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Extinct Palaeolithic marshes near Azraq offer clues to Jordan’s ancient history

Former marshes near Azraq and their "assemblages of stone tools" may offer some clues about the Palaeolithic period in Jordan, an American scholar said in an interview with The Jordan Times. A limestone sinkhole site near the Dead Sea’s, being investigated for skeletal remains and other data on Jordanian prehistory [Credit: James Pokines]Faunal remains are sparse in Azraq's vicinity due to poor preservation, but scholars are...

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German forensics team say Bronze Age 'prince' was murdered

A group of archaeologists and forensic researchers in the eastern German city of Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, announced Tuesday that after reexamining the bones of the prince of Helmsdorf they have concluded that he was murdered. The attack, carried out 3,846 years ago, is now the world's oldest known political murder. Ms Nicklisch shows the injured eleventh thoracic vertebra of the Prince of Helmsdorf [Credit: DPA/PA Images]The forensic...

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Launched: Ptolemaic Coins Online

Ptolemaic Coins Online
PCO is a project of the American Numismatic Society co-directed by Dr. Peter van Alfen and Ethan Gruber. The web database, based on the Numishare platform, has been developed by Ethan Gruber, who also oversaw the creation of the necessary Nomisma concepts for the project.
Substantial work in developing PCO has been carried out by Gunnar Dumke of the Institut für Klassische Altertumswissenschaften at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Disnarda Pinilla has provided considerable assistance in organizing material within the ANS collection. Alan Roche and Emma Pratte are responsible for the photographs of ANS coins. Prof. Bernhard Weisser and Dr. Karsten Dahmen have catalogued the material at the Münzkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. At the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF) Caroline Carrier and Julien Olivier have catalogued the Ptolemaic coins in the collection there. The PCO banner image was created by ANS photographer, Alan Roche.
The ANS press release is here.

New Entry in Maps for Texts series


The Center is pleased to announce that the latest entry in the Maps for Texts series, Dionysius of Byzantium, Anaplous of the Bosporus, is now available. The Center’s single, static map is at a scale of 1:100,000. The place names follow the forms as in the text of Rudolf Güngerich (1927, reprinted 1958). Ancient cultural and geographic data follows data derived from Barrington Atlas Map 53 compiled by C. Foss and its Directory. For a link to download the map please email awmc@unc.edu.

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Future already exists. Here are the first publications of 2019. In 2018 : 30965 new titles for the Archaeological Bibliography! All the best for the new year.



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Foto: neigesdantan

As the year comes to a close,  – having taken a look back – we are glad to inform and share with you that it has been a year full of  great achievements.  Above all: 30965 new titles for the “Archaeological Bibliography” in 2018, once more the best result ever . Without your interest in our databases and services, without your continued loyalty, support and indications our work would not have been possible. We take this opportunity to thank you. We firmly intend to continue working for you with the same verve and vigor in the coming years
“Archaeological Bibliography” is growing constantly year after year, week after week. All the while we strive for data quality as we do for quantity. We like to serve our community with the best achievable data in a professional way. So we have added ca. 8500 new links to full texts, referencing more and more doi-links going towards a kind of fulltext database with the intension to facilitate your research. We created new subdivions in the systematic tree and reopend subdivisions closed down in 1997. “Archaeological Bibliography” keeps moving strong and we are looking forward to 2019.

In the following table we present an overview of our data input activity for the year 2018:

2018Number of new titles
Total 30965

Nevertheless, in the first two weeks of December we have evaluated 138 new monographs and 51 new volumes of periodicals, gaining 1533 new titles for the “Archaeological Bibliography ”. The list of new monographs (also in pdf) and periodicals – supplemented with links to the online editions of the respective journals, in addition to the links for the online resources – is to be find below as ever.
Any advice and suggestions regarding content will be highly appreciated: please mail to Dr. Martina Schwarz. Concerning technical support please contact info@dyabola.de.

