Enter the Dionysiac: Conscious inversion or basic misrepresentation? The case of Fallout’s Poseidon Energy.

Enter the Dionysiac: Conscious inversion or basic misrepresentation? The case of Fallout’s Poseidon Energy.
adjective: gravis , grave => heavy, serious bit.ly/IKAclf #Latin #Vocab #LatinVocab—
(@LatinVocab) October 22, 2012
vir: man: noun. Example sentence:Fortuna viros magnos amat.Translation:Fortune loves great men. bit.ly/RlMEZn—
Latin Language (@latinlanguage) October 22, 2012
… sorry … forgot to post them yesterday:
The two Americans quickly confessed their guilt, while Mrs Dunlop maintained the coins were simply a gift from an unnamed Macedonian citizen. Although Macedonians are famous for their hospitality, there are hardly any Macedonians who give up national treasures worth in the millions as a "gift". The Macedonian Government, as any other country is very strict when it comes to [...] artefacts, particularly after becoming aware of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of antiquities being smuggled out of the country in the 1990's. Most of the artefacts are believed to be sold on the black market and are in private collections in the US and England.Mrs Dunlap is awaiting judgement on Wednesday. The newspaper suggests that if she does not come up with the name of who "gave her the coins, she may stay in Macedonia for an extended period". There is another report (Мајa Jovanovska: 'Шверцерка или хуманитарка - Кенди Данлап плачеше пред судиите', Канал 5 ТV, 19.10.2012) with a TV reportage which includes a film of the anxious lady herself and the coins, two pots and other antiquities.
An Alabama nurse who was on a humanitarian mission in Macedonia is now awaiting a judge's ruling after she was arrested and tried for allegedly stealing rare coins. Candi Dunlap, of Meridian, Ala., was arrested on Sept. 28 at Macedonia's airport after the coins were found in her carry-on luggage, the Clarion Ledger reported. The judge had been expected to rule Friday but delayed her decision until next Wednesday. Others on the mission trip with Dunlap insisted she was given the coins as a thank you from a Macedonian and that she had no idea they were not to be taken from the country.Duh. So American voluntary workers think that when you go to other countries you do not have to learn about the ways their laws differ from those of your own? I wonder whether if the Macedonian had given her a chunk of smoked home-made mountain goat's cheese, or cured meat, or some cuttings of the begonias on his balcony Mrs Dunlap would know she could not take them into the US? Her country has customs regulations too, did she trouble to find out what they were? There is a Facebook page for her and an appeal to President Obama (which is ironic if you see what she wrote about him a couple of years back on her own Facebook page).
Peter James, MD of Cintec International, has worked on projects around the globe, strengthening and restoring historically significant structures from Windsor Castle to the parliament buildings in Canada. After fourteen years working on Egypt’s historic buildings, temples and most recently, the Step Pyramid, he draws on his experience to dispel some of the more common theories surrounding Egypt’s ‘collapsing’ pyramids. Peter goes on to suggest that the gradual crumbling of the pyramids’ outer casings as the structures became unsound may have been the trigger behind moving Pharaohs’ burials from the pyramids to the Valley of the Kings.
By Peter James
My first introduction to working in Egypt was a project in Cairo’s historic old quarter, following the 1992 earthquake that caused widespread and devastating damage. Cintec International won the contract to repair and reinforce a number of badly affected structures, with work commencing in 1998.
The project consisted of some 15 notable mosques and maqaads, successfully strengthened using Cintec’s patented anchoring systems. Most of the essential work was completed by early 2005, with ongoing localised repairs still being undertaken as and when required.
Following the success of the project in the old quarter, Cintec was requested to provide internal reinforcement to the Temple of Hibis in the El-Kharga Oasis, 700 kilometres due south of Cairo. Construction on the Temple began in 672 BC, with additions and improvements made by various Pharaohs until 68 AD. Due to poor soil conditions, the temple had differential settlement problems. This was unusual for pharaonic structures, as the Egyptians had by this time been building very large constructions for many centuries without any foundation problems.
Work on the temple needed to solve two main problems. One was to isolate the structure from the existing water table, a project undertaken very efficiently by Arab Contractors and the Antiquity Consultants. Secondly, having successfully isolated the structure from the prevailing water, the temple needed to be secured internally without any intervention being visible. This was a particularly difficult operation, due to the extensive wall paintings and hieroglyphic carvings on both internal and external walls. Innovative diamond drilling and reinforcing techniques, developed and patented by Cintec, were required to solve these problems, and were successfully implemented with no damage to the splendour and history of the monument.
Immediately after this Cintec took on its first pyramid restoration project, strengthening parts of the connecting corridors of the Red Pyramid’s burial chamber. The Red Pyramid is the third-largest of Egypt’s pyramids, and was the first “true” pyramid built by Pharaoh Sneferu. Sneferu had built two previous pyramids, but these were not of a true triangular shape, and for structural reasons were not chosen by the Pharaoh as his final resting place.
