More on the inscribed object from Jerusalem
MORE ON THE INSCRIBED OBJECT FROM JERUSALEM: Joseph I. Lauer has sent out a Hebrew University press release that explains the theory of Professor Naeh more clearly and with greater detail.News Release...
View ArticleA post-doctoral fellowship in Bologna
This is a call for applications to a post-doctoral one year fellowship in Greek Epigraphy, starting from March 1, 2012. Applications must be submitted by Jan. 31, 2012, according to the “Bando” on...
View ArticleA Roman brothel token?
I was hoping to keep out of the story about the "Roman brothel token" found by a metal detectorist near Putney Bridge and now on display at the Museum of London. But I think someone had better give a...
View ArticleDoctor Who: Mawdryn Undead
I had forgotten the name of this episode, “Mawdryn Undead,” and so when I checked out the DVDs of the Black Guardian Trilogy from the library, I remembered the second and third by name but was drawing...
View ArticleSeminario de Investigación sobre las excavaciones del Grupo URBS
A través del Grupo Urbanitas de facebook hemos recibido esta información del Grupo de Investigación y Arqueología URBS sobre la celebración de un Seminario de Investigación sobre sus excavaciones. Os...
View ArticleA Paper on Corinthian Peasants
As regular readers of this blog know, David Pettegrew and I have been working on a paper about peasants in the Corinthian countryside for a joint APA/AIA panel at this years annual meeting in...
View ArticleAnthropologies: The Workmen of Mes Aynak
Ryan Anderson’s wonderful Anthropologies project is on its tenth edition: Beyond Words (the visual issue) I wrote my contribution in India, in longhand, then typed it out in an internet cafe. First...
View ArticleHangers-On?
While some archaeo-bloggers are claiming that the 20% or so of the comments in favor of the extension of the MOU with Cyprus are somehow more profound than the 77% opposed (as if this makes up for the...
View ArticleExhibit Hall Preparations at Annual Meeting
The Exhibit Hall hours are 2 pm to 6:00 pm today, Thursday, January 5; 9:30 am to 6:00 pm on Friday, January 6; 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday, January 7; and 8:00 am to 12:00 pm on Sunday, January 8.
View ArticleRevolution in the Arab World: The Long View
Research paper from the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University."In Revolution in the Arab World: The Long View, CCAS presents recent analysis of the historical context and events...
View ArticleIn ancient Pompeii, trash and tombs went hand in hand
In ancient Pompeii, trash and tombs went hand in hand
View ArticleA false quotation circulated by Christians?
Curious Presbyterian falls into what seems to be a pot-hole: Janie B. Cheaney asks out loud what a lot of us have quietly thought: Why are Atheists So Mean? Seen on “How do atheists...
View ArticleFrom my diary
This afternoon I sat down with Origen, Homilies on Ezekiel 8-10 (and Jerome’s preface), and compared our translation with the 2010 ACW one. The object of the exercise was to locate any serious...
View ArticleSunzi's Ancient Art of Cheating
When I was a kid I enjoyed playing the 1984 computer war game Sun Tzu's Ancient Art of War. Last spring I visited Tiger Hill in Suzhou where there is a small temple to the great strategist's memory....
View ArticleLive from Singapore
2012 for me looks set with plenty of movement. This year is meant to be my fieldwork year and I hope to be working in a number of sites in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. Rather than flying out of...
View ArticleThe University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology...
Read the Press Release The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Collections DatabasePennMuseum provides information about its collections to the public via an...
View ArticleCNG Online Auctions
.There is quite an interesting discussion going on over on the Yahoo Hammered Coins (that's UK hammered coins) collectors' forum about CNG's online auction accompanying the New York sale discussed in...
View ArticleDept. of Bad Taste: Making Light of Attack on Art at Clyfford Still Museum
Suffering damage: "1957-J-No. 2," Clyfford Still MuseumPerhaps I shouldn't be surprised by the many commentators who seem to be finding cause for merriment in the sad damage done last Friday to a...
View ArticleActualité de l’Antiquité / 7
Revue de liens Voici notre première revue de liens de l’année 2012 qui témoigne d’une actualité très diverse sur l’Antiquité. What a pity ! Depuis le 1er janvier 2012, il n’est plus obligatoire de...
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