New monographs  (New monographs December 2018/pdf):

  1. “Athenaion politeiai” tra storia, politica e sociologia. Aristotele e pseudo-Senofonte. (Milano, LED, 2018), ed. Bearzot, C.; Canevaro, M.; Gargiulo, T., (Quaderni di Erga-Logoi, 7)
  2. Abramzon, M.G.; Kuznecov, V.D.: Fanagorija. Resul’taty archeologiceskich issledovanij, 5. Klad pozdne’osporskich staterov iz Fanagorii. (Russ.) (Moskva, Ia ran, 2017)
  3. Alföldy, G.: Die epigraphische Kultur der Römer. Studien zu ihrer Bedeutung, Entwicklung und Erforschung. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2018), ed. Chaniotis, A.; Witschel, C., (Heidelberger althistorische Beiträge und epigraphische Studien, 50)
  4. An archaeology of prehistoric bodies and embodied identities in the eastern Mediterranean. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2016), ed. Mina, M.; Triantaphyllou, S.
  5. An island between two worlds. The archaeology of Euboea from prehistoric to Byzantine times. Proceedings of an International Conference, Eretria, 12-14 July 2013. (Athens, Norwegian Institute at Athens, 2017), ed. Tankosic, Z.; Mavridis, F.; Kosma, M., (Papers and monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, 6)
  6. Ancient biography. Identity through “Lives”. (Prenton, Cairns, 2018), ed. Cairns, F.; Luke, T., (Arca, 55)
  7. Ancient decorative painting of the Cimmerian Bosporus. From drawing to photography. (Russ.)(Sankt-Peterburg, Institut istorii material’noj kul’tury RAN, 2017), (Russian Academy of sciences. Institute for the history of material culture. Proceedings, 51)
  8. Ancient Greek law in the 21st century. Ashley and Peter Larkin endowment in Greek and Roman culture. (Austin, University of Texas Press, 2018), ed. Perlman, P.
  9. Antichità d’Africa agli Uffizi. Giovanni Pagni medico e archeologo pisano nella Tunisia del XVII secolo. [Tunisi, 18 marzo 2018 – 30 settembre 2018](Firenze, Regione Toscana, 2018)
  10. Antike als Transformation. Konzepte zur Beschreibung kulturellen Wandels. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017), ed. Helmrath, J.; Hausteiner, E.M., (Transformationen der Antike, 49)
  11. Arena, P.; Marcone, A.: Augusto e la creazione del principato. La questione dinastica. (Milano, Mondadori Education, 2018)
  12. Asolati, M.; Crisafulli, C.: Cirene e la Cirenaica in età greca e romana. Le monete, 1. I ripostigli. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018), (Cirene “Atene d’Africa”, 10)
  13. Au-delà du savoir. Les Reinach et le monde des arts. Actes du XXVIIe colloque à Beaulieu-sur-Mer, 7-8 octobre 2016. (Paris, Boccard, 2017), ed. Jouanna, J.; Lavagne, H., (Cahiers de la Villa Kérylos, 28)
  14. Augusto dopo il bimillenario. Un bilancio. (Città di Castello, Le Monnier Università, 2018), ed. Segenni, S., (Studi sul mondo antico, 8)
  15. Bani, S.: Sylloge nummorum Graecorum. Italia. Firenze, Museo archeologico nazionale, 4, 1. Sicilia. (Firenze, Polo museale della Toscana, [2018])
  16. Bernard, S.: Building mid-Repubblican Rome. Labor, architecture, and the urban economy. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018)
  17. Berres, T.: Der Diskus von Phaistos. Grundlagen seiner Entzifferung. (Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 2017)
  18. Biccari, M.L.: Dalla pretesa giudiziale alla narratio retorica (e viceversa). Spunti di riflessione sulla formazione dell’avvocato romano e la sua azione. (Torino, Giappichelli, 2017)
  19. Bitrakova Grozdanova, V.: Lychnidos et Dassaretie. (Maked.)(Skopje, Matica, 2017)
  20. Bonetto, J.; Bejor, G.; Bondì, S.F.: Nora. Pula. (Sassari, Delfino, 2018), (Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari, 1)
  21. Bounegru, O.; Anghel, G.; Aldea, I.A. u.a.:The northern necropolis of Apulum “Ambulance station”, 1981 – 1985. Necropola nordica de la Apulum. “Statia de salvare” 1981 – 1985. (Cluj, Editura Mega, 2017)
  22. Bovillae e il suo territorio nella tarda antichità e nell’altomedioevo. Le trasformazioni del paesaggio du un settore del Latium vetus. (Tivoli, Tored, 2018), ed. Fiocchi Nicolai, V.; Spera, L., (Bibliotheca del Lazio. Archeologia, 6)
  23. Bradley, J.W.: An interpretation of the frescoes of the Hypogeum of the Aurelii in Rome.  [Thesis submitted for the degree of PhD](London, Selbstverlag, [2018]) 2 Bde.,
  24. Byzantine images  and their afterlives. Essays in honor of Annemarie Weyl Carr. (Farnham, Ashgate, 2014), ed. Jones, L.
