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November 2018 in Turkish archaeology

The Oceanos and Tethys Mosaic from Zeugma

In November 2018, it was announced that the year 2019 will be "Göbeklitepe Year". The most important archaeological discoveries made in the area of Turkey were: an earthenware seal dating back 8 thousand years found in the Aegean Region, and a Viking sword thought to be over 1,000 years old, discovered in Patara. The end of November saw the return of twelve ancient Zeugma mosaic pieces, looted during illegal excavations in Turkey’s southeastern province of Gaziantep nearly 50 years ago.

Babies born hands-first in the Bible

<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/blogspot/ABNx/~4/1r1wcHmjoJ8" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Consistent Biblical Literalism, Flat-Earthism, and Slavery

An effort to be consistently literal in one’s interpretation of the Bible leads to absurdities. Even the people who are usually labeled “literalists” agree about this. Few of them think that trees will literally clap their hands, for instance. And so it would be ideal if the notion that some people “take the Bible literally” […]

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica Online,1 December 2018

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica Online. There are 34volumes of this series now online open access.
Herrmann, Christian (2003). Die ägyptischen Amulette der Sammlungen BIBEL + ORIENT der Universität Freiburg Schweiz: Anthropomorphe Gestalten und Tiere. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: Academic Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Amorai-Stark, Shua (1997). Wolfe Family Collection of Near Eastern Prehistoric Stamp Seals. Fribourg, Switzerland / Göttingen, Germany: University Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Catalogus Philologorum Classicorum

Catalogus Philologorum Classicorum


Il Catalogus Philologorum Classicorum (CPhCl) è uno strumento di consultazione per gli studiosi dell'antichità greco-latina, in particolare per la storia della filologia classica moderna. Si tratta di un lessico enciclopedico biografico degli studiosi del mondo classico, nato come prosecuzione e integrazione del Philologisches Schriftstellerlexikon di W. Pökel, Leipzig 1882. Sono inclusi solo studiosi già deceduti.


La storia del Catalogus inizia con il Congresso Internazionale del CNR "La filologia classica nel secolo XX" del 1984 (voluto da Scevola Mariotti) e con la pubblicazione dei relativi Atti a Pisa nel 1989. In seguito, il lavoro per allestire un vero e proprio Catalogus Philologorum Classicorum si e' sviluppato presso il Dipartimento di Filologia Classica dell'Universita' di Pisa, con il supporto del CNR. Dal 2003 il data-base è stato reso disponibile in rete, nell’ambito del sito Aristarchus, sulla base di una collaborazione fra il Dipartimento di Filologia Classica dell'Università di Pisa e il Dipartimento di Archeologia e Filologia Classica (D.AR.FI.CL.ET.) dell'Università di Genova.


Dal 2009 il Catalogus diventa un network internazionale. La direzione e il coordinamento del progetto, la gestione e lo sviluppo del sito web sono curati dalla redazione centrale, che ha sede presso il Dipartimento di Archeologia e Filologia Classica dell’Università di Genova. Il lavoro sulle schede del Catalogus viene suddiviso fra diverse redazioni, le cui competenze sono individuate in base a un criterio geografico-linguistico. La sigla identifica il paese nel quale si trova la redazione.

Per segnalazioni o richieste relative a singole schede, è opportuno rivolgersi direttamente alla redazione di pertinenza, ove attiva. Poiché il CPhCl è un work in progress, il numero e le competenze delle redazioni sono in evoluzione. Nel frattempo, è possibile scrivere alla Redazione centrale per suggerimenti riguardanti l’insieme del progetto o schede per le quali non esiste ancora la redazione di pertinenza.

Il CPhCl è uno strumento di ampia portata e in continua evoluzione: pertanto potrebbero riscontrarsi errori o carenze. Ce ne scusiamo anticipatamente e siamo grati per eventuali segnalazioni alla redazione di competenza o alla redazione centrale.

Weekend Roundup


The discovery of a cuneiform fragment at Tel Mikhmoret recorded a slave sale and revealed physical evidence of the presence of Babylonians in biblical Samaria.”

Authorities have recovered from antiquities thieves a Neolithic stone ritual mask that comes from the Hebron hills.

Archaeologists have found evidence for trephination in a Late Bronze tomb at Megiddo (Haaretz premium).

