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Fossil evidence suggests fearsome shark 'took down' flying pterosaur

It was a prehistoric clash of the ages that didn't end pretty when a monster in the sky clashed with a beast of the deep. A USC scientist has documented the prehistoric occurrence of a shark species battling a pterosaur, a flying reptile [Credit: Mark Witton]The sorry outcome for one particular flying reptile is brutally recorded on a fossil where a shark chomped its neck, leaving a telltale tooth wedged against a vertebra. USC...

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Some prehistoric horses were homebodies

Unlike today's zebras, prehistoric horses in parts of North America did not make epic migrations to find food or fresh water, according to a new study by the University of Cincinnati. Illustrator Jay H. Matternes captured a scene from the Miocene Period as an ancient species of horse called Parahippus, lower right, interacts with other carnivores and herbivores of the time [Credit: Jay H. Matternes/U.S. Department of the...

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Scientists discover over 450 fossilized millipedes in 100-million-year-old amber

Since the success of the Jurassic Park film series, it is widely known that insects from the Age of the Dinosaurs can be found exceptionally well preserved in amber, which is in fact fossilised tree resin. One of the newly discovered millipede fossilized in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Burma)  [Credit: Dr Thomas Wesener]Especially diverse is the animal fauna preserved in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Burma). Over the last few...

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Uranium-lead dating shows that the 'Cambrian explosion' is younger than previously thought

Using uranium-lead dating, Senckenberg scientists, in cooperation with an international team, were able to date the onset of the "Cambrian explosion" to precisely 538.8 million years ago. During the "Cambrian explosion," all currently known "blueprints" in the animal kingdom appeared within a few million years, while at the same time the so-called "Ediacara biota"– a group of unique, specialized life forms – became extinct. The study...

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A Different Kind of Christmas Story (for Kids)

(Post by A.D. Riddle)

Several years ago, I checked out a book at the library to read to my kids. It turned out to be a delightful story of a young boy who helps his father harvest resin from trees in Arabia. The connection with Jesus’ birth is sort of a surprise twist at the end of the book, so if you read it to your kids, be sure not to give away that this is a Christmas story—they will get it by the time they reach the last page.

The book is entitled, The Third Gift, by Linda Sue Park (Boston: Clarion, 2011). The Third Gift was probably intended for ages 4-10 (best guess with input from my kids), but the beautiful illustrations (by Bagram Ibatoulline) and the Middle Eastern setting made it interesting for me as well, and it gives you a different perspective for thinking about a very familiar account from the book of Matthew. The “Author’s Note” on the last two pages summarizes the history of our modern perceptions about the biblical story, and re-connects the event with its original geographical and cultural setting. Recommended if you have young ones around for the holidays.

Open Access Journal: Anatolia antiqua. Eski Anadolu


Open Access Journal: Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua

[First posted in AWOL 19 October 2015, updated 19 December 2018 (new URLs)]

Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua
ISSN: 2254-1683.
Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua surge como plasmación de algunas de las aportaciones más brillantes presentadas, defendidas y debatidas a lo largo de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Surge por tanto con el fin primordial de difundir los resultados de estas investigaciones para contribuir al desarrollo de la ciencia histórica y a la promoción de los jóvenes investigadores que en ella se inician o dan sus primeros pasos.

La agrupación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid está constituida por los becarios y antiguos becarios del Departamento de Historia Antigua de dicha universidad, y tiene como objetivo principal el intercambio, la colaboración y el acercamiento, a nivel académico pero también personal, en aras de fomentar un clima de desarrollo científico de calidad y de convivencia cordial y enriquecedora.
Dentro de esta agrupación, la principal actividad desarrollada ha sido la organización y celebración de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Antigua, unas Jornadas de Investigación anuales abiertas a la participación de todos los jóvenes investigadores predoctorales y postdoctorales de las distintas universidades y centros de investigación españoles y extranjeros, y cuyo espíritu no es muy distinto del que anima a la propia agrupación: crear un lugar de encuentro e intercambio científico que permita a los investigadores que están desarrollando sus primeros pasos en el mundo de la investigación obtener una amplia perspectiva de los ámbitos de estudio más en boga y conocer a las personas que puedan estar desarrollando trabajos cercanos o conectados con los suyos. Todo lo cual se logra mediante la generación de un foro en el que cada investigador puede exponer brevemente su objeto de estudio o sus líneas de investigación, pero en el que los debates y coloquios distendidos pero con un alto nivel científico adquieren un papel protagonista.

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Ancient Japanese pottery includes an estimated 500 maize weevils

Researchers have discovered an ancient Japanese pottery vessel from the late Jomon period (4500-3300...

Writing WARP Wednesday


Over the last week or so I’ve been working on writing a draft of the preliminary report from the Western Argolid Regional Project. Yesterday, I returned to one of the more interesting issues facing intensive pedestrian survey in the Mediterranean: the matter of intensity.

WARP was a siteless survey and we took this quite literally. We did not return to sites after our initial survey to conduct more intensive investigations or gridded collections. In fact, we tended not to talk about sites at all (outside of the commonplace naming convention associated with particular known ancient places in our landscape, like the walls of the polis of Orneai) and assumed that high density scatters in the landscape could as easily represent a single period as the overlap of a number of periods through time. (Our experience in the Eastern Korinthia had suggested that many areas of high artifact density in the landscape reflected the overlap of single period scatters that may or may not be contiguous.)

This being said, we did recognize that more intensive practices – such as total collection or intensive sampling across small grid squares or other forms of “hoovering” – produced more robust assemblages of material. We experimented a bit with this on the Pyla-Koutsopetria Archaeologcial Project and while our results are very, very boring to read, they demonstrate that careful collection with our noses to the ground produced artifact densities that we much higher than traditional field walking. At the same time, the uniformity of the assemblage at Pyla-Koutsopetria ensured that more intensive collection strategies did not produce a more diverse assemblage. In other words, on PKAP, where our assemblage was pretty uniform, doing more intensive artifact collection did not yield more nuanced results.

In the Western Argolid, the situation is a bit different. The survey area is larger and encompasses a generally wider range of environmental conditions. Moreover, our artifact scatters across the survey area tend to reflect more complex and varied historical processes than we found at our “large site survey” on Cyprus. As a result, it seemed like a good place to run another series of experiments to see whether more intensive collection strategies produced different kinds of assemblages across the survey area. In particular, we were interested in seeing whether more intensive collection strategies revealed the presence of “hidden landscapes” consisting of pottery that tends to be overlooked during traditional survey field walking.

To do this, we set down slightly over 100 2m radius total collection circles across our survey area. These resurvey units fell within our existing units and we intended to use them to compare the resurvey assemblages to the assemblages produced by traditional intensive survey.

This proved pretty challenging for a number of reasons. Some involved research design. Our resurvey units were total collection circles with a 2 m radius (i.e. 12.57 sq m) and we typically did two per unit for about a 1% sample of the survey units which averaged about 2500 sq m. This sample could then be compared to the must larger, but less intensive ~10%-20% sample collected using typical survey procedures of field walkers spaced at 10 m intervals looking 1 m to each side. This comparison, of course, isn’t all that great. First, we recognize variation in the surface assemblage across the unit so it makes sense that our resurvey circle may well capture an assemblage with a different character than the assemblage produced by field walking. Ideally, they two assemblages are similar in some way, but some variation is likely to reflect that, short of total collection of the entire survey area, surface sampling is not designed to discover an example of every kind of sherd present in every survey unit, but a representative sample of the area generally. More than that, there was a general tendency to locate the resurvey circles in areas with higher visibility than the average visibility across the survey unit in general shifting slightly the recovery conditions for material.

That being said, our preliminary analysis of the material has produced some other challenges as well. First, it’s very difficult compare complex assemblages. We have remarkable ceramicists who are capable of defining pottery in very granular ways both in terms of typology and chronology. This granularity makes it difficult to compare two assemblages because the variation inherent in how we analyze ceramic artifacts. For example when I compared the resurvey and the survey assemblages this past summer, the vast majority of assemblages showed little chronological overlap based on the specific periods assigned to each chronotype. On the one hand, this meant that our resurvey circles were producing different kinds of chronological information from the larger survey units in which they were situated, but, on the other hand, this chronological need not result in substantively more knowledge about the artifact scatter. An artifact datable to the “Late Hellenistic to Early Roman” period is different from a “Hellenistic to Early Roman” artifact, to be sure, but this kind of granularity is as likely to represent the irregular distribution of chronological knowledge across a typology than it is to represent a general pattern of artifact dates that would influence the identification of the function of the site, for example. (I.e. some kinds of pottery, say fine ware, can be dated more specifically than other kinds of pottery.)  

It is worth noting, however, that in general, standard survey units produced more artifacts with narrower chronologies than the resurvey units did. While this, in and of itself, is not meaningful (as, for example, prehistoric pottery dated quite specifically still tends to have wide chronological ranges than historical period pottery), it suggests that our standard survey practices produced assemblages that were susceptible to chronological analysis that are at least comparable and perhaps more fine grained than our total collection circles.   

To mitigate this, I started to generalize the chronological categories a bit, grouping the finely honed chronology offered by our ceramicists into “Prehistoric,” “Greek,” “Roman,” “Greek/Roman,” “Medieval,” “Modern,” and “General” for artifacts only dated to broad spans of time. This aggregation, predictably, made the comparison between our two assemblages easier. For example, it showed that over half of the assemblages produced pottery of broadly the same date. Moreover, it allowed us to observe that the smaller the assemblage the less likely overlap occurs. In other words, our smallest assemblages from either standard survey or resurvey were not just producing worn, undiagnostic pottery that we tend to aggregate into more general chronological categories, but that they also produced variation. 

It also gave us a way to see if the resurvey units had any particularly telling trends. It appears, however, that the resurvey units did not yield, as a general pattern, assemblages that could be dated to narrower periods than their standard survey collections. This tells us that our more intensive collection circles are not producing more narrowly datable pottery in general, but not necessarily that they don’t produce pottery datable to particular narrow date ranges.   As an example, the only the resurvey assemblages produced any examples of Final Neolithic and FN-Early Helladic I in those units that we resurveyed. Other units in the survey area, of course, produced material from those periods.  





Against monosemy: The complete series

This is the entirety of my series of discussion of Charles Ruhl's (1989) monograph On monosemy.

2,000-Year-Old Copper Figurine Unearthed in England


CAMBRIDGESHIRE, ENGLAND—According to a Royston Crow report, an excavation on the grounds of the Wimpole Estate, located in the East of England, has uncovered a Roman settlement dating to between 100 B.C. and 150 A.D. Coins, cosmetic implements, horse harness fittings, brooches, a ring, imported pottery and glass, military uniform fittings, a spearhead, and an ax head were recovered from the site, which was situated near Ermine Street, a Roman road that linked London to Lincoln and York. Archaeologist Shannon Hogan of the National Trust said the team also found a small figurine made from copper alloy of a person holding a torc. The figurine is thought to represent the fertility god Cernunnos. “The artifact is Roman in origin, but symbolizes a Celtic deity and therefore exemplifies the continuation of indigenous religious and cultural symbolism in Romanized societies,” she explained. For more on Roman England, go to “London’s Earliest Writing.”

Césaire d'Arles, homme d'hier et d'aujourd'hui

Titre: Césaire d'Arles, homme d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
Lieu: Salle Saintonge / Saintes
Catégorie: Colloques, journées d'études
Date: 09.03.2019
Heure: 18.00 h - 20.00 h

Information signalée par Pascal-Grégoire Delage

Césaire d'Arles, homme d'hier et d'aujourd'hui


Césaire d'Arles est né en 470 en Bourgogne et, dès l'âge de 20 ans, il est moine à Lérins. A 26 ans, pour des raisons de santé, il se retrouve à Arles où il est chargé, entre autres, de mettre de l'ordre dans un monastère de la périphérie d'Arles, ville que l'on a appelée « la petite Rome » pendant plusieurs décennies. Moine avant tout, c'est un lecteur attentif de la Bible et de saint Augustin dont il connaît par cœur des textes et des sermons qu'il maîtrise parfaitement.
Elu évêque en 502, il a pris sa tâche à bras le corps avec une excessive modestie et une très grande humilité. Petit à petit, par sa participation active dans plusieurs conciles, il remettra de l'ordre dans les évêchés proches, mais aussi dans ceux des territoires burgondes, wisigoths, ostrogoths et francs. A l'occasion de conciles régionaux, il intervient de façon définitive dans le débat théologique sur la Grâce.
Mort en 542, il laisse une œuvre considérable, comparable à celle de saint Augustin, ses thèmes de réflexion étant repris depuis le Concile de Trente jusqu'au Pape François qui le cite dans sa dernière encyclique. Nous nous proposons lors de cette Petite Journée Patristique de présenter plusieurs de ces thèmes avec des chercheurs qui ont exploré l'œuvre et la vie de Césaire.

