News article: Pompei, arrivano i francesi: "Pronti ad investire"
From MetropolisWeb: Pompei, arrivano i francesi: "Pronti ad investire" La delegazione ricevuta da Caldoro, poi la visita alle aree Una delegazione francese e le forze produttive locali interessate al...
View ArticleDoes Reading the Bible Lead to Atheism? Does Losing Faith Save one from...
Hemant Mehta shared this cartoon about the year after the “Year of the Bible” in Pennsylvania:Reading the Bible can indeed lead to people losing their faith, if their faith was placed in the Bible,...
A stick figure man with a giant phallus is the oldest rock carving found yet in the Americas, researchers say. Scientists discovered the ancient carving in a cave named Lapa do Santo in central-eastern...
More than 3 millennia ago, people came to Chavin de Huantar, a village in a high valley in the Peruvian Andes, to hear the oracles speak - in the voice of resonant conch shell trumpets, with the help...
View ArticleNapoli. Presentato il restauro dell’Apollo di bronzo
From ArcheoRivista:Napoli. Presentato il restauro dell’Apollo di bronzoDopo due anni dalla fine del restauro, la statua bronzea del dio Apollo dell’omonimo tempio dell’area archeologica di Pompei,...
View ArticleScholiastae: Alciphron 2.6 and 2.7
Two more letters from Alciphron today. Since they are a dialog between Anicetus and Phoebiane, both are in the same document: Alciphron 2.6-7.The first sentence of 2.7 was such a monument of Greek word...
View ArticleEffects of distance from stone source on landscape-scale variation in Oldowan...
Effects of distance from stone source on landscape-scale variation in Oldowan artifact assemblages in the Paleo-Olduvai Basin, Tanzania-- Blumenschine et al: oldowan: Open Access Article: Ongoing...
View ArticleHebrew Fail in Left Behind II (and what it says about today’s End-Times...
Fred Clark shared an image from the movie Left Behind II: Tribulation Force, a movie that he has been blogging about (and highlighting the problems and the shortcomings of). I share it because it...
View ArticleRoman Bioarchaeology Carnival XIV
This is a bit late, but here's your now monthly round-up of news in the world of Roman bioarchaeology (broadly defined, as usual)... New Finds The big story out last month was in the area of...
View Articlepolice arrest at least 36 illicit antiquities dealers, with thousands of...
On Saturday, Greek police arrested tens of illicit antiquities dealers, from the largest illicit antiquities network in Greece, in a ‘mousetrap [φάκα]‘. Halkidiki police uncovered the gang. Then, over...
View ArticlePicking at TLE 939 some more
I feel like revisiting artifact TLE 939 (aka ET Cr 0.4). There are a lot of different versions of the story on this and translations are hampered by irritating transcription disagreements and, alas,...
View ArticleGreek Police Arrest 35 with Stolen Antiquities Including Coins
Greek police investigating antiquities smuggling have arrested 35 people, in several locations in the north and centre of the country, and recovered thousands of ancient coins and other artefacts....
View ArticleA Month for Roman Holidays
Martius (March), the Roman month devoted to and named after the god of war, Mars, was so filled with celebrations -- fasti -- that there was a special day in it to rest from the festivities. It wasn't...
View ArticleUniversity of Chicago: Assistant Professor - Ancient Mediterranean Art History
Source: HERC, Higher Education Recruitment Consortium.TheDepartment of Art History at the University of Chicago announces a juniorposition (tenure-track) in the art and visual culture of the...
View ArticlePlease pass along to any and all interested parties and forgive duplications: Hello all, I am pleased to off the two courses listed below this summer online. There are both undergraduate and graduate...
View ArticleUS Dealer "Diggers" is an "Educational Programme"
.Dealer Dave the Californian coin shop proprietor, commenting on an article by Keith Kloor which he found in Science Magazine, reckons the fuss about two TV programmes about Treasure hunting in the US...
View ArticleLe serment: religion et linguistique
Titre: Le serment: religion et linguistiqueLieu: ENS Ulm / ParisCatégorie: Colloques, journées d'étudesDate: 09.03.2012 - 10.03.2012Heure: 17.15 hDescription: Information signalée par Charles Guittard...
View ArticleDealer Dave's Definitions: Looting
.Dealer Dave the Californian coin shop proprietor, commenting on an article by Keith Kloor which he found in Science Magazine, purports to supply his readers with a translation of what he calls...
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