The Oriental Institute announces six older titles now available for free download at the Oriental Institute website:
Oriental Institute Publications 1: Oriental Forerunners of Byzantine Painting: First-Century Wall Paintings from the Fortress of Dura on the Middle Euphrates, by James Henry Breasted (University of Chicago Press, 1924)
Oriental Institute Publications 50: The Rise of the North Arabic Script and Its Kur'anic Development, with a Full Description of the Kur'an Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute, by Nabia Abbott
(University of Chicago Press, 1939)
Oriental Institute Publications 75: Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri I: Historical Texts, by Nabia Abbott (University of Chicago Press, 1957)
Oriental Institute Publications 76: Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri II: Qur'anic Commentary and Tradition, by Nabia Abbott (University of Chicago Press, 1967)
Oriental Institute Publications 77: Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri III: Language and Literature, by Nabia Abbott (University of Chicago Press, 1972)
Oriental Institute Publications 90: Ptolemais: City of the Libyan Pentapolis, by Carl H. Kraeling (University of Chicago Press, 1962)
For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see: