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Presentazione del volume "Symplegmata. Studi di archeologia dedicati a Simona Minichino"

Open Access Journal: Schweizerischer Altphilologenverband - Association Suisse des Philologues Classiques / Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 5 October 2011, updated 11 January 2019]

Schweizerischer Altphilologenverband - Association Suisse des Philologues Classiques - Associazione Svizzera dei Filologi Classici / Bulletin
Das Bulletin ist das Mitteilungsblatt des SAV. Es erscheint halbjährlich (üblicherweise im März und im September) in einer Auflage von ca. 300 Exemplaren. Artikel können elektronisch (notfalls auch nur in Papierform) an die Bulletin-Redaktorin und an den Webmaster geschickt werden. Die Beiträge werden nach dem Eingang noch vor der Drucklegung auf dem Internet veröffentlicht, ausser die Autoren wünschen dies nicht. Normale Artikel (inkl. Rezensionen) sollten max. 3200 Zeichen (inkl.max. 30000 Zeichen (inkl. Leerzeichen) lang sein. Eine Anzeigenseite kostet 500 Franken.  Leerzeichen), der Leitartikel sollte
 Le Bulletin d'information de l'ASPC paraît deux fois par année, en mars et en septembre avec une tirage d'environ 300 exemplaires. Les articles à paraître peuvent être adressés par e-mail ou sur CD (ou sur papier) directement à la rédactrice du Bulletin et au Webmaster. Les articles seront publiés tout de suite sur l'internet, excepté que les auteurs ne le voudraient pas. Le longeur d'un article est en maximum 3200 charactères, le longeur de l'article principal est en maximum 30000 charactères. Une annonce coute 500 franc
Bulletin 92 vom Oktober 2018 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 91 vom April 2018 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 90 vom Oktober 2017 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 89 vom April 2017 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 88 vom September 2016 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 87 vom April 2016 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 86 vom September 2015 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 85 vom April 2015 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 84 vom Oktober 2014 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 83 vom Mai 2014 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 82 vom September 2013 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 81 vom April 2013 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 80 vom Oktober 2012 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 79 vom April 2012 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 78 vom September 2011 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 77 vom April 2011 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 76 vom September 2010 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 75 vom April 2010 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 74 vom September 2009 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 73 vom März 2009 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 72 vom September 2008 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 71 vom April 2008 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 70 vom September 2007 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 69 vom April 2007 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 68 vom September 2006 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 67 vom April 2006 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 66 vom September 2005 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 65 vom April 2005 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 64 vom September 2004 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 63 vom April 2004 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 62 vom September 2003 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 61 vom April 2003 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 60 vom September 2002 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 59 vom April 2002 (PDF-Fassung)
Bulletin 58 (nur elektronische Beiträge) vom Oktober 2001 (Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 57 (nur elektronische Beiträge) vom März 2001 (Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 56 vom September 2000 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 55 vom März 2000 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 54 vom August 1999 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 53 vom März 1999 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 52 vom September 1998 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 51 vom Februar 1998 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 50 vom August 1997 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 49 vom März 1997 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 48 vom November 1996 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 47 vom April 1996 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 46 vom Oktober 1995 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 45 vom April 1995 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 44 vom Oktober 1994 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 43 vom April 1994 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 42 vom Oktober 1993 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 41 vom April 1993 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 40 vom Oktober 1992 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 39 vom April 1992 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 38 vom Oktober 1991 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 37 vom April 1991 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 36 vom Oktober 1990 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 35 vom April 1990 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 34 vom Oktober 1989 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 33 vom März 1989 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 32 vom Oktober 1988 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Sonderbulletin zu den Rahmenlehrplänen vom September 1988 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 31 vom Mai 1988 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 30 vom Oktober 1987 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 29 vom März 1987 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 28 vom Oktober 1986 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 27 vom Mai 1986 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 26 vom September 1985 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 25 vom März 1985 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 24 vom Oktober 1984 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 23 vom Juni 1984 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 22 vom Oktober 1983 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 21 vom März 1983 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 20 vom Oktober 1982 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 19 vom März 1982 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 18 vom Oktober 1981 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 17 vom Mai 1981 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 16 vom Oktober 1980 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 15 vom März 1980 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 14 vom Oktober 1979 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 13 vom Juni 1979 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 12 vom Oktober 1978 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 11 vom März 1978 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 10 vom Oktober 1977 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 9 vom März 1977 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 8 vom Oktober 1976 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 7 vom Februar 1976 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 6 vom Oktober 1975 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 5 vom April 1975 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 4 vom März 1974 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 3 vom Oktober 1972 (nur Faksimile, PDF)
Bulletin 2 vom Februar 1972 (nur Faksimile, PDF)