  25. Cavallero, F.G.: Arae sacrae. Tipi, nomi, atti, funzioni e rappresentazioni degli altari romani. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018), (Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale di Roma. Supplementi, 25)
  26. Charles Ede Ldt. Christmas 2018. (London, Selbstverlag, 2018)
  27. Chiavenna e la sua valle in età antica. (Quingentole, SAP, 2018), ed. Mariotti, V., (Studi e ricerche di archeologia, 3)
  28. Cojocaru, V.: Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini, 2. Archaeologica. (Cluj, Mega Verlag, 2018), (Pontica et Mediterranea, 7)
  29. Collection Fallani, 1. De l’aigle a la louve. Monnaies et gemmes antiques entre art, propaganda et affirmation de soi. (Milan, Continents, 2018), ed. Campagnolo, M.; Fallani, C.M.
  30. Conti, M.C.: I bolli su tegole e coppi a Selinunte. (Pisa, Serra, 2018), (Biblioteca di “Sicilia antica”, 7)
  31. Cromwell, J.A.: Recording village life. A Coptic scribe on early Islamic Egypt. New texts from ancient cultures. (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2017)
  32. Cupae. Riletture e novità. (Faenza, Fratelli Lega, 2018), ed. Baratta, G., (Epigrafia e antichità, 41)
  33. Cycladic archaeology and research. New approaches and discoveries. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018), ed. Angliker, E.; Tully, J.
  34. D’Alessio, R.: Il denaro e le sue funzioni nel pensiero giuridico romano. La riflessione giurisprudenziale nel Principato. (Lecce, Grifo, 2018), (Iuridica historica, 6)
  35. Damminger, F.; Gross, U.; Prien, R. u.a.:Grosse Welten, kleine Welten. Ladenburg und der Lobdengau zwischen Antike und Mittelalter. (Edingen-Neckarhausen, Fetzer, 2017)
  36. De Blois, L.: Image and reality of Roman imperial power in the third century A.D. The impact of war. (London, Routledge, 2019)
  37. De Miranda, A.: Fontane a sorpressa nelle fonti antiche. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2018), (Studia archaeologica, 224)
  38. Découvrir la Macédoine antique. Le terrain, les stèles, l’histoire. Recueil d’études de Militiade B. Hatzopoulos. (Paris, Boccard, 2016), ed. Guimier-Sorbets, A.M.; Fromageot-Lanièpce, V.
  39. Di Salvo, M.; Gossage, C.: The basilicas of Ethiopia. An architectural history. (London, Tauris, 2017)
  40. Die Synoden im trinitarischen Streit. Über die Etablierung eines synodalen Verfahrens und die Probleme seiner Anwendung im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017), ed. Heil, U.; Stochausen, A.v., (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 177)
  41. Diritto romano e economia. Due modi di pensare e organizzare il mondo (nei primi tre secoli dell’Impero). (Pavia, Pavia University Press, 2018), ed. Lo Cascio, E.; Mantovani, D., (Pubblicazioni del “Cedant”, 15)
  42. Domi forisque. Omaggio a Giovanni Brizzi. (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018), ed. Magnani, S.
  43. Dundua, T.: Georgia. Early origin and antiquity. (Georg.)(Tiflis 2017)
  44. Dundua, T.: History of Georgia. (Tbilisi, Meridian Publishers, 2017)
  45. Dundua, T.; Silagadze, N.: Cyclic dialectics and history of art. (Tbilisi, Meridian Publishers, 2017) 57 S., Abb.
  46. Eich, P.: Gregor der Grosse. (Paderborn, Schöningh, 2016)
  47. Ellenikés diálektoi stón archaío kosmo. Actes du VIe colloque international sur les dialectes grecs anciens (Nicosie, université de Chypre, 26-29 septembre 2011). (Leuven, Bibliothèque des cahiers de l’Institut de lingusitique de Louvain, 2017), ed. Panayotou, A.; Galdi, G.
  48. Emanuel, J.P.: Black ships and sea raiders. The late bronze and early iron age context of Odysseus. Second Cretan lie. Greek studies. Interdisciplinary approaches. (Lanham, Lexington Books, 2017)
  49. Emerson, M.: Greek sanctuaries and temple architecture. An introduction. (London, Bloomsbury, 2018)
  50. Entre la terre et la mer. La Via Aurelia et la topographie du littoral du Latium et de la Toscane. Colloque international (Paris, 6-7 juin 2014). (Roma, Quasar, 2018), ed. Citter, C.; Nardi Combescure, S.; Stasolla, F.R., (PAST. Percorsi, strumenti e temi di archeologia, 1)
  51. Esch, A.: Historische Landschaften Italiens. Wanderungen zwischen Venedig und Syrakus. (München, Beck, 2018)
  52. Etudes coptes, 15. Dix-septième journée d’études (Lisbonne, 18-20 juin 2015). (Paris, Boccard, 2018), ed. Boud’hors, A.; Louis, C., (Cahiers de la bibliothèque copte, 22)
  53. Exekias hat mich gemalt und getöpfert. Ausstellung in der Archäologischen Sammlung der Universität Zürich, 9.11.2018 – 31.3.2019. (Zürich, Archäologische Sammlung der Universität Zürich, 2018), ed. Reusser, C.; Bürge, M.