“In one of the largest tombs ever found in Luxor, Egypt, archaeologists have discovered a sarcophagus holding the mummy of a woman named Pouyou who lived during the 18th dynasty.”

Egyptian officials announced that treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamun will tour ten cities in the world prior to the 2020 opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza. The exhibit is currently in Los Angeles and then heads to Paris. The other cities have not yet been announced.

“Inside the Cloak-and-Dagger Search for Sacred Texts” is in this month’s issue of National Geographic. As you would expect, the text is engaging and the photos beautiful.

“National Geographic has commissioned leading British indie production company, Caravan to produce The Bible from Space, a two-part documentary special which reveals the truth behind the biggest, most incredible stories from the Old Testament.” You can be sure that any TV production which promises to “reveal the truth” does not.

Carl Rasmussen is having second thoughts about the route of Paul’s ship from Chios to Miletus.

Luke Chandler is leading a tour of Israel in June, with the option to stay longer and join an archaeological excavation.

SourceFlix has released a 4-minute video about Tel Dibon, including footage of an early-morning fly-over. Ferrell Jenkins writes about the same site and provides some nice photographs.

A board game dating to the time of Abraham, the Royal Game of Ur, is making a comeback in Iraq.

The online Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled “Biblical Archaeology: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel and Judah” begins on Wednesday.

The Institute of Biblical Culture is offering your choice of a free class.

If you’re not a subscriber to the BiblePlaces Newsletter, you can sign up in a few seconds. We send about three issues a year, with one coming next week.

HT: Agade, Ted Weis, Charles Savelle

Südrußland im Altertum

Ebert, M. (1921) : Südrußland im Altertum, Bonn Leipzig. L’ouvrage se concentre sur deux grands groupes de population : les Scythes et les Grecs. Les autres populations indigènes sont abordées rapidement, alors que la période romaine n’est examinée qu’à travers … Lire la suite

«De Menécrates»


Encontré en Twitter este poemita breve del poeta Riano de Creta, al que no conocía. Es breve y gracioso, así que lo traduje, porque ilustrar al que no sabe está en mi naturaleza y en mi oficio. Helo:

Ὧραί σοι Χάριτές τε κατὰ γλυκὺ χεῦαν ἔλαιον,
ὦ πυγά, κνώσσειν δ᾿ οὐδὲ γέροντας ἐᾷς.
λέξον μοι, τίνος ἐσσί, μάκαιρα τύ, καὶ τίνα παίδων
κοσμεῖς; ἁ πυγὰ δ᾿ εἶπε “Μενεκράτεος”.

Las Horas y las Gracias vertieron sobre ti dulce aceite,
culo, y tú impides a los viejos conciliar el sueño.
Dime, ¿de quién eres, vida mía, y en qué chico
resplandeces? Y el culo contestó: “De Menécrates”.

Para acabar de hacer la gracia, lo colgué en Wikipedia en la página de su autor, con la debida referencia al pie donde constan el nombre del traductor y la fuente. :) Gracias aparte, los traductores del volumen Poesía helenística menor (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, nº 193, pp. 342-351; ISBN 978-84-249-1644-1) no lo incluyeron en su antología, por lo que tal vez sea esta una de las pocas traducciones al español publicadas en la historia de la cultura occidental. Ahí queda eso.

Wilhelm von Plüschow, #1170.jpg

Y como de culos hablamos, resulta curioso saber que Wikimedia Commons tiene una categoría de fotografías dedicada a los Naked male buttocks. Claro, ¿por qué no? De ahí procede este «Eduardo ante la puerta de un mausoleo romano, en Pompeya», de Wilhelm von Plüschow (foto #1170), que bien podría ser el «de Menécrates» famoso.

Comentario final para filólogos. Del poemita, compuesto en dísticos elegíacos, me llaman la atención los dialectalismos dorios πυγά ‘culo’ con alfa, previsible, y el pronombre τύ en lugar del koiné σύ. Pero el detalle más enternecedor es la tmesis a la manera homérica que cuela Riano en el primer verso, ese κατὰ … χεῦαν ‘echaron hacia abajo, vertieron’ del verbo καταχεύω. Ahora que no entra en Selectividad, echo de menos a nuestro Homerillo.