Medicalia Online

[First posted on AWOL  12 January 2017, updated 11 January 2019]

Medicalia Online
DIGMEDTEXT Project (ERC GA 339828, PI Prof. Isabella Andorlini)
Thematical and alphabetical online glossary of the technical terms in the Greek medical papyri, connected to the Online Corpus of Greek Medical Papyri. The glossary is built within the framework of the project ERC-AdG-2013-DIGMEDTEXT (Principal Investigator: Prof. Isabella Andorlini), Grant Agreement No. 339828, funded by the European Research Council and held at the University of Parma

International Digital Epigraphy Association Annual Meeting


The following notice appeared shortly before the winter break. Please direct inquiries to the IDEA leadership team.

IDEA Annual Meeting

What is the Future of Digital Epigraphy?

The annual meeting of IDEA – International Digital Epigraphy association will be held on January 21st, 2019 in Rome, at the Aula Teleconferenze in the Vetrerie Sciarra – Università “La Sapienza”.


10.30 – Silvia Orlandi, “Future perspectives of IDEA”

11.00 – Giulia Sarullo, “Report on the Zadar epigraphy.info workshop”

11.30 – Claudio Prandoni and Franco Zoppi, “Technical report on the maintenance
activities of the portal”

12.00 – IDEA General Assembly

13.30 – Lunch

15.00 – Visit of the cloister of San Lorenzo fuori le mura

The participation fee is 100 € (75 € for AIEGL members) and will include the annual IDEA membership fee.

Those who will not be able to be present can participate to the event via Skype (in this case, please contact Giulia Sarullo).

The post International Digital Epigraphy Association Annual Meeting appeared first on Current Epigraphy.

Open Access Journals: Τεκμήρια

[First posted in AWOL 23 September 2009. Updated 11 January 2019]

ISSN: 1106-661x
Online ISSN:1791-7573
Τα Τεκμήρια δημοσιεύουν επιστημονικά άρθρα από το ευρύτερο γνωστικό πεδίο της αρχαιογνωσίας, με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην αρχαία ιστορία, την επιγραφική, τη νομισματική, την τοπογραφία και την ιστορική γεωγραφία, καθώς και στη δημοσίευση, αναδημοσίευση ή αξιοποίηση επιγραφικών και νομισματικών τεκμηρίων. Όλες οι υποβαλλόμενες εργασίες, που εμπίπτουν στο πεδίο ενδιαφερόντων του περιοδικού, εξετάζονται υπό τον όρο ότι είναι πρωτότυπες και έχουν αποσταλεί προς δημοσίευση μόνο στα Τεκμήρια. Προς το παρόν, τα Τεκμήρια δεν δημοσιεύουν μεμονωμένες βιβλιοκρισίες. Οι γλώσσες δημοσίευσης είναι η ελληνική, αγγλική, γαλλική, γερμανική και ιταλική.