Les communications :
- Professeur Marie José DELAGE (Professeur émérite à Smith Collège - USA)
Césaire d'Arles, un Père d'Occident de la première moitié du VIe siècle
Un prédicateur, théologien, un homme plein de fougue, un prédicateur inlassable, le plus prolixe du monde latin après saint Augustin, vicaire du pape pour les Gaules et l'Espagne, son œuvre s'est rapidement répandue dans toute l'Europe et son influence, à travers les conciles, a marqué jusqu'à nos jours l'histoire de l'Église. Il suscite un immense intérêt, davantage même hors de France que dans son pays. Il est l'objet de publications et de recherches qui se comptent par centaines, en une douzaine de langues. Comment introduire Césaire d'Arles sans parler de Dom Germain Morin o.b.s (1937-1942), qui est à l'origine de cette redécouverte. Soixante ans de recherche et de découvertes dans les bibliothèques petites et grandes de l'Europe lui ont permis de mettre en lumière, pour qui veut la découvrir, l'œuvre d'un évêque de premier plan.

- Mgr Dominique LE TOURNEAU (Professeur au Studium de Droit Canonique le Lyon)
Les conciles de Césaire d'Arles et leurs influences
Cette conférence porte sur « L'influence de la législation canonique promue par saint Césaire d'Arles sur le droit de l'église catholique ». Son point de départ est le concile d'Agde (506), dont les grandes lignes sont présentées. Césaire y apparaît déjà comme un réformateur. La deuxième partie entraîne vers l'universalisation des apports de saint Césaire à la pratique canonique de l'Église, d'abord par la présence des nombreux conciles sur lesquels il a exercé une influence dans les collections canoniques puis dans l'œuvre de Burchard de Worms, le "Décret" d'Yves de Chartres et le "Décret" de Gratien, une influence qui se ressent encore de nos jours.

- Professeur Raúl VILLEGAS MARIN (Professeur à l'Université de Barcelone – Espagne)
Les chrétientés provençales dans un âge d'angoisse : le témoignage de la prédication de Fauste de Riez et de Césaire d'Arles
Des études récentes ont attribué à l'évêque Fauste de Riez la paternité de la plupart des homélies rassemblées dans le corpus dit de l'« Eusèbe Gallican ». Certaines d'entre ces homélies de Fauste furent remployées, à des remaniements près, par Césaire d'Arles. L'analyse comparative des homélies de Fauste et de Césaire, prêchées à des décennies de distance, nous permet de mieux connaître l'évolution historique des communautés chrétiennes provençales dans cette époque d'angoisse, qui a vu la chute de l'Empire romain d'Occident.

- Professeur Bertrand LANÇON (Professeur émérite d'Histoire romaine à l'Université de Limoges)
L'évêque face aux « superstitions »
Parmi les témoins littéraires de la rémanence des pratiques dites « païennes » entre le Ve et le VIIe siècle, Césaire d'Arles est incontestablement le plus prolixe. Dans ses sermons, il évoque les offrandes aux sources et aux arbres sacrés, les sacrifices d'animaux, les sorts, les grimoires et les phylactères, que les clercs eux-mêmes distribuaient. Il condamne aussi le recours aux guérisseurs ("caragii") et aux jeteurs de sort ("sorticularii"). Pour lui, ce sont les multiples facettes de la ruse du diable, redoutables parce qu'efficaces, qui trompent les chrétiens arlésiens. Il convient donc de les discréditer pour les éradiquer. La "Vie anonyme" qui montre Césaire faisant des miracles montre bien qu'il s'agissait d'une concurrence vive pour un enjeu décisif : focaliser sur les saints la recherche de la guérison.

- P. Michel DUJARIER (Théologien et patrologue)
La fraternité selon Césaire d'Arles.
Depuis la première Epître de l'apôtre Pierre (1 P 2,17 et 5, 9), « Fraternité » est devenu le nom propre de la Communauté chrétienne. Ce titre lui a été don-né parce qu'elle regroupe tous les baptisés qui, grâce à l'Esprit-Saint, sont devenus les frères et sœurs du Christ, ne formant plus qu'un en Lui, au point que Dieu le Père les a adoptés comme ses fils et filles.
Ce thème constitue la racine et le cœur de l'Histoire de notre Salut. Contrairement à ce qu'ont écrit certains auteurs modernes, il continue d'être fortement présent aux IVe et Ve siècles, et même encore au VIe. Césaire d'Arles en est un bon témoin, mais il n'est pas le seul : bien d'autres auteurs gaulois de son époque nous le garantissent. La présentation que nous en ferons sera pour nous tous une invitation à redécouvrir la richesse de cette vision de notre foi dans le Christ notre Frère, et à mieux vivre aujourd'hui de l'amour fraternel qui en découle comme une exigence fondamentale.