  54. Fanagorija. Resul’taty archeologiceskich issledovanij, 2. Zoloto Fanagorii. (Russ.)(Moskva, Ia ran, 2015), ed. Treister, M.J.
  55. Fanagorija. Resul’taty archeologiceskich issledovanij, 4. Materialy po archeologii i istorii Fanagorii, 2. (Moskva, Ia ran, 2016), ed. Zavoykin, A.A.; Kuznecov, V.D.
  56. Fritz Rudolf Künker Münzenhandlung. Münzen aus der antiken Welt. Die Sammlung Dr. Adolf Wild u.a. Auktion 124 am 16.-17. März 2007 in Osnabrück. (Osnabrück, Selbstverlag, 2007)
  57. Fullerton, M.D.: Greek sculpture. (Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
  58. Futre Pinheiro, M.P.; Konstan, D.; MacQueen, B.D.: Cultural Crossroads in the ancient novel. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017), (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes, 40)
  59. Gabucci, A.: Attraverso le Alpi e lungo il Po. Importazione e distribuzione di sigillate galliche nella Cisalpina. (Rome, Ecole française de Rome, 2018), (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome, 532)
  60. García Gual, C.: I sette sapienti (e altri tre). (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2009), (Bibliotheca spagnola di studi classici, 3)
  61. Guzmán Almagro, A.: Fantasmans, apariciones y regresados del más allá. De la antigüedad a la época moderna. (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Sans Soleil ediciones, 2017)
  62. Hrnciarik, E.: Bone and antler artefacts from the Roman fort at Iza. (Nitra, Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2017), (Archaeologica Slovaca monographiae. Fontes, 23)
  63. Hruby, J.; Trusty, D.: From cooking vessels to cultural practices in the late bronze age Aegean. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2017)
  64. Imagem, gênero e espaço. Representaçãoes da antiguidade. (Niterói, Alternativa, 2014), ed. Carneiro Cerqueira Lima, A.
  65. Jelicic Radonic, J.; Katic, M.: Faros. Osnivanje grckog grada, 1. [Pharos. The foundation of the ancient city, 1.](Split, Knjizevni krug Split, 2015)
  66. Knötzele, P.: Das römische Gräberfeld von Stettfeld, 2. Katalog der Gräber und übrigen Befunde. (Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2018), (Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg, 7)
  67. Konstantinou, A.: Female mobility and gendered space in ancient Greek myth. (London, Routledge, 2018)
  68. Kuznetsov, V.D.: Phanagoria. (Moscow, Institut archeologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2016)
  69. La cittadinanza tra impero, stati nazionali ed Europa. Studi promossi per il MDCCC anniversario della constitutio Antoniniana. (Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2017), ed. Barbulescu, M.; Felici, M.; Silverio, F., (Quaestio, 3)
  70. L’armée romaine en Gaule à l’époque républicaine. Nouveaux témoignages archéologiques. (Glux-en-Glenne, Bibracte Centre archéologique européen, 2018), ed. Reddé, M., (Collection Bibracte, 28)
  71. Le couvent des Cordeliers du Mont Beuvray. Histoire et archéologie. (Glux-en-Glenne, Bibracte Centre archéologique européen, 2018), ed. Beck, P.; Saint-Jean Vitus, B., (Collection Bibracte, 27)
  72. Liston, M.A.; Rotroff, S.I.; Snyder, L.M.: The Agora bone well. (Athens, American Schools of Oriental Research, 2018 u.a.:, (Hesperia. Supplements, 50)
  73. Loicq, J.: Orient, Grèce et Rome à l’Université de Liège (1890 – 2015). (Liège, Librairie Pax, 2017)
  74. L’oro nei secolo dalla Collezione Castellani. (Roma, Palombi and partner, 2014), ed. Russo Tagliente, A.; Caruso, I.
  75. Mader, B.: Die prähistorische Kommission der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1878 – 1918. (Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018), (Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 86)
  76. Malingue, G.: The coinage of Domitius Alexander (308-310 A.D.)(Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2018), (Ausonius éditions. Numismatica antiqua, 9)
  77. Manning, J.G.: The open sea. The economic life of the ancient Mediterranean world. From the iron age to the rise of Rome. (Princeton, Princeton University, 2018)
  78. Marginality, cabonicity, passion. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018), ed. Formisano, M.; Kraus, C.S.
  79. Maternità e politeismi. Motherhood(s) and polytheisms. (Bologna, Pàtron, 2017), ed. Pasche Guignard, F.; Pedrucci, G.; Scapini, M.