MediaClassica: Un portale per la didattica delle lingue classiche

Scholia Minora in Homerum

Scholia Minora in Homerum
Diretto da Franco Montanari
Collaboratori: Paola Ascheri, Davide Muratore

Il sito ha lo scopo di presentare la lista, descrizione, edizione e riproduzione fotografica dei papiri che contengono i cosiddetti Scholia Minora all’Iliade e all’Odissea.

Alla pagina Papiri si trova l’elenco dei testimoni, disposti secondo la successione dei passi omerici commentati. La prima colonna reca i numeri del repertorio pubblicato nel 1984 da Lucia M. Raffaelli: le successive integrazioni sono intercalate con numerazione decimale (aggiunte curate da: Lucia Raffaelli registrate in Martens-Pack3; Paola Ascheri; Davide Muratore).

È possibile selezionare i testimoni secondo la collezione di appartenenza o secondo il libro omerico commentato. Le icone a sinistra indicano nell’ordine rispettivamente la scheda con descrizione e bibliografia, la presenza della riproduzione fotografica digitale e dell’edizione del testo (scaricabile in formato pdf; font greco: IFAOGreek 2002).

Le edizioni sono basate su una revisione autoptica dell’originale e/o di riproduzioni fotografiche. Nei pochi casi in cui questo non è stato possibile, sono state utilizzate le edizioni disponibili. Si prevede di procedere a completare le edizioni pubblicate sul sito e a dotarle di un apparato dei passi paralleli; a incrementare progressivamente il numero delle riproduzioni disponibili; ad aggiungere nuovi testi eventualmente scoperti. 

2341 new titles in November and about the importance of tools.



Man must shape his tools lest they shape him.   (Arthur Miller)
There is no need to explain the importance of finds of  ancient tools in excavation context for cultural history in general and for the economic development of the antique site in particular to an archaeologist.
Considering this we have created new subdivisions for the findspot of tools in the context of excavation reports hoping that we could  facilitate your research in that way.  You could them find under : utensils – finds.

Having evaluated a whole lot of books this month, we are very pleased to offer you the contents of 153 new monographs and 107 volumes of periodicals.  2341 titles new titles,  – articles, reviews and monographical works – have been read and classified.
You will find the list of new monographs (also in pdf) and periodicals below as ever. The list of the new periodicals has been supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals – in addition to the links for the online resources. Any advice and suggestions regarding content will be highly appreciated: please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact info@dyabola.de.

New monographs (new monographs November 2018/pdf):

