JOB: Generalist @ UGA
Seen on the Classics list: The DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICS at the UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA invites applications for a full-time, renewable lecturer in Classics, beginning August 2012. We seek a broadly-trained...
View ArticleCONF: Ego primus iambos ostendi Latio: Re-evaluating Horace’s Epodes
Seen on the Classicists list: Ego primus iambos ostendi Latio: Re-evaluating Horace’s Epodes University of Manchester 2nd – 3rd July 2012 Horace proclaims his Epodes an innovative triumph (ego primus...
View ArticleArchaeology a burden on debt-stricken Greece
When the news bulletin in February announced that over 70 objects of inestimable value had been looted from the Olympia Museum, we might have thought that this was a regrettable but isolated...
A team of archaeologists have found "hidden" remains of prehistoric buildings and fields on Skomer Island, off the Pembrokeshire coast. Using new technology, they "X-rayed" fields and found buried...
View ArticleThe Public Impact
At the Secondary Context I workshop, Dr. Giorgio Buccellati spoke movingly of his commitment to the people who live in Mozan ( the village for which the tell that covers ancient Urkesh is named). He...
View ArticlePhysics of a disaster: the Titanic
Titanic Bow Replica. Image: Aidan McMichael (Flickr, used under a CC BY-ND 3.0) Even a century after the “unsinkable” ship disappeared beneath the waves, scientists, researchers, and historians...
View ArticleTips for Better Digital Archaeology: Getting an RSS Feed from Websites...
Yesterday, I wrote about how you could create a Google Bundle of several RSS feeds into one feed. I talked about how this would be good if you wanted to create a stream of content from a bunch of...
View ArticleNeo-Colonialist American Museums Propose Bullying Maliies
. The statement by Stephen J. Knerly (Jr.) on behalf of the Association of Art Museum Directors to the Cultural Property Advisory Committee concerning the extension of the 2007 bilateral cultural...
View ArticleAmerican Museum Directors Want Shopping Lists from the Colonial Peripheries
. The statement by Stephen J. Knerly (Jr.) on behalf of the Association of Art Museum Directors to the Cultural Property Advisory Committee concerning the extension of the 2007 bilateral cultural...
View Article"Detecting Wales" Did not Care who saw...
.Detecting Wales, the forum for Welsh metal detectorists has a thread called "Your greatest find as a Detectorist . . .". One "NFL" ("Superhero Member") had misgivings about that. On June 21, 2010 he...
View ArticleThe Abduction of Europa
I am currently in Tyre, in the deep south of Lebanon. From my hotel room, I can see the sea and hear the surf, and if I turn my head a bit to the right, I can see the remains of the former ‘Egyptian...
View ArticleNew Issue of SAA Archaeological Record (Open Access) New...
New Issue of SAA Archaeological Record (Open Access) New Directions in Bioarchaeology
View Article“Jonah” Ossuary Discussed in Print in 1981
By Eric M. Meyers and Christopher Rollston, ASOR Blog Guest Editors for March 2012 It has come to the attention of the ASOR Blog that a newspaper article about the so-called “Patio Tomb” in East...
View ArticleThe Best of Bones Don’t Lie
In honor of my birthday (which was yesterday), I’m doing a summary post of the top five Bones Don’t Lie posts. These are the posts which have received the most hits, links, likes, and a couple that are...
View ArticleAdmixture in different regions of Argentina
99 AIMs are probably not good enough to obtain accurate admixture estimates, but they are probably sufficient to highlight real differences in the origins of different Argentinean sub-populations. PLoS...
View ArticleAmnesty International Report
Middle East and North Africa: Year of rebellion: The state of human rights in the Middle East and North Africa2011 was a year without precedent for the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa...
View ArticleSLAM: "We don't have any interest in possessing a stolen object"
David Linenbroker, the attorney for the St Louis Art Museum (SLAM), has spoken about the legal ruling over the Egytian mummy mask acquired by the museum ("Judge: 3,200-year-old mummy mask can stay in...
View ArticleMugging up on Moses Finley
I'm suffering right now from a nasty case of "too much to do" syndrome. I'm sure your know it well (just swap your own particular obligations for mine). At the top of the list are five new...
View ArticleSyrian Digital Library of Cuneiform
Amid all the death and destruction, The General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums of the Syrian Ministry of Culture has announced the online Syrian Digital Library of Cuneiform, part of the...
View ArticleNewly Online from the Oriental Institute's Backlist
The Oriental Institute announces six older titles now available for free download at the Oriental Institute website: Oriental Institute Publications 1: Oriental Forerunners of Byzantine Painting:...
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