The journal Tekmeria publishes scholarly articles pertaining to the study of the ancient world, with particular emphasis on Ancient Greek history, epigraphy, numismatics, topography and historical geography, and especially on the publication, republication or exploitation of epigraphic and numismatic materials. All submitted articles that are relevant to the thematic areas covered by the journal are considered by the editorial board, provided they are original and have only been sent to Tekmeria for publication.
Vol 14: (2017-2018)
Table of Contents


Takuji Abe
Tolga Özhan
Ilias Sverkos
Georgia Galani

Volume: 13

Volume: 12

Volume: 11

Landscape and environmental changes at Memphis during the dynastic period in Egypt

Landscape and environmental changes at Memphis during the dynastic period in Egypt
Lourenço Gonçalves, P. M. (2019). Landscape and environmental changes at Memphis during the dynastic period in Egypt (Doctoral thesis). https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.35048
Memphis is considered to have been the main metropolis of dynastic Egypt. For more than 3000 years the settlement played a primary role in political, economic and cultural life of the state, functioning as capital for long periods. Nonetheless, little is known about the setting and archaeology of the city itself, even when compared to other Egyptian settlements. This work investigates the context and archaeology of Memphis, recognising distinctive development phases, and examines potential reasons for historical changes. Sedimentary records of 77 boreholes taken in the area of Mit Rahina are analysed to detect palaeoenvironmental conditions and palaeo-landscape features. Their interpretation is sustained by a multidisciplinary approach drawing together prior archaeological, historical and geomorphological studies. A model reflecting the transformations of Memphis is formulated and multi-scale landscape and environmental changes in the Memphite region over the last 5000 years are established. According to this new model, a settlement was founded during the Early Dynastic Period on a complex of sandbanks which were separated and surrounded by three branches of the Nile. After its foundation and during the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom, the city grew on the western cluster of sandbanks while the West Channel was losing flow. During the First Intermediate Period and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom extreme floods significantly affected the settlement. It recovered during the Middle Kingdom when large-scale landscape management initiatives and strong interventions on the margins of the Central Channel were undertaken. By the New Kingdom, the Middle Birka was already dry land, mainly as a result of human intervention. The East Channel became the only active branch of the Nile serving the city and the Eastern Koms were intensively settled. In the Late Period the city had expanded to the Northern Koms and the North Birka silted up. During the Ptolemaic Period, the city reached its maximum extension, despite important changes in its status and social-economic background. Subsequently, the importance of the city declined with the end of the dynastic state, while the East Channel started to migrate slowly eastward. The city decayed and was abandoned after a few centuries. Some landscape and environmental changes are positively associated both with urban mutation and with different social, economic and political phases of Memphis’ history. Human interventions actively induced the evolution of both landscape and local environment. Events at the supra-regional level, both natural and especially anthropic, also had impact and are linked to changes at Memphis. Conversely, contingencies restricted to the Memphite region influenced the development of the state. Local situations at Memphis—e.g., crisis, disaster, conflict, prosperity, or affluence—could be magnified to the extent that they have been perceived as having affected the state as a whole. The foundation and development of Memphis were tightly interconnected with the fortunes of state and power. The city embodied the cultural and political identity of the state and maintained its prominence through dynastic Egyptian history. Triangular complex cause–effect relations between local changes in Memphis, historical change in Egypt, and climatic and environmental evolution both at regional and supra-regional scales are recognised. The significance of each varied with time, determining the evolution of Memphis and also of dynastic Egypt.
Landscape changes, Environmental changes, Memphis, Egypt, Nile, Archaeology, Geoarchaeology
This PhD was supported by the Portuguese FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (grant ref. SFRH/BD/70177/2010) and financed by the program POPH – Programa Operacional Potencial Humano and by the ESF (European Social Fund).

B. Delignon, La morale de l'amour dans les Odes d'Horace. Poésie, philosophie et politique.



Bénédicte Delignon, La morale de l'amour dans les Odes d'Horace. Poésie, philosophie et politique., Paris, 2018.

