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Ego primus iambos ostendi Latio: Re-evaluating Horace’s Epodes
University of Manchester 2nd – 3rd July 2012Horace proclaims his Epodes an innovative triumph (ego primus iambos/ ostendi Latio, Ep. 1.19.23f.) yet until very recently they have remained in the gutter of the Augustan canon. For some his uncompromising iambic persona is considered too unsavoury for serious study; for others the Epodes pale in comparison with his Odes and are dismissed as Horace’s poetic early years (the B-Side to the Satires). Contemporary scholarship, however, is beginning to readdress the balance: important studies on the collection’s unity, representations of the Horatian persona(e), and consideration of the Epodes’ relationship to the Greek iambic tradition have helped to revive critical interest in Horace’s Epodes.
This conference seeks to build on this work with the aim of rehabilitating the Epodes as poems with a complex literary texture. Topics to be explored include: Horatian Iambus; Horatian Fable; intertextual play between the Epodes and the works of authors, both previous and subsequent, such as Lucilius, Ovid, Quintilian, and Petronius. Confirmed speakers include: Susanna Braund, Curtis Dozier, Ian Goh, Julia Nelson Hawkins, Tom Hawkins, Timothy Johnson, and Michael Sullivan.
Keynote Speakers are: Emily Gowers (Cambridge) and Ellen Oliensis (Berkeley)
The Conference Fee for both days is £60, or £35 for one day (which includes lunches and coffee). We also have a limited number of graduate bursaries available (reducing the cost of the conference to £20 for both days).
Accommodation is available at the University for £30 a night (B&B, shared bathroom facilities) and there will be a conference dinner on the Monday night (£20 per person).
For more information, including the conference booking form and provisional programme, please see the conference webpage.
If you have any questions, please contact the conference organisers: Philippa Bather (philippa.bather AT or Claire Stocks (claire.stocks-2 AT