  1. Afterlives of Augustus, A.D. 14 – 2014. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018), ed. Goodman, P.J.
  2. Agrigento romana. Scavi e ricerche nel quartiere ellenistico romano. Campagna 2013. (Palermo, Regione siciliana, 2013), ed. Parello, M.C.; Rizzo, M.S.
  3. Aldhouse-Green, M.: Sacred Britannia. The gods and the rituals of Roman Britain. (London, Thames and Hudson, 2018)
  4. Altertumswissenschaften in Deutschland und Italien. Zeit des Umbruchs (1870 – 1940). Internationales Kolloquium in Regensburg, 25. bis 27. Juni 2015. (Regensburg, Schnell und Steiner, 2018), ed. Steuernagel, D., (Regensburger Klassikstudien, 3)
  5. Ambrogio Leone’s “De Nola”, Venice 1514. Humanism and antiquarian culture in Renaissance southern Italy. (Leiden, Brill, 2018), ed. Divitiis, B. de; Lenzo, F.; Miletti, L., (Brill’s studies in intellectual history, 284)
  6. Amoenissimis…aedificiis. Gli scavi di piazza Marconi a Cremona, 2. I materiali. (Quingentole, SAP, 2018), ed. Arslan Pitcher, L.; Arslan, E.A.; Blockley,  u.a.:, (Studi e ricerche di archeologia, 5)
  7. Aquam ducere, 2. Proceedings of the Second International Summer School “Water and the city- Hydraulic systems in the Roman age” (Feltre, 24th – 28th August 2015). Materiali della Seconda International Summer School “Water and the city. Hydraulic systems in the Roman age” (Feltre, 24-28 agosto 2015). (Seren del Grappa, Edizioni DBS, 2018), ed. Tamburrino, E.
  8. Arbace, L.; Ludovici, E.: Capolavori d’arte al Castello Piccolomini di Celano. (Pescara, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, 2018)
  9. Archaeological explorations in Syria 2000 – 2011. Proceedings of ISCACH-Beirut 2015. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018), ed. Massih, J.A.; Nishiyama, S.; Charaf,  u.a.:
  10. Bencivenni, A.: Ravenna. Le iscrizioni greche. (Milano, Jouvence, 2018), (Jouvence. Antiquitas. Saggi, 2)
  11. Boyxen, B.: Fremde in der hellenistischen Polis Rhodos. Zwischen Nähe und Distanz. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018) Diss. Freiburg 2014, (Klio. Beihefte. Neue Folge, 29)
  12. Briquel, D.; Briquel-Chatonnet, F.; Debié, M.: Romulus vu de Constantinople. La réécriture de la légende dans le monde byzantin. Jean Malalas et ses successeurs. (Paris, Hermann, 2018)
  13. Bronze age metallurgy on Mediterranean islands. In honour of Robert Maddin and Vassos Karageorgis. (Drémil-Lafage, Mergoil, 2018), ed. Giumlia-Mair, A.; Lo Schiavo, F., (Monographies Instrumentum, 56)
  14. Burton, P.J.: Rome and the third Macedonian War. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017)
  15. Caere orientalizzante. Nuove ricerche su città e necropoli. (Roma, CNR, 2018), ed. Naso, A.; Botto, M., (Studia caeretana, 1)
  16. Calame, C.: La tragédie chorale. Poésie grecque et rituel musical. (Paris, Les belles lettres, 2017)
  17. Canali De Rossi, F.: Le relazioni diplomatiche di Roma, 8. La crisi dinastica macedone e le contese interne della Grecia (182 – 179 a.C.). (Roma, Scienze e Lettere, 2018), (Prassi diplomatiche dello imperialismo romano, 4)
  18. Canfora, L.: Augusto. Figlio di dio. (Roma, Laterza, 2015)
  19. Casi, C.: Castro. Il parco archeologico. (Roma, Archeo, [2018])
  20. Charles Ede Ldt. Catalogue 197. (London, Selbstverlag, 2018)
  21. Cirencester excavations, 7. The western cemetery of Roman Cirencester. Excavations at the former Bridges Garage, Tetburg Road, Cirencester, 2011 – 2015. (Cirencester, Cotswold Archaeology, 2017), ed. Holbrook, N.; Wright, J.; McSloy, E. u.a.:
  22. Costellazione geo-ecclesiali da Costantino a Giustiniano. Dalle chiese “principali” alle chiese patriarcali. XLIII Incontro di studiosi dell’antichità cristiana (Roma, 7-9 maggio 2015). (Roma, Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2017), (Studia ephemeridis “Augustinianum”, 149)
  23. Crawford, P.: Constantius II. Usurpers, eunuchs and the Antichrist. (Barnsley, Pen and Sword books, 2016)
  24. Culture europee e tradizione latina. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Cividale del Friuki, Fondazione Niccolò Canussio, 16-17 novembre 2001. (Trieste, Università di Trieste, 2003), ed. Casarsa, L.; Cristante, L.; Fernandelli, M.
  25. D’Alessio, A.; Falzone, S.: I colori del Palatino. La pittura romana nel cuore dell’Impero. (Milano, Mondadori Electa, 2018), ed. D’Alessio, A.
  26. Dall’iconologia al gender. Giornata di studi in onore di Rona Goffen. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018), ed. Barbieri, C., (LermArte, 20)
  27. Delannoy, F.J.: Voyage en Italie (mars 1780 – décembre 1782), 3. Etudes faites à Rome. (Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, 2017), (Mémoires et documents sur Rome et l’Italie méridionale, N.S. 8)