  80. Mazarakis Ainian, A.: Les sanctuaires archaïques des Cyclades. (Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017)
  81. Meyer, J.C.: Palmyrena, Palmyra and the sourrounding territory from the Roman to the early Islamic period. (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2017)
  82. Minoan architecture and urbanism. New perspectives on an ancient built environment. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017), ed. Letesson, Q.; Knappett, C.
  83. Mirguet, F.: An early history of compassion. Emotion and imagination in hellenstic Judaism. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017)
  84. Mito e archeologia degli Erei. Museo diffuso ennese. Itinerari archeologici. (Palermo, Assessorato regionale beni culturali ambientali, 2012), ed. Bonanno, C.; Valbruzzi, F.; Iannotta,  u.a.:
  85. Monfasani, J.: Greek scholars between East and West in the fifteenth century. (Abingdon, Routledge, 2016)
  86. Moorhead, J.: Popes and the church of Rome in late antiquity. (London, Routledge, 2017)
  87. Mülke, M.: Aristobulos in Alexandria. Jüdische Bibelexegese zwischen Griechen und Ägyptern unter Ptolemaios VI. Philometor. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2018), (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 126)
  88. Nakit ostane. Dediscina, nas najdragocenejsi nakit. Arheoloski nakit iz Beograda, Tolmina, Brezic, Kranja in Kopra. Tatu nakbolj osebna oblika nakita. (Kranj, Gorenjski muzej, 2018)
  89. Nosov, E.N.; Platonova, N.I.; Alekshin, V.A. u.a.:Akademiceskaja archeologija na beregach Nevy. Ot RAIMK do IIMK RAN, 1919 – 2014. Academic archaeology on the banks of the Neva (from RAHMC to IHMC RAS, 1919 – 2014). [Posvjascaetsja 95-letiju Instituta istorii material’noj kul’tury Rossijskoj akademii nauk.] (Russ.)(Sankt-Peterburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 2013), ed. Nosov, E.N.
  90. Omissi, A.: Emperors and usurpers in the later Roman empire. Civil war, panegyric, and the construction of legitimacy. (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018)
  91. Oppidum, civitas, urbs. Städteforschung auf der Iberischen Halbinsel zwischen Rom und al-Andalus. (Berlin, Lit, 2017), ed. Panzram, S., (Geschichte und Kultur der Iberischen Welt, 13)
  92. Pedagogy in ancient Judaism and early Christianity. (Atlanta, SBL Press, 2017), ed. Hogan, K.M.; Goff, M.; Wasserman, E.
  93. Peplum. L’antiquité spectacle. [Exposition Lyon, 9 octobre 2012 – 7 avril 2013](Lyon, Fage, 2012), ed. Lafont-Couturier, H.
  94. Pericci, F.: Carta archeologica della provincia di Siena, 13. Monteroni d’Arbia. (Siena, Nuova immagine, 2018)
  95. Polychromy in ancient sculpture and architecture. (Livorno, Sillabe, 2018), ed. Bracci, S.; Giachi, G.; Liverani,  u.a.:
  96. Porte, D.: Dictionnaire du siècle d’Auguste. Auguste mot à mot. (Paris, Champion, 2017)
  97. Ports of the ancient Indian Ocean. (Delhi, Primus, 2016), ed. Boussac, M.F.; Salles, J.F.; Yon, J.B.
  98. Religio-philosophhical discourses in the Mediterranean world. From Plato, through Jesus, to late antiquity. (Leiden, Brill, 2017), ed. Klostergaard Petersen, A.; Van Kooten, G., (Ancient philosophy and religion, 1)
  99. Rémy, B.; Oshimizu, Y.: Dioclétien. L’Empire restauré. (Paris, Colin, 2016)
  100. Riaud, J.: A la croisée des cultures. Les traditions judaïques à la manière grecque. (Paris, Cerf, 2017)
  101. Ricci, C.: Security in Roman times. Rome, Italy and the emperors. (London, Routledge, 2018)
  102. Riscoperte. Un anno di archeologia nelle Marche. Atti della Giornata di studi, Ancona, 6 giugno 2017. (Fermo, LiviEditore, 2018), ed. Birrozzi, C.
  103. Rocchi, S.; Mussini, C.: Imagines antiquitatis. Representations, concepts, receptions of the past in Roman antiquity and the early Italian Renaissance. (Berlin, de Gruyter, 2017), (Philologus. Supplementary volumes, 7)
  104. Rockwell, N.: Thebes. A history. (London, Routledge, o.J.)
  105. Roffia, E. u.a.:Sirmione in età antica. Il territorio del comune dalla preistoria al medioevo. (Milano, Edizioni Et, 2018)
  106. Roubineau, J.M.: Les cités grecques. Essai d’histoire sociale. (Paris, PUF, 2015)
  107. Round trip to Hades in the eastern Mediterranean tradition. Visits to the underworld from antiquity to Byzantium. (Leiden, Brill, 2018), ed. Ekroth, G.; Nilsson, I., (Cultural interactions in the Mediterranean, 2)
  108. Rüpke, J.: Pantheon. Una nuova storia della religione romana. (Torino, Einaudi, 2018) Original: Pantheon (München 2016),