Éditeur : Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne
Collection : Rome et ses renaissances
392 pages
ISBN : 979-10-231-0576-6
25 €

Dans les odes érotiques, Horace conjugue exaltation de la passion et morale de l'amour : il chante la puissance et les beautés du désir, mais n'en invite pas moins les jeunes filles à se marier, les matrones à être fidèles, les jeunes gens à se contrôler et les vieilles femmes à renoncer à l'amour. Il rompt ainsi avec la tradition qui le précède, de Sappho aux élégiaques latins en passant par Anacréon, Alcée ou Catulle. Pour comprendre cette intrusion de la morale dans le domaine érotique, il faut tenir compte de tout ce qui fonde la lyrique horatienne : l'ambition de devenir une voix de la cité, la nécessité de dire son adhésion au nouveau régime, mais aussi l'intérêt pour la philosophie, y compris l'Académie, dont on sous-évalue l'importance dans son œuvre. Les enjeux moraux sont cependant indissociables des choix poétiques. C'est en poète qu'Horace se fait philosophe, jouant sur la coïncidence de certains motifs proprement lyriques avec une morale d'origine philosophique. C'est également en poète qu'il réconcilie l'exaltation de la passion et la morale, grâce à un jeu sur les genres, les formes et leur pragmatique. Cet ouvrage éclaire la manière dont se tissent, dans les Odes, l'inspiration érotique, le substrat philosophique, le contexte politique et les choix poétiques de celui qui se regarde comme l'inventeur de la lyrique latine.


Source : Sorbonne Université Presses

2019.01.12: Le relazioni diplomatiche di Roma. Volume VII. Problemi e contraccolpi della grande espansione egemonica (188 - 183 a.C.). Prassi diplomatiche dello imperialismo romano, 3

Review of Filippo Canali de Rossi, Le relazioni diplomatiche di Roma. Volume VII. Problemi e contraccolpi della grande espansione egemonica (188 - 183 a.C.). Prassi diplomatiche dello imperialismo romano, 3. Roma: 2017. Pp. ix, 147. €30.00 (pb). ISBN 9788866871262.

2019.01.13: The Epigrams of Crinagoras of Mytilene: Introduction, Text, Commentary

Review of Maria Ypsilanti, The Epigrams of Crinagoras of Mytilene: Introduction, Text, Commentary. Oxford; New York: 2018. Pp. xi, 578. $130.00. ISBN 9780199565825.

2019.01.14: Space, Time and Language in Plutarch. Millennium-Studien, 67

Review of Aristoula Georgiadou, Katerina Oikonomopoulou, Space, Time and Language in Plutarch. Millennium-Studien, 67. Berlin; Boston: 2017. Pp. xiv, 382. €109,95. ISBN 9783110537710.

2019.01.15: A Guide to Reading Herodotus’ 'Histories'

Review of Sean Sheehan, A Guide to Reading Herodotus’ 'Histories'. London; New York: 2018. Pp. xii, 316. $29.95 (pb). ISBN 9781474292665.


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Compendium of James Ossuary essays in B&I

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What I Share Where

I’ve developed a rhythm to my sharing of items of interest on social media. That includes, but is not at all limited to, my posts on this blog. I am on Facebook (where I have a page for my blog that you can find by searching for ReligionProf) and on Twitter (also as ReligionProf), as […]

Aramaic Studies on linguistic diversity

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Another Knoppers memorial

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La rappresentazione del divino nel teatro antico

Titre: La rappresentazione del divino nel teatro antico
Lieu: Palazzo Greco / Syracuse
Catégorie: Colloques, journées d'études
Date: 31.01.2019 - 02.02.2019
Heure: 17.00 h - 18.30 h

Information signalée par Caterina Mordeglia

La rappresentazione del divino nel teatro antico

The representation of the divine in the ancient theatre

Congresso internazionale Istituto nazionale del dramma antico (Inda) – Rivista Dioniso

31 gennaio - 2 febbraio 2019
Salone Amorelli – Palazzo Greco, Siracusa

Giovedì 31 Gennaio - Ore 15.00

Saluti istituzionali

Francesco Italia, Presidente Fondazione INDA, Sindaco Città di Siracusa

Maria Rita Sgarlata, Consigliere Delegato, Fondazione INDA

Antonio Calbi, Sovrintendente Fondazione INDA

Prima sessione

Presidente: Margherita Rubino (UNiversità di Genova/Componente C.d.A. Fondazione INDA)


Luciano Violante (Presidente emerito della Camera dei Deputati) – Oreste di Euripide: La giustizia degli uomini, la giustizia degli dei

Richard Seaford (University of Exeter) – Redefining Deity in Athenian Tragedy

Guido Paduano (Università di Pisa) – Sofocle pio?