The work on the Red Pyramid was confined to strengthening the granite slabs immediately above the burial chamber’s corridor.
Cintec’s next project, the Step Pyramid, required careful planning and execution due to the very dangerous condition of the burial chamber ceiling. Again due to the 1992 earthquake, a large portion of the burial chamber ceiling had collapsed, depositing many tons of stone on to the base of the shaft 29 metres below. The resultant dome-shaped void exposed a ragged hanging inverted group of large and small stones, set in mud, measuring 8 metres by 8 metres. This was liable to collapse at any time.
The problem was that standard solid propping of the ceiling using scaffolding could not be used, due to the haphazard interlocking of the fallen stones. Any upward point loading on a key locking stone could be the mechanism to release another 50 tons of stone on to an unsuspecting technician. However, Cintec had another product available that could be used to support the ceiling: water-filled blast mitigation devices known as WaterWall. The internally-reinforced PVC product can be inflated with air and then filled with water, and was originally developed by Cintec to produce shapes that are able to suppress improvised explosive devices. It was this product that was used to support the inverted dome of stone.
As the WaterWall air bags are made to expand to specific dimensions, Cintec were able to design and fit the units in strategic positions around the chamber, to merely kiss the hanging stones without any upward thrust. The temporary support of the ceiling has now been finished, with the final pointing, grouting and anchoring processes approximately half way to completion.
It was on one of my visits to the Step Pyramid that I was asked my opinion on securing the remaining outer cladding of the Bent Pyramid, another construction by Pharaoh Sneferu, located 40 kilometres south of Cairo.
Before any structural restoration work is reconsidered, the exact nature of the pyramid’s defects must be established, so that the correct intervention can be carried out. From a visual inspection, the structure shows distress along all the extremities. What are the clues? The pyramid does not appear to have any foundation movement. All the missing cladding appears at interfaces or change of direction at the angles and between the ground and the cladding.
A popular theory is that the missing cladding was removed by local opportunist thieves. At the lowest levels that could be the answer, but at high level and in such random manner, with no sign of indentations of temporary scaffolding or of any symmetrical cutting of the blocks to aid removal, it does not seem likely or possible. It would have been extremely dangerous work. To dismantle a structure you normally need as much scaffolding as you would to build it, and opportunist thieves would hardly have sufficient resources. Indeed, if they merely wanted rough stones they could have found them in the hills adjacent to the centre of Cairo, without the trouble of removing and transporting them 30 miles out of town. The damage here appears to be caused by a giant whose hand has swept across the face of the pyramid with enormous energy, sucking out the facing leaving the ragged empty sockets.
In the case of the Bent Pyramid, and I believe in the case of all pyramids, the outer casing has been affected by thermal movement.
Fortunately, the Bent Pyramid is the only pyramid with any degree of stone casing still attached, making the mechanism of failure apparent. The failure of all the perimeter edges show that the outer casing has expanded from the centre outwards, and movement has taken place on all of the extremities.
During the day the temperature rises to 40 degrees across the face of the outer casing, then at night cools to 3 degrees because of the lack of cover and exposure to the prevailing winds. This gives on average a temperature fluctuation of 37 degrees. Obviously, this varies through the seasons, but to illustrate my point I will build these into the following calculations.
The photographs of the Bent Pyramid (see below), show how thermal expansion has caused the blocks to move to the edges, where they have detached. It also shows how individual stones, unsupported, can cantilever and snap off and subsequently fall to the ground.
Limestone has a coefficient of thermal expansion of 8 x 10 ⁻⁶, proportional to the change of temperature and to the original dimensions. Many natural stones, including limestone, retain a minute proportion of the expansion when they cool down and do not return to their original size.
Let us work on the calculation that of 8 x 10 ⁻⁶ x (40-3) x 100m run = 0.0296m of movement per 100 metres run in all directions. However, this is also dependant on the size of the gaps between each stone. All movement from the thermal expansion of the casing would be taken up initially in the joints, but significantly the limestone does not go back to its original position. The expansion would create dust and stone particles that would detach from the stones, filling the voids and gaps between them. This would reduce the amount of contraction possible at night, in addition to the stones’ natural propensity not to return to their original dimensions and position, and so the cycle would start again. Multiply this endless movement by the number of days the pyramid has been erected and you have the reason why all the outer casing has moved to the extremities, where it has buckled or displaced against blocks moving in the opposite direction, and then fallen off. It may then have been picked up by opportunists and removed from the site. I believe that this process is the mechanism of failure on this and all the other pyramids.
I have read that the original dimensions recorded by Flinders Petrie were inaccurate, and that the dimension taken in 2004 was larger by a small degree. This is what I would expect of a structure that is still moving and increasing in size. Furthermore, the convex shape of the pyramid’s outer casing could be caused by the stones arching between fixed points. The transit of the sun across the region will vary over the seasons, heating one side more than another, giving rise to disproportionate movement particularly at the extremities.
