius Library during the Easter Holidays
During the Easter Holidays, the Gennadius Library will be closed to the public on April 13, 14, 16 and 17. On Thursday, April the 12th, the Library will close at 5pm.
View ArticleMusisque Deoque: Un archivio digitale di poesia latina
Musisque Deoque: Un archivio digitale di poesia latina Il progetto di ricerca “Musisque Deoque. Un archivio digitale di poesia latina, dalle origini al Rinascimento italiano”, è partito alla fine del...
View ArticleThe problem with shipwrecks in Indonesia
An interesting article giving an overview of the salvage of shipwrecks in Indonesia in an environment of corruption and legislation. The case of the Belitung shipwreck is also mentioned. Treasures from...
View ArticleOpinion/Provocation: Why are there no digital scholarly editions of...
Paolo Monella sets forth his position on his blog Post-doc bourseWhy are there no digital scholarly editions of "classical" texts?AbstractStarting point: we have a problem. Yes, we doWhere I argue that...
View ArticleFocus on Metal Dertecting: Site-Wrecker Depth Detectors, Shh, Pretend You're...
A while ago the metal detecting forums were all agog with details of the tests of the Blisstool LTC64 V3 and how powerful it seems to be. It apparently reaches depths that other machines cannot, while...
View ArticleThe Pompeii Quadriporticus Project is pleased to announce that our second publication is now available at the FastiOnline: E. Poehler and S. Ellis. 2012. "The 2011 Season of the Pompeii Quadriporticus...
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