  28. Delannoy, F.J.: Voyage en Italie (mars 1780 – décembre 1782). (Naples, Centre Jean Bérard, 2017) 2 Bde., ed. Jacques, A.; Vallet, L., (Mémoires et documents sur Rome et l’Italie méridionale, N.S. 8)
  29. Dell’Osso, C.: Monoenergiti-monoteliti del VII secolo in Oriente. (Roma, Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2017), (Studia ephemeridis “Augustinianum”, 148)
  30. Dench, E.: Empire and political cultures in the Roman world. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018)
  31. Des établissements laténiens et gallo-romains sur le plateau de Tours Nord (Indre-et-Loire). Les fouilles de “champ Chardon” et du “Tramway”. (Joué-lès-Tours, FERACF, 2018), ed. Couderc, A.; Laruaz, J.M., (Etablissements ruraux laténiens et gallo-romains du centre de la Gaule, 3)
  32. Di Ottavio, D.: Uti legassit… ita ius esto. Alle radici della successione testamentaria in diritto romano. (Napoli, Jovene, 2016)
  33. Dietrich, M.: Eine kleine Kaisergeschichte. Die römischen Herrscher von Caesar bis Gallienus. (Aalen, Gesellschaft für Archäologie in Württemberg und Hohenzollern e.V., 2018), (Die Limesreihe. Schriften des Limesmuseums Aalen, 64)
  34. Dietsche, U.: Strategie und Philosophie bei Seneca. Untersuchungen zur therapeutischen Technik in den “Epistulae morales”. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2014), (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 329)
  35. Duggan, M.: Links to late antiquity. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018), (British archaeological reports. British series, 639)
  36. Emotionen. Perspektiven auf Innen und Aussen. (Bonn, Habelt, 2017), ed. Kienlin, T.L.; Koch, L.C., (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, 305)
  37. Empreintes du passé. 6000 ans de sceaux. Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime, Musée des antiquités. [Exposition Rouen 11 septembre – 5 décembre 2015.](Rouen, Editions point de vues, 2015), ed. Bloche, M.; Dorion-Peyronnet, C.
  38. Erickson, B.L.: Lerna. A preclassical site in the Argolid. Results of excavations conducted by the American School of classical studies at Athens, 8. The historical Greek village. (Princeton, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2018)
  39. Evans, J.D.: Coins from the excavations at Sardis. Their archaeological and economic contexts. Coins from the 1973 to 2013 excavations. (London, Harvard University Press, 2018), (Archaeological exploration of Sardis. Monographs, 13)
  40. Faber Salisburgi. Festschrift für Wilfried K. Kovacsovics zum 65. Geburtstag. (Salzburg, Universität Salzburg, 2018), ed. Kastler, R.; Lang, F.; Wendling, H., (Archaeo plus. Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg, 10)
  41. Fenícios e Púnicos, por terra e mar. Actas do VI Congresso internacional de estudos fenícios e púnicos. Lisboa, Faculdade de letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 25 de setembro a 1 de Outubro de 2005. (Lisboa, Uniarq, o.J.) 2 Bde., ed. Arruda, A.M., (Estudos e memórias, 5)
  42. Fernandes, L.: Viagem ao paddado romano na Lusitania. (Lisboa, Esfera dos livros, 2016)
  43. Frangié-Joly, D.: Le site de Bey – 144. Fouilles et étude de la céramique (période hellénistique – début de l’ère romaine). (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2017), (British archaeological reports. International series, 2881)
  44. Gallo, F.: Ius quo utimur. (Torino, Giappichelli, 2018)
  45. Gantner, C.: Freunde Roms und Völker der Finsternis. Die päpstliche Konstruktion von Anderen im 8. und 9. Jahrhundert. (Wien, Böhlau, 2014)
  46. Gerhartz, I.W.: Tragische Schuld. Philosophische Perspektiven zur Schuldfrage in der griechischen Tragödie. (Freiburg i.Br., Alber, 2016)
  47. Giudice, G.; Giudice, E.: I frammenti Beazley dal Persephoneion di Locri Epizefiri. Una ricostruzione iconografica. Le ceramiche attiche a figure nere e a figure rosse. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018), (Quaderni del C.V.A. Italia, 3)
  48. Gli antichi alla corte dei Malatesta. Echi, modelli e fortuna della tradizioni classica nella Romagna del Quattrocento (L’età di Sigismondo). Atti del convegno internazionale, Rimini, 9-11 giugno 2016. (Milano, Jouvence, 2018), ed. Muccioli, F.; Cenerini, F.; Giovanardi, A.
  49. Gli Orisini e i Savelli nella Roma dei papi. Arte e mecenatismo di antichi casati dal feudo alle corti barocche europee. (Cinisello Balsamo, Silvana, 2017), ed. Mazzetti, C.; Amendola, A.
  50. Gold und Wein. Georgiens älteste Schätze. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung, 6. Oktober 2018 – 10. Februar 2019, Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt. (Mainz, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2018), ed. Giemsch, L.; Hansen, S.
  51. Goldsworthy, A.: Augustus. From revolutionary to emperor. (London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2014)