Another important question to consider is this: why does the Bent Pyramid still have half of its outer casing attached, when the Red Pyramid and the Great Pyramids at Giza plateau have virtually none? I believe this was due to the increased skills of the craftsmen, who developed more knowledge and precision as the process of pyramid construction developed. They became able to provide better accuracy, build quality and jointing of the slabs. Probably, the Bent Pyramid was built with less care and with more voids between the stones that acted like expansion joints. The casing blocks being included inwards at the base of the pyramid may have limited the expansion.
Finally, could the sight of the progressive damage to the outer edges of the pyramids – that would have taken place relatively soon after their construction – be the reason that having spent so much time and energy constructing these wonderful monuments the Egyptians changed their burial method to the Valley of the Kings?
Source: Cintec
BBC interview with Peter James
In the 1950s, the famous Danish archaeologist Jørgen Meldgaard (1927-2007) made a mysterious discovery in northeastern Canada:
A small, headless bear figurine, carved from walrus tusk ivory, lying against the back wall of a stone fireplace in an old settlement. The bear had been deliberately positioned that made it look as though it was ‘diving’ into the fireplace.
As this was just one out of a long series of discoveries that Meldgaard made during his field trips to the Igloolik region of Arctic Canada and Greenland in the 1950s and 1960s, the significance was not understood until now.
The Danish National Museum recently gained access to Meldgaard’s surviving diaries, records and photos and during examination of the material this small bear figurine came to light and could be an important key to understanding how people viewed the relationship between animals and humans more than a millennium ago.
”The figurine provides us with information about some previously unknown 1,000-year-old rituals, which suggest that the Pre-Inuit, also known as the Dorset people, imagined that humans were related to certain animals in a way that’s very far from what we would imagine in today’s Western world,” says Ulla Odgaard, a senior researcher at the National Museum.
She adds, “Humans were not superior to animals; rather, it was a symbiotic co-existence. Bears and other animals functioned as mediators between mankind and the world of spirits.”
Further figurines were identified and their close association with what may be a gateway to the spirit world, the fireplace, was recognised. The question was raised, what does this mean about the beliefs of the now long vanished culture. The researchers from the museum were keen to explore this fascinating trail.
Who Is the Greek God of Death? originally appeared on About.com Ancient / Classical History on Monday, October 22nd, 2012 at 09:45:21.
A story in Science last week reported new findings from Lake Suigetsu in Japan, that promise to allow a better refinement of the radiocarbon dating method.
This springs Dumbarton Oaks Spring Symposium is titled Byzantine Survey Archaeology: Reflections and Approaches. The symposium will feature speakers covering a range of topics central to discussions about intensive pedestrian survey archaeology in a Byzantine context. My paper is among the last of the symposium and in a session called “Reading the Data/Reading the Future”.
I need to have abstract for my talk which is tentative titled “Looking across Chronological Boundaries”. The goal of the talk will be to bring together some of my work (largely with Tim Gregory and David Pettegrew) that explores post-Byzantine archaeological sites and consider how what we’ve learned in this work can inform out study of Byzantine sites in a survey context.
Readers of this blog are familiar with my work at the early modern site of Lakka Skoutara in the Eastern Corinthia. Here’s a link to our most recent paper.
You may be less familiar with some of my work with David Pettegrew and Tim Gregory in 2001 on the island of Kythera where we collected surface data from around a series of still standing Byzantine churches. The results told us little about the landscape around these churches during the Byzantine period, but shed some significant light on formation processes around these occasionally used monuments in the Greek countryside. Like our work around the deteriorating houses in Lakka Skoutara, our work around these churches revealed a countryside that was in constant transformation.
The evidence for the constant transformation of the landscape pushes us to see even the surface record as the product of a series of complex formation processes rather than a palimpsest awaiting our careful gaze to produce a complete but occluded text. The remains in the countryside preserve a complex record of processes.
Many Latin verbs display flexibility of case use. For instance, the following verbs will take either (a) accusative Person + dative Gift; or (b) dative Person + ablative Gift.
The Essential AG: 364
The Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints digital collection includes indexes to journal articles, books chapters, and portions of larger works. Generally printed at the same time as the book or journal, offprints are printed for the author's use. The indexes from the Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints offer a comprehensive look at the articles and book chapters in the collection. Topics covered include Arabic literature, Islamic philosophy, Arab medicine, and Muslim scholarship.The offprints were originally collected by Paul Kraus, an Arabist born in Prauge in 1904. Kraus was educated in Europe and spent several years in Cairo and the Middle East before his death in 1944. The collected offprints feature scholarship authored by German opthamologist, author, medical historian Max Meyerhof. Dr. Max, as he was referred to by patients, was born in 1874 and died in 1945 in Cairo where he helped establish medical care in Egypt.The indexes to the Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints Collection were compiled sometime during the time ranging from the 1960s to the 1980s. During this time, the collection would have been held by Special Services in the Library or in the Creswell Library, precursors to the Rare Books and Special Collections Library. The indexes of the Kraus-Meyerhof Offprints were digitized and described by the Rare Books and Special Collections Library in October 2012.