Luigi Battezzato (Università del Piemonte Orientale) – Antigone e gli dei


Maria Serena Mirto (Università di Pisa)

Venerdì 1 Febbraio - Ore 9.00

Presidente: Gianna Petrone (Università di Palermo)


Angus Bowie (Queen's College, Oxford) – How ‘sacred' are the lyrics of Aristophanes?

Francesco Morosi (Scuola Normale Superiore) – L'anima buona dell'Attica: una teodicea economica nel Pluto

Anton Bierl (Universität Basel) – A New God and his Representation on Stage: Religion, Ritual, and Myth in Aristophanes' Wealth

Thomas K. Hubbard (University of Texas, Austin) – The Sacrileges of 415 and the Gods of Comedy


Elena Fabbro (Università di Udine)

Sabato 2 Febbraio - Ore 9.00

Presidente: Guido Paduano (Università di Pisa)


Marta Cartabia (Vice-Presidente della Corte Costituzionale) – Giustizia divina nelle Eumenidi

Alexander Garvie (University of Glasgow) – To what extent does the presentation of the gods in Greek tragedy reflect the real-life experience of the audience?

Maria Pia Pattoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) – L'oracolo di Apollo nelle tragedie attiche sul mito di Oreste

Giancarlo Mazzoli (Università di Pavia) – Fecimus caelum nocens. Declinazioni ironiche del divino nel teatro senecano


Alessandro Grilli (Università di Pisa)

SEGRETERIA ORGANIZZATIVA: Fondazione INDA – 0931.4872480931 48 72 48

DIREZIONE SCIENTIFICA: Comitato di Redazione di «Dioniso. Rivista di studi sul teatro antico»

Lieu de la manifestation : SIRACUSA (CT), Italia
Organisation : Istituto Nazionale per il Dramma Antico (INDA) - Rivista Dioniso
Contact : INDA - Elena Servito, elena.servito[at]indafondazione.org

Huge Shortfall in Ability to Cope with Huge Increase in Numbers of Detector Using Artefact Hunters in England


The private collection of decontextualised archaeological artefacts is becoming increasingly popular in the British Isles due to the positive publicity it is getting (and lack of proper public information about its effects) on the watch of the Portable Antiquities Scheme. Treasure hunter John Howland on his "Detecting and Collecting”, blog a go-to place for a detectorists' point of view, is jubilant that a recent DCMS study showed that 1.5 per cent of adults in England had taken part in metal detecting in the last year, without realising the scale of irresponsible artefact hunting that reveals. The figures speak for themselves 1.5% of the current adult population of England is 674 700  people. Nearly seven hundred thousand people (!). The PAS has a capacity to deal with the finds made by just several thousand people. The shortfall is several hundred thousand. That means that if those sorts of numbers of detector users are pocketing archaeological mataerial with no public accountability, without reporting it there are potentially several hundred thousand irresponsible detectorists out there raiding the archaeological record for personal entertainment and profit, and compartively only a much smaller quantity that can have a claim to be 'responsible' in some small way.

Surely, even the most diehard supporter of collecting must admit that this situation cannot go on, either we need to invest much more in the PAS 'mitigating' system to increase its capacity by an order of magnitude commensurate with the scale of the removal of artefacts from the archaeological record by artefact hunters - or we need to place curbs on the activity itself to reduce the clandestine destruction. 

Who Are These People? US Government Shutdown and Within Days Archaeological Looting Begins There

Wari ceremonial offerings from Pikillaqta presented in Cusco

Culture Minister Rogers Valencia presented an important discovery of a Wari ceremonial offering which consisted of 6 small idols, 24 silver figures of female warriors, 3 anthropomorphic figures, and 107 pieces representing parts of human bodies carved in spondylus shells, among other artifacts. Credit: DDC Cusco"This is an extraordinary discovery by our researchers as it allows us to explore new aspects of Wari culture and reveals the...

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