  52. Gomez Buendía, C.: Exceptio utilis en el procedimiento formulario del derecho romano. (Madrid, Dykinson, 2015)
  53. Il calamo della memoria. Riuso di testi e mestiere letterario nella tarda antichità, 6. Raccolta delle relazioni discusse nel VI Incontro internazionale di Trieste, Biblioteca statale, 25-27 settembre 2014. (Trieste, Edizioni Università Trieste, 2015), (Polymnia. Studi i filologia classica, 18)
  54. Il Museo nazionale d’Abruzzo al Borgo Rivera. L’Aquila. (Pescara, Museo nazionale d’Abruzzo, 2015) 90 S., Abb., ed. Arbace, L.; Congeduti, M.
  55. Jackson, R.; Burleigh, G. u.a.:Dea Senuna. Treasure, cult and ritual at Ashwell, Hertfordshire. (London, Trustees of the British Museum, 2018), (British Museum Research Publication, 194)
  56. Javakhishvili, I.: Catalogue of Georgian numismatics, 1. Money in classical and hellenistic periods. Coin issues and monetary circulation in Colchis and Iberia (Georgia). (Georg.)(Tbilisi, Meridian Publishers, 2013)
  57. Javakhishvili, I.: Catalogue of Georgian numismatics, 2. Christianity, Mithraism and Islam. Coin issues and monetary circulation in Iberia and Colchis-Lazica in the 1st – 10th centuries. (Tbilisi, Meridian Publishers, 2014)
  58. Karvonis, P.: Oikèma ou pièce polyvalente. Recherches sur une installation commerciale de l’antiquité grecque. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018)
  59. Katakis, S.E.: Corpus signorum imperii Romani. Corpus of sculptures of the Roman world. Greece, 1, 2. Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 1. Attic sarcophagi with garlands, Erotes and Dionysiac themes. (Athens, Academy of Athens, 2018)
  60. Kenawi, M.; Marchiori, G.: Unearthing Alexandria’s archaeology. The Italian contribution. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018)
  61. Kienast, D.; Eck, W.; Heil, M.: Römische Kaisertabelle. Grundzüge einer römischen Kaiserchronologie. 6., überarbeitete Auflage. (Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2017)
  62. Kogon, A.J.; Fontanille, J.P.: The coinage of Herod Antipas. A study and die classification of the earliest coins of Galilee. (Leiden, Brill, 2018), (Ancient Judaism and early Christianity. Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 102)
  63. Lander, S.L.: Ritual sites and religious rivalries in late Roman North Africa. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017)
  64. Late iron and Roman Ireland. (Dublin, Wordwell, 2014), (Discovery programme reports, 8)
  65. León, P.; Nogales, T.; Lapuente, P. u.a.:Villa Adriana. Escultura de los almacenes. (Sevilla, Museo nacional de arte romano, 2018), (Hispania antigua. Serie arqueològica, 9)
  66. Leppin, H.: Die frühen Christen. Von den Anfängen bis Konstantin. (München, Beck, 2018)
  67. Les petits pots dans les grands. Potiers antiques et médiévaux du pays de France. (Milano, Silvana, 2017)
  68. L’exploitation des ressources maritimes de l’antiquité. Activités productives et organisation des territoires. Actes des rencontres, 11-13 octobre 2016. XXXVIIe Rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes. XXIIe colloque de l’Association Ager. (Antibes, APDCA, 2017), ed. González Villaescusa, R.; Schörle, K.; Gayet, F.
  69. Lezioni marciane, 2015 – 2016. Venezia prima di Venezia dalle “regine” dell’Adriatico alla Serenissima. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018), ed. Bassani, M.; Molin, M.; Veronese, F., (Venetia. Venezia, 5)
  70. Liquid antiquity. (Athènes, Deste, 2017), ed. Holmes, B.; Marta, K.
  71. Luzon, J.M.; Alonso Rodríguez, M.d.C.: Excavaciones arqueológicas den la Casa de la Diana arcaizante en Pompeya. (o.O., online, 2017) [http://www.dianaarcaizante.com ]
  72. Madeleine, S.: Plato’s laughter. Socrates as satyr and comical hero. (New York, State University of New York Press, 2017)
  73. Magnani, A.: Flavio Belisario. Il generale di Giustiniano. (Città di Castello, Graphe.it, 2017)
  74. Malizia, R.: Regina viarum. L’Appia sbarrata. Le porte di Posterula a Terracina. (Terracina, Bookcart, 2018) 31 S., Abb.
  75. Malkin, I.: Un tout petit monde. Les réseaux grecs de l’antiquité. (Paris, Les belles lettres, 2018)
  76. Marrone, A.: Tolomeo e la Sicilia. Un contributo alla topografia e alla viabilità della Sicilia antica. (Palermo, Palermo University Press, 2018) 125 S., Abb., (Frammenti, 7)
  77. Marzoli, D.; García Teyssandier, E.: Die phönizische Nekropole von Ayamonte. Die Ausgrabungen im Jahre 2013 und ihre Vor- und Begleituntersuchungen. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2018), (Madrider Beiträge, 37)
  78. Mason, C.; Andrews, P.; Brook, E. u.a.:A Romano-British roadside settlement at Beanacre, Wiltshire. (Salisbury, Wessex Archaeology, 2018)
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Rolling stars Agamemnon 2-21.

