Comment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by enricoeprodi
I feel I should point out that perhaps, rather than demanding immediate explanations as to all sorts of things even before the first publication of the artifact, we might wish to give Dr Obbink the...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Roberto Batisti
A tentative metrical Italian translation of both fragments by Daniele Ventre can be found at the following link:
View ArticleStatue of the Egyptian God Bes 600-450 BC Cypro-Archaic...
Statue of the Egyptian God Bes600-450 BCCypro-Archaic II(Source: The British Museum)
View ArticleAgenda de actividades en Aragón con motivo del bimilenario de la muerte de...
Heraldo de Aragón se hace eco en su edición de hoy de las actividades que se han organizado en Aragón con motivo de la efemérides del segundo milenio de la muerte del primer emperador de Roma, César...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Francesca Tronchin
Bettany Hughes, writing in the Sunday Times, seems to have some details about the provenance of these fragments. Why can’t the rest of us have that same access to...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Francesca Tronchin
When major news outlets world-wide publish the sensationalist headlines about the new fragments, when the AIA and APA both broadcast the story, and when ZPE itself releases an advance copy of the...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Justin Walsh (@jstpwalsh)
Dr. Prodi – Dr. Obbink has clearly had time to talk to numerous members of the media about his discovery, but has refused to respond to repeated requests from scholars, public and private, for more...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Alexander Nikolaev
Dr Walsh – Please take a minute to carefully re-read Dr Prodi’s post above. For your convenience I am copying here the excellent point he made: “[the papyrus may] have been on the antiquarian market –...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Justin Walsh (@jstpwalsh)
Here is the set of guidelines found by Professor Tronchin:
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Francesca Tronchin
Scrolling back up to the top of this page, I see it is a forum for “the recent discovery of the new poems of Sappho.” Some readers might take that to mean discussion of the *discovery* of the fragments...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Justin Walsh (@jstpwalsh)
Since the forum apparently won’t let me reply to Professor Nikolaev below, I’ll post here instead.I understand that you want to discuss the text. But since you have absolutely no assurance so far that...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Justin Walsh (@jstpwalsh)
Please see my response to your post above. Maybe your discussion is equally premature?
View ArticleThe Value of a Liberal Arts Education
Peter Drucker wrote the following more than half a century ago in his book his Landmarks of Tomorrow:Since we live in an age of innovation, a practical education must prepare a man for work that does...
View ArticleViking runestone Vg 61, in Västergötland,...
Viking runestone Vg 61, in Västergötland, Sweden.Translations:Latin : tula : sati : sten : þ… …[iR kR : sun] : sin : harþa × kuþon : trok : sa × uarþ : tuþr : o : uastr:uakm : i : uikiku :English:...
View ArticleStatuette of a veiled woman c.550-525 BC Cypro-Archaic...
Statuette of a veiled womanc.550-525 BCCypro-Archaic II(Source: The British Museum)
View ArticleRépertoire des sources philosophiques antiques
[First posted 11/30/10. Revised and updated 4 February 2014]Répertoire des sources philosophiques antiquesResponsable actuelle : Pinelopi Skarsoulicréé par Martine Vidoni Mise à jour : décembre...
View ArticleM.-P. Arnaud‑Lindet, Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de...
Marie-Pierre Arnaud‑Lindet, Le commentaire historique des sources littéraires de l'histoire romaine, Bruxelles, 2013.Éditeur : Éditions SafranCollection : Langues et cultures anciennes, 21352 pagesISBN...
View ArticleDrawing the Parthenon Sculpture
February 11, 2014 - 2:41 PM - LECTURE Katherine A. Schwab
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Alexander Nikolaev
This brings us to a different but equally interesting topic: how can classicists be sure of this (or any) fragment’s authenticity without the information about the papyrus? Ultimately they cannot, but...
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