Comment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Francesca Tronchin
Those of us who are concerned about the status of the papyrus fragments regarding their status as archaeological artifacts rather than simply evidence for new poetry by a famous writer tend to have...
View ArticleBronze Age Axe
I’ve started to assemble pictures and maps for my Bronze Age book. Almost all known objects from deposition sites in the Lakes Mälaren and Hjälmaren areas have already been illustrated elsewhere. But...
View ArticleLast Meal Before Crucifixion
This Cyanide and Happiness cartoon can actually lead to discussion of a serious point (believe it or not). Traditional Christian theology has depicted Jesus as willingly embracing crucifixion. One...
View ArticleThe Lord of the Wings: Political Leadership and the Rhetorical Manipulation...
Citation with persistent identifier: Buis, Emiliano J. “The Lord of the Wings: Political Leadership and the Rhetorical Manipulation of Athenian Law in Aristophanes’ Birds.” CHS Research Bulletin 2,...
View ArticleMore Volumes of the Survey of Western Palestine
The February 2014 issue of the BiblePlaces Newsletter was sent yesterday (you can read it here, or sign up for future newsletters here). After it went out, A.D. Riddle alerted me to the availability of...
View ArticleNewly Open Access Journal: Quaderni [Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici...
Quaderni Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici per le province di Cagliari e OristanoISSN: 1124-7827 Online ISSN: 2284-0834La rivista accoglie contributi scientifici inediti dedicati all'attività di...
View ArticleAncient Jewish Sciences and the History of Knowledge in Second Temple...
Ancient Jewish Sciences and the History of Knowledge in Second Temple LiteratureEdited by Jonathan Ben-Dov and Seth L. Sanders©2014 The AuthorsCloth edition available from NYU Press (ISBN:...
View ArticleN.S.Gill | Septimius Severus Died Ancient / Classical HistorySeptimius Severus Died
View ArticleUnearthing the history of the Naracoorte Caves
Flinders University researcher Amy Macken has discovered the age of sedimentary layers in the Naracoorte Caves using a cutting-edge computer modelling technique that has never before been used on an...
View ArticleResearcher digs deep into St. Thomas's past
He’s digging up the past—somewhere between 200 BC and 400 AD—in an unexpected archaeological excavation in downtown Charlotte Amalie on the Caribbean island of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands.David...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Alexander Nikolaev
Dear Dr. Walsh, I understand your concerns and I am sure everyone here agrees that the questions you raise are important and absolutely valid. However, this particular forum is devoted to the text of...
View ArticleComment on Discussing the New Sappho poems by Two New Sappho Poems | Trinity...
[…] of the Fragment project. The project website contains information on the new poems, and a lively discussion feed. As you can see from the discussion, the initial translations are subject to...
View ArticleZPE 188 (2014)
INHALTBenaissa, A., From Souis to Spania: The Name Change of an Oxyrhynchite Village … 23Beresford, A., Hellenica Oxyrhynchia, Col. XIII, 1–7: Ismenias and the Athenian Democratic Exiles … 13Berkes,...
View ArticlePatterns of Trauma and Conflict in Pre-Hispanic Argentina
Conflict, war and trauma has always been one of the hot topics of historic and archaeological studies. Conflict has often been seen as a pivotal theme in the development and collapse of many...
View ArticleTiberius Claudius Maximus
Tiberius Claudius Maximuksen hautakivi. Reliefi kuvaa hänen sotilasuransa huippukohtaa, kuolevan Daakian kuninkaan Decebaluksen vangitsemista. Kunniamerkkien kuvan alapuolella on tarkka ja...
View ArticlePlea Deal Leaves Issues Unresolved
A NJ based coin dealer will forfeit ancient coins and cash as part of a plea deal related to federal tax charges. Although the archaeological blogosphere will no doubt claim the plea deal supports the...
View ArticlePizarra digital y métrica
Sé que es una simpleza, pero me ha hecho gracia. Tengo en el aula, desde hace un par de cursos, una pizarra digital interactiva, una Hitachi FX-Trio-77. Apenas la uso como pizarra porque se escribe muy...
View ArticleKen Ham and Bill Nye: Who is on the Bible’s Side?
Ken Ham says that there is genuine scientific debate about “molecules to man” evolution. The very phrase that he uses shows that his real target isn’t evolutionary biology. He is trying to undermine...
View ArticleWho owns the bones? Should bodies in museum exhibits be returned home?
From Egyptian mummies to Ötzi the Iceman, human remains are a common, if macabre, feature of museum exhibits. Writing in Clinical Anatomy, Dr. Philippe Charlier explores the argument that curators have...
View ArticleBuenas noticias para los seguidores de la décima musa
Safo entre sus discípulas Imagen de Clipart ETCRecientemente apareció en la prensa una noticia de esas que nos alegran el día a los amantes de los clásicos. Se trataba del descubrimiento de dos...
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