The Agamemnon opens with the watchman's anticipation. He's on the look-out for the sumbolon, a prearranged fiery relay carrying the good news that Troy has been taken. He talks at some length about that long lonely wait, and how, doglike, he fights sleep, boredom, and dreams. But before that, he speaks of how he's come to understand the assembly of stars (astron).



I have learned well the gathering of the night´s stars, bringers of winter and summer to mankind, those radiant ruling stars conspicuous in the night sky, whenever fading or rising. 
So now I am still watching for the signal [sumbolon] of the flame, the gleaming fire that is to bear word from Troy and tidings of its capture. (Ag. 4-10 - Smyth Nagy - modified.)
In his aside, he looks up and first sees gatherings of stars bringing the frosts of winter and heat of summer. He uses two words for stars in this brief aside: Commonplace stars that form the gatherings are ἄστρων. Radiant ruling stars conspicuous in the night sky, fading or rising, are ἀστέρας.

His nod to the heavens is brief, yet the watchman manages to include a nuanced appreciation of these fires in the sky -- the commoners bearing the seasons and temperatures, then, his tone heightens as he speaks of the radiant giants. It's a quick moment, and one might wonder why Aeschylus bothered. Why not just have the watchman speak of what he's waiting for, and why?

One possible motive for the small glance upward is its effect within this speech. It sets the gallery of lights up there as a stable but distant realm. It's a point of reference -- far, but not entirely beyond, our earthly existence; orders of magnitude larger, especially if we are likened to dogs. Stars bear larger tasks than we do, but even the brightest are subject to change. Over time the watchman almost feels he's on familiar terms with them.

As he turns from the night sky to his work of watching, the fiery object of his watch, unbenknownst to him, is already racing across the dark waters between the Troad and Argos, about to blaze into view.

He speaks of fighting off sleep, trying to keep a sharp line between dream and waking, and wishes for this ponos to end:
νῦν δ᾽ εὐτυχὴς γένοιτ᾽ ἀπαλλαγὴ πόνων  
εὐαγγέλου φανέντος ὀρφναίου πυρός 
But tonight may there come a happy release from these ordeals [ponoi] of mine!
May the fire with its glad tidings flash through the gloom!
The signal fire suddenly flashes out.
 χαῖρε λαμπτὴρ νυκτός, 
Oh welcome, you blaze in the night . . .
He reads the light, welcoming it as the good news he's been expecting. This fire appearing out of the murk (φανέντος ὀρφναίου πυρός) is his lucky star. It will reorient Argos, it will the watchman's longeurs and bring the great ruler home.

But this star of good tidings won't have the enduring serene stability of the astron or the asteras. It turns out to be more comet than star.

A tentative interpretation: Aeschylus interpolates the watchman's view of the heavens on line 4 to establish the first moment of a pattern in the Agamemnon.  Those heavenly stars bearing gradual change seem distant and aloof, but what if that distance suddenly vanished? What comes rolling into view certainly seems a star blazing out of the East, double speaking of Troy past and some something veiled, yet to be discerned.

