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The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Collections Database
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Collections Database
PennMuseum provides information about its collections to the public via an onlinedatabase that draws upon the Museum's EMu collections management system. As a workin progress, the Museum continuously strives to improve both the quantity andquality of the data contained within the online database.
Currently,the online database contains more than 326,000 object records representing 660,000 objects with 51,500 images illustrating 24,500 object records. Based oncurrent workflows, we expect the number of objects records to increase byroughly 7,000 records every six months, with anadditional 5,000 object photographs added as well.
Publicationof the Museum's collections data is rooted in an ideal of open access. Coredetails about Museum objects are available for the majority of the Museum'sdigitized object records. Note, however, that not all records included hereinhave been reviewed for completeness or accuracy. That process is ongoing andthe Museum would welcome your assistance in drawing our attention to anyparticularly egregious omissions or inaccuracies. Some object records and/or detailsare not available for public access due to issues of cultural sensitivity orbased on other considerations. If you have any questions or concerns about theobjects or object information that you discover in this database, please email online.collections@pennmuseum.organd cite the relevant object number(s).
Pleasecontact us before publishing object information taken from this website as notall records have been reviewed for accuracy...