  109. Rupschus, N.: Frauen in Qumran. (Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2017), (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Reihe 2, 457)
  110. Sacrifice, cult, and atonement in early Judaism and Christianity. (Atlanta, SBL Press, 2017), ed. Wiley, H.L.; Eberhart, C.A., (Resources for Biblical Study, 85)
  111. Sánchez López, E.; Martinez Jiménez, J.: Los acueductos de Hispania. Construcción y abandono. (Madrid, Fundación Juanelo Turriano, 2016)
  112. Schaub, I.Y.: Myth, cult, ritual in the north Pontic area (7th – 4th centuries B.C.). (Russ.)(Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg State University, 2007)
  113. Schultz, P.; Wickkiser, B.L.; Hinge, G. u.a.:The Thymele at Epidauros. Healing, space, and musical performance in late classical Greece. (Fargo, Theran Press, 2017)
  114. Severus of Antioch. His life and times. (Leiden, Brill, 2016), ed. D’Alton, J.; Youssef, Y., (Texts and studies in eastern Christianity, 7)
  115. Shipley, L.: The Etruscans. Lost civilizations. (London, Reaktion Press, 2017)
  116. Simsek, C.; Kaçar, T.: Geç Antik Çag’da Lykos Vadisi ve Çevresi. The Lykos Valley and neighbourhood in late antiquity. (Istanbul, Ege Yayinlari, 2018)
  117. Smith, D.M.: Pocket museum. Ancient Greece. (London, Thames and Hudson, 2017)
  118. Social change in Aegean prehistory. (Oxford, Oxbow, 2017), ed. Wiersma, C.W.; Voutsaki, S.
  119. Solov’yova, N.F.; Aleksandrov, S.V.; Bokovenko, N.A. u.a.:A millennia-long road. Archaeological expedition. Kyzyl-Kuragino. (Russ.)(Sankt-Peterburg, Institute of the History of Material Cultures, 2015)
  120. Star, C.: Seneca. (London, Tauris, 2017)
  121. Statuts personnels et espaces sociaux. Questions grecques et romaines. (Paris, Boccard, 2018), ed. Moatti, C.; Müller, C., (Travaux de la Maison René-Ginouvès, 25)
  122. Stewart, K.A.: Galen’s theory of Black Bile. Hippocratic tradition, manipulation, innovation. (Leiden, Brill, 2019), (Studies in ancient medicine, 51)
  123. Tabb, B.J.: Suffering in ancient worldview. Luke, Seneca and 4 Maccabees in Dialogue. (London, Bloomsbury, 2017)
  124. Teleology in the ancient world. Phiolosophical and medical approaches. (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017), ed. Rocca, J.
  125. The history of the Argeads. New perspectives. (Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2017), ed. Müller, S.; Howe, T.; Bowden,  u.a.:
  126. The inland seas. Towards an ecohistory of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. (Stuttgart, Steiner, 2016), ed. Bekker-Nielsen, T.; Gertwagen, R., (Geographica historica, 35)
  127. The Roman frontier along the river Rhine. The role of museums in rivitalizing cultural landscapes. (Utrecht, ICOM, 2018), ed. De Bruin, R.; Hertog, A.; Paardekooper, R.
  128. The Routledge handbook of archaeology and globalization. (Abingdon, Routledge, o.J.), ed. Hodos, T.
  129. Thompson, E.L.: Possession. The curious history of private collectors from antiquity to the present. (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2016)
  130. TransAntquity, cross-dressing and transgender dynamics in the ancient world. (New York, Routledge, 2017), ed. Campanile, D.; Carlà-Uhink, F.; Facella, M.
  131. Ustinova, Y.: Divine mania. Alteration of consciousness in ancient Greece. (London, Routledge, 2018)
  132. Vitiello, M.: Amalasuintha. The transformation of queenship in the post-Roman world. (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017)
  133. Vomer Gojkovic, M.; Zizek, I.: Stopimo iz teme. Katalog razstave. Let’s step out of the darkness. (Ormoz, Ormoz Regional Museum, 2012) 27 S., Abb.
  134. Waters, M.: Ctesias’ Persica and its Near Eastern context. (Madison Wisc., University of Wisconsin, 2017)
  135. Woudhuizen, F.C.: Indo-Europeanization in the Mediterranean with particular attention to the fragmentary languages. (o.O., Shikanda, 2018), (Papers in intercultural philosophy and transcontinental comparative studies, 16)
  136. Zerbini, A.; Campigotto, L.: Roma. Un impero alle radici dell’Europa. (San Lazzaro di Savena, FMR, 2015)
  137. Zerres, J.: Kapuzenmäntel in Italien und den Nordwestprovinzen des römischen Reiches. Gebrauch, Bedeutung, Habitus. [http://www.dx.doi.org/10.11588/propylaeum.271.357.CCBY4.0 ](Kerpen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, 2017)
  138. Zindel, C.; Lippert, A.; Lahi, B.: Albanien. Ein Archäologie- und Kunstführer von der Steinzeit bis ins 19. Jahrhundert. (Wien, Böhlau, 2018)