In the Agamemnon, everything is connected to everything. The watchman's seeming "aside" about the stars proves more: it's a marker in the syntax of his world, where what seems far off, or a dream, can suddenly, powerfully turn from familiar vertical hierarchic stability into a jolting usurpation of fundamental human order.

Sign and symbol [sumbolon] carry a lot of freight in this play. The shining good news from Troy "means" the triumph of General Agamemnon, until the very same sign means the rising of his Queen and the murder of the conqueror of Troy wrapped in purple, in the bath.

The watchman underscores this in another simile:

ὅταν δ᾽ ἀείδειν  μινύρεσθαι δοκῶ
ὕπνου τόδ᾽ ἀντίμολπον ἐντέμνων ἄκος
κλαίω τότ᾽ οἴκου τοῦδε συμφορὰν στένων 

. . . and whenever I care to sing or hum 
(and thus apply a remedy of song in place of sleep), 
then my tears start forth, as I bewail the fortunes of this house of ours, 

Whenever he tries to sing or hum a tune -- μινύρεσθαι can mean "to hum" or "warble" like a nightingale -- then this use of song as substitute (ἀντίμολπονfor sleep, which he intricately compares to chopping an herb's roots (ἐντέμνων) to create a stimulant, turns the song as it is sung into a wail.

Later the chorus will sing of heart pains dripping as we sleep; building wisdom from suffering while we're not even paying attention. The watchman's song comes out as an uncontrolled, arrhythmic croak. Beauty is undone in this house; the song and croaking sorrow are one.

At this moment, he sees the fire.

In contrast to the organic, vocal link of choking pain, disruption, and awareness he just experienced, the watchman, having seen the unambiguous sign of fallen Troy (ὡς  φρυκτὸς ἀγγέλλων πρέπει --  as this beacon unmistakably announces l.30), speaks of a lucky roll in a game of chance. The ambiguity of the symbol resolves, he believes, into clear good news.

That purported clarity has him spring into a jig that will gyrate and roll into the dance of the chorus that enters as he descends from the roof into the house to bring Clytaemnestra the good news.

αὐτός τ᾽ ἔγωγε φροίμιον χορεύσομαι
τὰ δεσποτῶν γὰρ εὖ πεσόντα θήσομαι 
τρὶς ἓξ βαλούσης τῆσδέ μοι φρυκτωρίας

And I will join the khoros in a prelude upon my own account; 
for my lord’s lucky roll of the dice I shall count to my own score, 
now that this beacon has thrown me triple six. 

Best to stay awake in Argos, where a placid starry messenger moving on high turns to a burning comet moving over dark seas, sign of a lucky cast. In the quicksilver light of symbol and signifier, presumptive closure is the moment to watch most closely.

T. Raiola (éd.), Sabini medici eiusque discipulorum fragmenta



Tommaso Raiola (éd.), Sabini medici eiusque discipulorum fragmenta, Pise, 2018.

Éditeur : Fabrizio Serra
Collection : Biblioteca di «Galenos»
176 pages
ISBN : 8833151360
68 €

Sabino visse in un periodo compreso tra la seconda metà del I e gli inizi del II sec. d.C. Le testimonianze in nostro possesso sono esclusivamente (o quasi) relative a suoi commenti ad Ippocrate e la maggioranza dei frammenti superstiti si devono a Galeno. Essi sono pubblicati nel volume ordinati sulla base del commento da cui presumibilmente provengono, seguendo l'ordine dei lemmi ippocratici a cui si riferiscono. Ciascun frammento compare insieme con una porzione del testo che lo contiene, allo scopo di garantirne una maggiore intellegibilità; in calce al testo viene fornito un apparato critico che riproduce quello delle edizioni critiche correnti dei testi-vettori. Di ogni frammento e di ogni testimonianza viene proposta una traduzione italiana, seguita da indicazioni relative al contesto.


Source : Libreria universitaria

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In het kader van de tentoonstelling voorziet Erfpunt ook rondleidingen en educatieve pakketten voor scholen. Op 14 december wordt ook een Romeinse kookbundel voorgesteld door De Foodarcheoloog.

De tentoonstelling loopt nog tot en met 20 januari 2019 in Kasteel Blauwendael (Kerkstraat 21, 9250 Waasmunster). De toegang is gratis.

Meer info:www.erfpunt.be

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