- P. Dominique BERTRAND (Sources Chrétiennes)
Les apports des "Traités théologiques" de Césaire d'Arles
Peu à peu, et tout d'abord dans le diocèse où, il y a quinze siècles (504-542), il a été l'instaurateur du véritable passage aux « tempora christiana », Césaire d'Arles retrouve sa véritable stature de Père de l'Église. De quasi-ignoré jusque vers 1950, où le grand chercheur bénédictin, Germain Morin, édite ses œuvres complètes, il devient le pasteur zélé qui aime et éduque son peuple par une prédication intense. Estimé dès lors comme un éducateur spirituel des mœurs, il apparaît de plus en plus comme un vrai théologien, et dans sa parole et dans son action et dans son influence. Il importe, pour profiter vraiment aujourd'hui de sa charité pastorale et spirituelle de creuser ce sillon en son œuvre. Et, pour ce faire, en premier lieu, il y a à valoriser les quatre traités où il affirme sa pensée claire et forte, deux sur la Trinité, un sur la grâce de Dieu et la liberté de l'homme, un qui commente l'"Apocalypse de Jean". A partir de là, l'interprétation bascule complètement. Le zèle pastoral et spirituel de Césaire d'Arles se manifeste dès lors comme celui d'un sage, sans doute même d'un docteur de la foi.

- P. Francesco TEDESCHI (Professeur à l'université Pontificale Urbanienne)
« Commentaire sur l'Apocalypse » de Saint Césaire d'Arles
Attribution, origines du texte, commentaires, interprétation, des apports de Césaire d'Arles dans son traité théologique sur l'"Apocalypse". En soulignant l'importance de Césaire d'Arles dans la représentation liturgique ainsi que de certaines formes de la liturgie gallicane et hispanique.

Lieu de la manifestation : Saintes - Salle "Saintonge", 11 Rue Fernand Chapsal
Organisation : CaritasPatrum
Contact : caritaspatrum.free.fr

Prehistoric cave art reveals ancient use of complex astronomy

Some of the world's oldest cave paintings have revealed how ancient people had relatively advanced knowledge of astronomy. The artworks, at sites across Europe, are not simply depictions of wild...

Ancient DNA from Finland reveals origins of Siberian ancestry

New study shows that the genetic makeup of northern Europe traces back to migrations from Siberia that began at least 3,500 years ago and that, as recently as the Iron...

Archaeologists find the oldest burials in Ecuador

Archaeologists of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) found three burials of the ancient inhabitants of South America dated from 6 to 10 thousand years ago. The excavations were carried...

9,000-year-old stone mask excavated in Israel

Archaeologists have recovered an ancient limestone mask from Israel's Hebron Hills, located on the West Bank; the 9,000-year-old mask dates to the Neolithic. "Stone masks are linked to the agricultural...

Stone Age food was haute cuisine

Ingredients from a 6,000-year-old meal have been identified by scientists led by Anna Shevchenko from the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology in Dresden, Germany. They did so by...

The oldest large-sized predatory dinosaur comes from the Italian Alps

Early Jurassic predatory dinosaurs are very rare, and mostly small in size. Saltriovenator zanellai, a new genus and species described in the peer-reviewed journal PeerJ - the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences by Italian paleontologists, is the oldest known ceratosaurian, and the world's largest (one ton) predatory dinosaur from the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian, ~198 Mya). At the Natural History Museum of Milan, paleontologist...

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Ritual finger amputation may explain missing fingers in Paleolithic people

A trio of researchers at Simon Fraser University in Canada theorizes that ritualistic finger amputation during the Upper Paleolithic explains the number of missing fingers in depictions from that time....

New light on the ancient populations of Patagonia

The presence of humans on the American continent dates back to at least 14,500 years ago, according to datings made at archaeological sites such as Monte Verde, in Chile's Los...
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