New volumes of periodicals:

Analecta Tor 198 (2018)

Annali della Fondazione per il Museo Claudio Faina 25 (2018) (click on the link for contents)

Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italiane in Oriente 95 (2017)[2018]   online edition

Antichthon 52 (2018)  online edition

Antike Welt (2018)  Nr.6

Appunti romani di filologia 20 (2018)  online edition

Archeotuscia. News 15 (2017)   online edition

Archivio storico pugliese 69 (2016)

Archivio storico pugliese70 (2017)

Arys. Antigüedad, religiones y sociedades 15 (2017)  online edition

Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Ikonographie und Mythologie 49 (2016)

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2018)  Nr.11   online resource

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2018)  Nr.12  online resource

Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 139-140 (2015-16) Nr.2

Bulletin monumental 176 (2018) Nr.3

Cahiers archéologiques 57 (2018)

Cahiers d’archéologie subaquatique 24 (2018)

Cahiers du Centre G. Glotz. Revue d’histoire ancienne 28 (2017)

Chronique d’Egypte 92 (2017) Nr.185

Etruscan (and Italic) Studies 21 (2018)  1-2  online edition

Etudes celtiques 44 (2018)  (click on the link for contents)

European Review of History. Revue européenne d’histoire 25 (2018) Nr.6  online edition

Histria archaeologica 47 (2016)   online edition

Histria archaeologica 48 (2017)

Israel Exploration Journal 68 (2018) Nr.2   (click on the link for contents)

Journal of Greek Archaeology 3 (2018)

Kokalos 54 (2017)[2018]

Kölner Jahrbuch 50 (2017)

Lalies. Actes des sessions de linguistique et de littérature 38 (2018)

L’antiquité classique 87 (2018)

Listy filologické 141 (2018) Nr.1-2  (click on the links for contents)

Mnemosyne 71 (2018) Nr.6  online edition

Oxford Journal of Archaeology 37 (2018) Nr.4   online edition

Pallas 108 (2018)  (click on the links for contents)

Pharos 22 (2016) Nr.1  online edition

Phoînix. Laboratório de história antiga  21 (2015) Nr.1  online edition

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 34 (2017)  online edition

Revista portuguesa de arqueologia 21 (2018)

Revue biblique 125 (2018) Nr.3  online edition

Revue des sciences religieuses 92 (2018) Nr.3  online edition

Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses 98 (2018) Nr.3

Rivista di studi pompeiani 29 (2018)

Schweizer Münzblätter 67 (2017) Nr.271  online edition

Studia Picena 83 (2018)

Symbolae antiquariae 8 (2015)[2018]   online edition

The Cambridge Classical Journal 64 (2018)  online edition

The Economic History Review. A journal of economic and social history 71 (2018) Nr.4  online edition

The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 69 (2018) Nr.4  online edition

The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 103 (2017) Nr.2  online edition

The Journal of Hellenic Studies 138 (2018)  online edition

Vesuviana 9 (2017)   online edition

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Rock of Ages


I’m not one for public tears, but I was stopped at the intersection of Hunt Club and Prince of Wales, and tears were streaming down my face. I caught the eye of the woman in the car next to me, and she turned away.

I had been stuck in traffic, idly flipping between the radio stations. Alt rock. Classic Rock. Best of the 60s, 70s, and 80s! The CBC. NPR, floating in over the border. Then I hit the ‘media’ button by accident, and the voice of Stuart McLean embraced me.

Stuart McLean died of cancer in 2015.  He was many things over the years, but first and foremost, he was a storyteller. His ‘Vinyl Cafe’ stories played on the radio every Saturday, funny, warm, and often poignant, insights into the life of his everyman, Dave, and Dave’s wider community. The story that was playing in my cd player is called ‘Rock of Ages’. Look it up. I do it an injustice here, but briefly, it’s a story of a woman from Dave’s home town, an old woman, who for reasons she can’t explain, passes up a chance to reconnect with an old beau. He dies; and at the funeral, she sings ‘Rock of Ages’. But of course, in the recording, it is Stuart McLean who is singing. And in that instant, I am transported back to my childhood, to our rural church, and I’m thinking of the people I will never see again.

And I cried.


I saw Stuart McLean in concert, twice, for his Christmas show in Ottawa. The National Art Centre squats in downtown Ottawa beside the Rideau Canal. Inside, despite the vast space, it feels close, intimate. On the stage there is a standup microphone, and a music stand. A wingback chair is stage-left. And that is all. Stuart walks onto the stage and, once the applause settles down, he begins to speak.

It is a masterclass in speaking. I am enthralled. It’s not just the richness of the voice, or the humour, pacing, and timing, though those are all impeccable. It’s the physicality. He holds his head perfectly still as he tells the story, reading from his script propped up on the music stand. But the rest of his body, ah, well…  his arms windmill; his legs noodle forward and backward; his hands splay, and grasp, and point; he is conducting an orchestra, juggling the lives of Dave, Morely, Sam, Arthur the dog, the minor characters, the walk-ons. But throughout, he holds his head steady. His voice never betrays the maelstrom happening just underneath. And it becomes clear, after a while, that the movement, all the movement, is Stuart McLean moving through his ownpalace of memory. He has the script in front of him, but his eyes are closed. He can see Dave, there, about to turn on the dryer into which the pet ferret has crept; he’s there in the kitchen when Dave decides to do a spot of remodelling. He’s there, in the church, as the old lady’s voice quavers, but never breaks.

This I think was the secret – one of the secrets? – to Stuart McLean’s success. He was present in his work in a way few of us ever are. Even as I listen to other stories on the old cd, I can see him windmilling away as Dave tries to shepherd the boys onto the subway, and the subway doors closing in his face. And sometimes, I can see him holding himself very still, trying to contain that energy in his slight frame, as when he sings ‘Rock of Ages’. Stillness is so much more effective when it is unexpected. This is what I aspire to. To be present in the moment when I lecture, when I speak. To be still in the centre of that moment. To move; and be moved in turn.

Thank you, Stuart.

DNA Could Assist in Repatriation of Ancient Australian Remains


Australia DNA ancestorsNATHAN, AUSTRALIA—A new study suggests that ancient human bones from Australia held in museum collections around the world could be linked to living descendants through DNA analysis, according to a Science Magazine report. Geneticists Joanne Wright and David Lambert of Griffith University, at the request of Tapij Wales, an Australian traditional owner, analyzed samples of DNA obtained from 27 aboriginal Australian ancestors whose remains were up to 1,540 years old and had been either repatriated or excavated from indigenous lands. They were able to sequence mitochondrial genomes for all 27 individuals, and nuclear genomes for 10 of them. This information was then compared to DNA derived from saliva samples donated by 100 living aboriginal Australians. Wright and Lambert found that all 10 of the nuclear genomes showed close genetic relationships with the communities now living on the lands where the remains were found. Mitochondrial DNA, however, was less reliable as a way to identify a living community’s ancestors, Lambert added. To read about how genetic evidence was used to study the remains of a teenaged girl found in Mexico, go to “Naia—the 13,000-Year-Old Native American.”

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